Sword Emperor

Chapter 2423 Chaotic Situation

The first time he heard these words, Sun Bing had regained consciousness, and his face was full of solemnity. He looked directly at Lang Xuan and asked eagerly:

"What happened? That you are so cautious?"

Looking at Sun Bing in front of her, Lang Xuan didn't hide anything: "It's a long story. You should know that the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms is extremely huge and can be called boundless. But countless years ago, the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms was The area is larger than it is now.

At that time, there were countless worlds in the entire sea of ​​ten thousand realms, which could be called the heavens and all realms. As for the powerful ones, they were countless, including the supreme emperor. "

The first moment he heard the news, Sun Bing's eyes suddenly shrank, and his heart was even more shocked.

Because of the magnificent world described by Lang Xuan, Sun Bing even reversed time and experienced it himself.

At this moment, Lang Xuan did not notice the subtle changes in Sun Bing, and continued to speak: "But later, something happened in the world, and some crisis seemed to come, and the splendid civilization completely collapsed. .

As for the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms that we are familiar with today, it is only one billionth of what it once was.

In order to protect the Sea of ​​All Realms from being eroded, for such a long time, the emperors of the hundreds of ethnic groups have only stayed among the ethnic groups.

It's just a clone, but the real body has always been fighting against Chaos.

On that day, there were many accidents. In addition, Emperor Ziwei had already taken action against you, so the other emperors stopped moving. They tried their best to suppress the sudden accidents, and the power of the clones was completely withdrawn.

This is why your only opponent that day was Emperor Ziwei. "

Although these words were extremely euphemistic, Sun Bing could still hear the warning. If another great emperor appeared that day, Sun Bing would be dead.

Thinking of this, countless cold sweats broke out behind Sun Bing, but his eyes were still looking at Lang Xuan. It was obvious that there should be some other news.

As expected, Lang Xuan whispered again: "This time when I went back to get the World-Breaking Sky Boat, I learned from my father that because all the powerful men from the ancient era had appeared, the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms was almost It's expanding every moment.

Even though they had tried their best to stop it, they still could not withstand such terrifying power. Countless incomplete worlds merged into the Sea of ​​All Realms every day, and there were also countless monks among them. The accident began.

After realizing that he couldn't compete with that force at all, Emperor Zunzun also wanted to give up.

Within a period of time, the real body will return to its own ethnic group to cope with the subsequent great changes in the world.

During this time, if you expose any clues, it will definitely be very dangerous, so I hope Brother Sun can think twice before you act. "

After finishing her words, Lang Xuan's eyes fell directly on Sun Bing, her eyes filled with deep worry.

As for Sun Bing and Yan Yuan at this time, their hearts were full of wonder at this time, and they were all shocked by Lang Xuan's news.

It can be said that this is almost the deepest secret in the entire sea of ​​worlds. Very few people know about it, but Lang Xuan didn't hide anything, which is really touching.

But then, Sun Bing's brows furrowed tightly. After all, a clone of Emperor Ziwei let Sun Bing use all his cards, and the cross-domain space attack almost forced Sun Bing to die. If not Lang Xuan and others came to help, but they were already dead at this moment.

If there are other great emperors who take action, then Sun Bing will be in danger of death. This can almost be regarded as a dead end.

Even though Sun Bing racked his brains, he still couldn't think of any good way to deal with such a situation, and now he was even more worried.

In the end, Yan Yuan couldn't help but speak directly: "Okay, Brother Sun, you don't need to be so entangled. Although

Although this change has already begun, it definitely cannot happen too quickly. You just need to hide your identity for the time being.

Moreover, each ancient era will show its glory again, and there will also be countless powerful people appearing in them. At that time, even the powerful people in the imperial realm will still be restrained, so there is no need to worry too much. "

"Yes, that's exactly what happened. The main reason why my father and many seniors decided to come back in person to guard the clan was to fear the powerful men who once managed Yuan Zhong.

But before these powerful men appear, you must not appear in front of anyone, otherwise, your life will really be in danger. "

Lang Xuan nodded, obviously agreeing with Yan Yuan's words.

But even knowing this, Sun Bing was still quite entangled at this time, holding the last glimmer of hope and asked:

"Since they haven't come back yet, can I take this opportunity to return to the tribe as quickly as possible?"

"Brother Sun, you must not take any chances. The last time no one except Emperor Ziwei paid attention to you was due to many coincidences, but if you appear again, it will be different.

There will be at least several clones of the Great Emperor coming to kill you, and there will even be a Great Emperor who will break the space channel and attack you directly. You must not take any risks. "

Yan Yuan also persuaded earnestly: "Brother Sun, with your talent and strength, you only need to retreat for a few years, and you can even break through to the semi-emperor realm. By then, the world is so big that you can go anywhere. It is better to be patient for a while."

After hearing the repeated persuasion of the two, even though Sun Bing's heart was still full of anxiety, he could only nod slowly: "Okay, I can only listen to you and lie dormant for a while."

For a moment, Lang Xuan and Yan Yuan both breathed a sigh of relief:

"This is the best. Recently, the entire Wanjie Sea has been in turmoil. My father also specifically told me not to run around, so I will make plans when the situation is clear."

After making the decision, Sun Bing's entanglement was swept away, and then he expressed his gratitude again: "Thank you two Taoist friends for this. I will remember your kindness today."

Afterwards, there was another detailed discussion. With the help of the two, Sun Bing also had a new understanding of the news of the entire Wanjie Sea at this time, both openly and secretly.

Most importantly, with the help of Lang Xuan, Sun Bing learned that there were no major changes in the human race at this time.

After learning this news, Sun Bing finally relaxed and made up his mind to recuperate in seclusion. He would never reappear in the Sea of ​​All Worlds before he was fully recovered.

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