Sword Emperor

Chapter 2267: Still looking for advice

If we calculate it this way, we can understand why Sun Bing was unable to cut off the space before and other strange things.

For a moment, Sun Bing couldn't help but let out a long breath, and at the same time he admired Xu Emperor very much. He didn't expect that he was such a genius who could think of entering the shadow world to develop magical powers.

Faced with such weird magical moves, more than 99% of the monks in the world are simply unable to resist them. Even if they are more powerful, they are still difficult to resist.

It can even be said that even if he died in the end, he still didn't know how he died.

It can be said that even Sun Bing, without the last glimmer of aura, would have been hard-pressed to detect the essence of this. There should be very few people in the world who know this.

After all, this is the foundation for the entire Void Spirit clan to settle down and live. It’s okay if you don’t know this kind of magical power, and you can’t deal with it. But once you know it, its power will naturally be greatly reduced.

Immediately, Sun Bing's eyes were like lightning, and he looked directly at Xu Yunkun, with a sneer appearing on the corner of his mouth.

As for Xu Yunkun at this moment, when he was suddenly stared at by Sun Bing, there was a chill in his back, and he subconsciously stepped back and retreated.

But soon, Xu Yunkun became more and more angry. His eyes were filled with serious gazes, and he waved his hand.

, countless fist seal and giant palm techniques were directed towards Sun Bing to attack, each one could be called a half-emperor level move.

Under such terrifying divine power, even the Half-Emperor couldn't hold on for a moment, but a sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Bing's mouth: "Break it for me."

As the words fell, thousands of bright light pillars suddenly appeared behind Sun Bing. Each light pillar was a holy path mastered by Sun Bing. The bright light flickered, and there was endless Taoist charm pervading the air. spreading towards the surroundings.

"What? That's impossible."

Seeing this situation, Xu Yunkun's expression changed crazily, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Hearing this, Sun Bing's face was full of disdain: "Why is it impossible? It's just a shadow world. It's okay if you don't know. Since the ancestors already know it, it can be broken easily."

Ruo Shuo originally thought it was just a coincidence, but after hearing Sun Bing's words, Xu Yunkun's face turned pale for an instant.

You must know that throughout the ages, even among the other huge ethnic groups, there are very few monks who know the trump cards of their Void Spirit clan. This can be said to be the most important secret of their Void Spirit clan, but Sun Bing actually saw through it.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Xu Yunkun stared at Sun Bing with his eyes filled with the most terrifying murderous intent: "No matter what,

He, since you already know this secret, I won't leave you alone. "

"It's really ridiculous. You wanted to kill me in the first place, so why should I hold back? Besides, now is the time for me to fight back."

In the end, Sun Bing's words were so cold that even Xu Yunkun couldn't help but tremble.

You must know that after being beaten for such a long time, the anger in Sun Bing's heart was like a volcano. It was just that he could not cope with it at first, but now it has completely exploded.

Suddenly, Sun Bing's majestic aura spread towards the surroundings like a strong wind. The light of the three thousand and three holy paths became more and more brilliant, and even the prototype of a Dao tree could be faintly seen.

Under the endless inscriptions and such bright light, many fist seals and giant palms that were originally suspended in the void dissipated and disintegrated.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely bright sword light burst out, and the strong sword intent swept away. Coupled with the bright light, the entire shadow world could not help but distort.

As for Xu Yunkun at this moment, there had never been any time when he was so embarrassed, because under Sun Bing's sword light, he really sensed a fatal threat.

The whole person couldn't help but subconsciously retreat towards the back. At the same time, many moves in his hands broke out, and they kept moving towards the sword.

Mang attack.

But no matter how Xu Yunkun fled, the sword light followed closely behind him. Even after many attacks, its power did not decrease at all, and the aura it exuded was still extremely powerful.

And as the sword light streaked across the void, the surrounding space was directly distorted like a mirror, and in the end it seemed that it could no longer hold on, and only a faint clicking sound could be heard.

The black void immediately collapsed, and the bright light once again appeared in Sun Bing's eyes. Looking around, he could see Lang Xuan not far away.

It was obvious that Sun Bing had successfully escaped. When he raised his head, Xu Yunkun was standing not far away with a panicked expression. At this time, he could see signs of his frantic escape.

"Brother Sun, where did you just run to? Why did you disappear all of a sudden? There was no danger, right? It is said that the attack of the Void Spirit Clan was extremely strange."

After seeing Sun Bing, Lang Xuan couldn't help but ask immediately, her eyes filled with worry.

"Yes, the innate magical powers of the Void Spirit Clan are indeed worthy of praise, but I naturally have ways to deal with them."

Hearing this, Sun Bing smiled and looked directly at Xu Yunkun, not caring about his extremely ugly expression, and then slowly said:


Now that I have seen the magical powers of the Void Spirit Clan, you should also take a look at my moves next! "

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yunkun felt something was wrong in his heart. After all, everything that had happened before had proved that Sun Bing's strength was particularly terrifying, so he subconsciously wanted to escape.

However, before he left for a long time, he could hear a cold voice beside his ear:

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation"

Suddenly, Xu Yunkun seemed to be able to see a few flashes of light breaking through the sky, and then countless avenue rules were connected to each other. With the sword as the eye, the huge sword formation suddenly enveloped all directions.

When he came to his senses again, Xu Yunkun could find that he was already in an inexplicable void. The yin and yang around him were reversed, the five elements were reversed, everything was muddled and mysterious, and the only thing that made people afraid was the strong sense of crisis suspended in their hearts.

After scanning the surroundings, Xu Yunkun's face became more and more gloomy. Although he was not proficient in formations, he could see the extraordinaryness of this sword formation at this time. The divine power that was faintly diffused was even not inferior to the imperial formation.

Then, a vague voice seemed to come from outside the void: "I have gained some insights recently, so my control of the sword formation has reached a higher level. This is the Zhuxian Sword Formation. I hope you can give me some advice!"

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