Sword Emperor

Chapter 2210 Happy Cooperation

After hearing these words, Sun Bing's face was filled with a bitter smile. He did not expect that Kong Ming and others would directly misunderstand what he meant.

But then, he couldn't help but explain immediately: "I think you may have misunderstood me. I personally don't have much dislike for your three major ethnic groups, and this heart of the world will not be satisfied until you satisfy me." After meeting the conditions, I can hand it over to you.

However, your most important problem at this time is how to deal with the questions from the Tao, God and Immortal tribes. "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Kong Ming and others suddenly became serious, and then Sun Bing continued to speak: "I think you should know my strength. If you want to leave, you can leave directly now, even if you are a half-emperor, I won't be able to be found for a short time.

But you are completely different. You each have a huge ethnic group behind you. If I leave directly, even if these three parties know it, the final fault will not be yours.

However, this time, after all, three of their major groups, the most elite genius, have fallen, so you are likely to be angered. I wonder what will happen to your three major groups in the face of such behemoths? "

In fact, there was no need for Sun Bing to name names at this time. As Sun Bing's explanation deepened, the faces of Kong Ming and others became paler. It was obvious that they were aware of this.

Although the strength of the three major ethnic groups brought together is not

They are not considered weak. Ordinary wanderers would not dare to provoke them at all. Coupled with their racial talents, it can be said that they have a wide range of friends. In the sea of ​​ten thousand realms, they can be considered a not weak force.

But in the face of the Tao Clan, the God Clan and even the Immortal Clan, they are just like ants, and they can be destroyed easily. So what if the matter is related to what the three major ethnic groups did? A mere ant was killed casually.

When I think of that possibility, even though Kong Ming and others have reached the supreme peak, they still feel a kind of soul-trembling fear.

Finally, Kong Ming seemed to have thought of something. His eyes were filled with the last glimmer of light. He stared at Sun Bing and immediately asked:

"Brother Sun Bing, thank you for telling me. Since you pointed it out directly, there must be a way to deal with it. I don't know what Brother Dao thinks, what should we do?"

Immediately, Bing Ge and others couldn't help but look at Sun Bing. Although they didn't say anything, it could still be seen through the flickering eyes that their hearts were very uneasy at this time.

Seeing this, a faint smile appeared on Sun Bing's lips: "Facing such behemoths as the Tao clan, the God clan and even the immortal clan, what power can I, a mere bereaved dog, have to compete with them?"

In an instant, the faces of Kong Ming and others were filled with the will to die. Unexpectedly, their last hope had completely dissipated.

However, it is also

At this time, Sun Bing couldn't help but continue: "But there is one last way to preserve your race, but I don't know what price you are willing to pay."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Kong Ming and others were completely different. The three of them looked at each other, nodded incomprehensibly, and then stared at Sun Bing, and their words were a little hoarse. :

"As long as it allows our race to continue, no matter what the price, we are willing to pay. I hope Brother Dao can clear up my doubts."

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved. In fact, my solution is very simple, which is to migrate. The Sea of ​​All Realms is so wide, you three major families can completely leave this chaotic wormhole."

Suddenly, Sun Bing's expression relaxed and he directly expressed his thoughts.

It was just that these words were exaggerated, and Kong Ming and others looked very strange, and then their expressions were full of sadness: "Our three major ethnic groups here have been built for millions of years, how can one of them just leave? Besides, Even if we want to leave, there is no good place to go.

If this is the method, then it is better to stay where you are, what if the Tao clan and others do not take action? "

"You can rest assured on this. Now that I have said it, it is naturally a clear path." Sun Bing's expression did not change, and then continued:

"I think you have also seen the heart of the world in my hand, right? This is the world of Yunxia World

The most important thing is that it has not collapsed. If the method is right, it can gradually grow into a world.

So I hope that you can take your respective ethnic groups to the Chaos Star Territory, take this heart of the world, find the human race, and form alliances with each other. When the time comes, you will also be able to settle in this brand new world. "

After the words fell, Sun Bing's face lit up.

Ever since he entered the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, Sun Bing has been under a terrible pressure, because the strength of the Dao Clan, the God Clan, and the Immortal Clan are too terrifying. Besides, there are other hundreds of worlds, and even if they rely on him alone, In addition, the entire human race is far from a match.

But at this time, Sun Bing suddenly thought that the human race did not need to fight against such terrible forces alone. You must know that there are countless wanderers in the sea of ​​​​thousands of worlds who have enmity with the hundreds of worlds.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sun Bing is completely able to accept these people and fight against the Tao clan, the God clan and other behemoths together.

You must know that the number of wanderers is millions of times the number of people in the hundred worlds, and there are countless talented monks among them. However, they do not have a good environment, so they cannot break through.

Once there is a brand new world, the power unleashed by these talented monks will be far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and the Likong, Shenwu and Tiangong clan,

This is Sun Bing's first goal.

Especially the Shenwu clan is very important to Sun Bing, so he said these words.

At this time, the expressions of Kong Ming and others could not help but change continuously. They naturally knew the disadvantages of this, that is, they had to fight against behemoths such as the Tao Clan and the God Clan.

But they themselves have been confused for millions of years, and no matter how talented they are, they are still stuck in the supreme realm, so the temptation for them in that new world is unimaginable.

It is precisely because of this that they are so entangled. This is not a simple choice. If there is any accident, the regular ethnic group will be completely destroyed!

After a long silence, Kong Ming finally spoke slowly: "So, Brother Sun Bing, will you really give us the Heart of the World?"

"Haha, don't worry about this. Although I will arrange some means on it, I will still give it to you. However, only human monks can break my seal. If it is broken by force, I can’t guarantee what kind of accidents will happen in the Heart of the World.”

Sun Bing couldn't help laughing, because this meant that Kong Ming and others agreed with his method.

As expected, after receiving Sun Bing's affirmative answer, Kong Ming nodded slowly, and then whispered: "Then we will cooperate happily."

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