Sword Emperor

Chapter 217 Animal Hide Scroll

Immediately, Sun Bing couldn't help but scan around the cave. He had a panoramic view of the huge stone chamber. Sun Bing could only detect a stone door not far away, and then there was nothing else. On the contrary, it was quite large. desolate.

Just when Sun Bing was filled with doubts, he suddenly noticed a sound coming from behind him. He couldn't help but immediately turned his head to look, and found that the stone door that was originally open had been slowly closed.

It could be said that it was the last time for Sun Bing to turn around. He could only hear a "click", and even the last crack disappeared without a trace. In an instant, the entire cave became dark.

However, there was not much panic on Sun Bing's face at this moment, and he was still facing it calmly. Although the surrounding stone walls were quite hard, even a treasure weapon could not break a hole through them, but don't forget, Sun Bing also has the spiritual weapon Shadow Bearing Sword in his sword box.

Even if the stone gate has been completely closed, relying on the Shadow Bearing Sword, it should still be able to split the opponent open, but it will take a long time, and there will be no other dangers.

What we need to worry about now is, will anything happen in this small stone room? Especially the second stone gate not far away made Sun Bing even more confused. He could only look around vigilantly.

But just after the stone gate was closed, Sun Bing had already discovered that at some time, a small hidden grid suddenly appeared on the mountain wall, and the sound was quite small, as if

It was as if the Buddha already existed somewhere. If it weren't for Sun Bing's amazing insight, he would never have been able to detect it.

This can be said to be the only breakthrough in the entire stone chamber. Sun Bing didn't have much fear in his heart. After all, his strength was not low at this moment. He immediately walked slowly forward and saw that there was something in the hidden compartment. An ancient animal skin scroll.

"It seems that this should be the biggest secret in the stone chamber, but I don't know what is contained in it?" Sun Bing couldn't help but secretly said, but the movement of his hand was not slow at all, and he directly put the sheepskin scroll away. In the bag.

The feel of this sheepskin scroll is quite good and very delicate. Through the simple color, it can be seen that the other side has experienced many changes over the years. It has been far more than hundreds of years. It has even been established in the Golden Light Sword Sect. It has existed before and is extremely precious.

But Sun Bing didn't find out what kind of monster skin it was made of. After so many years, it didn't change at all, and there was still a faint pressure coming out. It was obvious that it was made of. He also had extraordinary strength during his lifetime.

Just an animal skin scroll is so precious, so the content on it is naturally even more amazing. Moreover, this animal skin scroll is actually hidden in such a stone chamber. It reminds me of a series of things I encountered before. Danger, Sun Bing could not help but feel ripples in his heart. , immediately couldn't help but conduct a careful investigation immediately.

But suddenly, you can

It was enough to see a surprise smile on Sun Bing's face, and he even laughed out loud. He was as excited as he was when he knew that he could break through, because there were ancient words on the animal skin scroll.

However, this did not dispel the shock in Sun Bing's eyes at all, because when he knew that he could not practice, he was well-read. Even those ancient texts had been carefully studied, so he could fully understand them. the meaning expressed.

It is for this reason that Sun Bing is so excited at this moment, because the two words at the top of the parchment scroll are clearly "Sword Intention", and the content is also how to successfully practice Sword Intent. For Sun Bing at this moment It can be said to be a timely rain.

You must know that only if you have sword intention, you can be considered a swordsman. Even though Sun Bing is already so powerful at this moment, he is still not a real swordsman. And after possessing sword intention, Sun Bing's strength You can also get a huge improvement.

If others had obtained this parchment, they might not regard it as a treasure. After all, they were really far away from the sword intention, but at this moment, Sun Bing was only just one step away.

Although it is said that even if you don't get this parchment, you can successfully understand the meaning of the sword after time polishing it, but that is usually months or even years later, which is an extremely long time.

I believe that after this guidance, Sun Bing will be able to break through the bottleneck.

Neck, directly comprehend the meaning of the sword. If that is the case, even if he faces a monk at the ninth level of Qi training, and with the assistance of the Shadow Bearing Sword, Sun Bing will even be able to fight.

It is precisely for this reason that at this moment, Sun Bing could almost say that there was no delay at all, and he immediately began to explore the contents of the animal skin scroll. After all, this was what he had always wanted.

However, although you can casually understand the text in it, it is still quite difficult. After all, it has a history of hundreds of years, so you need to carefully study every word, not to mention that the sword's meaning needs to be understood. Something, every word seems to contain incomparable mystery.

As time went by, the light in Sun Bing's eyes couldn't help but get brighter and brighter. As he understood more and more of the contents, he couldn't help but feel more and more surprised. This can be seen from his obvious smile. Discover.

At the same time, Sun Bing also understood that this animal skin scroll was really like waste for ordinary people, because this animal skin was very precious. It was made of the skin of a kind of animal called void beast. Its quantity was quite rare, but the animal skin contained a lot of magical effects.

For example, even if ordinary people could read the words in this animal skin scroll, if they did not have a deep understanding of swordsmanship, they would definitely not be able to read the mystery in it.

Because the content behind it can only be understood after the basic swordsmanship reaches transcendence. Otherwise, all you see is

a bunch of useless symbols.

Therefore, if this kind of animal skin is used to make a scroll of skills, it can be said to have a great magical effect. Even if others want to steal it, it is quite difficult. However, because it is too precious, only those very advanced secret books will use this kind of animal skin to make it, not afraid of the passage of time, and also not afraid of others stealing it.

The sword intent is the lifelong pursuit of every swordsman. Some people who are born extraordinary may be able to comprehend it early and thus exert their absolute strength. There are also many people with ordinary talents who find it difficult to comprehend the sword intent throughout their lives. Therefore, it is naturally called the supreme secret book, so it can be placed here, even the earth-level skills cannot compare.

After reading it through, Sun Bing also understood the content and knew how to successfully use the sword intent of the spiritual object, that is, to fully unfold the sword power of the whole body and infuse it into the sword pool in front of him, which contains a full thirty-six treasure-level long swords and three hundred and sixty-five magic-level long swords.

Through the infection of Sun Bing's sword power, he can emit his own sharpness, and finally emit the sword intent in others under heavy pressure. It can really be said that if he fails to comprehend the sword intent, he can only completely fall under hundreds of long swords, even his own sword will enter the sword pool.

In this way, although many people can successfully comprehend the sword's meaning, there are even more people who can only completely perish in the end, which is really extremely dangerous.

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