Sword Emperor

Chapter 2475 The same idea

Looking at the Realm Heavenly Lord attacking him in front of him, Sun Bing's heart was not afraid but full of surprises.

After all, the Heavenly Lord of the Realm is a majestic Heavenly Lord no matter what. Over millions of years, the cards he has accumulated and his own vision and knowledge are unfathomable.

If he wanted to escape innocently, not even Sun Bing would be able to kill him.

As the saying goes, only a thousand days can be a thief, but there is no thousand days to prevent a thief. For such an enemy who can control the void, as long as he hides in the dark and makes a sneak attack, Sun Bing may even fall into the opponent's hands if he is not careful.

Therefore, the best way to eliminate the crisis is to nip the danger in the cradle, even if the Realm Heavenly Lord in front of him is a powerful enemy of the Grand Heavenly Lord realm.

But Sun Bing is not a weakling either, and the opponent still has a slight underestimation of the enemy in his heart, so this can be said to be Sun Bing's best opportunity.

Suddenly, the terrifying aura on Sun Bing's body completely exploded. The more than 3,000 holy paths in his body also burst out with bright light. The bloody lotus rose in the sky and looked particularly coquettish and beautiful.

As soon as he took action, Sun Bing had no reservations. He even felt the momentum around Sun Bing at this moment, and the eyes of the Realm Master were full of shock and astonishment.

But at this point, there is no room for maneuver

Yes, therefore. A sharp look flashed across the eyes of the Realm Heavenly Lord, and the waves blooming in his hands became more and more terrifying.

"Funeral in the Void"

As the words fell, the vast void even collapsed because of this, and the terrifying residual power swept towards the surroundings. In the wave of his hand, the Realm Heavenly Lord's control of power reached the extreme, and even the ordinary Heavenly Lord could not burst out such terrifying power.

Sun Bing's brows furrowed, and his eyes were full of solemnity. With a flick of his wrist, the sharp sword peak changed instantly.

Immediately, a shocking sword light burst out, and the sharp edge in it caused even the back of the Realm Heavenly Lord to break out in bursts of cold sweat.

In the blink of an eye, this shocking sword light collided with the vast void. Countless avenue inscriptions collided with each other every moment, and bursts of roaring sounds could be heard in the ears.

This vision was like destroying the world. The two sides struggled for a long time. In the end, the bright sword light completely collapsed, but the similarly collapsed void also returned to calm.

The eyes of Sun Bing and the Heavenly Lord of the Realm met again, but this time, Sun Bing could clearly see that there was a trace of fear in the eyes, even if the Heavenly Lord of the Realm didn't want to admit it.

But it has to be said that the improvement of Sun Bing's strength far exceeded his imagination, but soon the shock in his eyes turned into intense

Strong murderous intent.

After all, Sun Bing's strength has improved much faster than he imagined. In just a hundred years, he already has such terrifying strength.

It is unimaginable that if Sun Bing is allowed to escape this time, how terrifying his strength will be the next time we meet, and even he will be far unable to compare with you.

So at this moment, the mind of Realm Heavenly Lord was also filled with the idea of ​​nipping the danger in the cradle. For a moment, both sides thought of it together.

For a moment, the two people looked at the enemy in front of them, their eyes filled with excitement. At this time, the atmosphere in the void could be said to be extremely stalemate, almost suffocating.

But also at this moment, the two people took action at the same time.

Sun Bing's figure flickered, stepping forward step by step, directly passing through the void. With his superb movement skills, there seemed to be countless afterimages emerging in the void around him, making it impossible to distinguish the true from the false. .

In this regard, there was no trace of fear in the eyes of the Realm Heavenly Lord, and he could not help but sneer: "Using the space power in front of me is just a trick. It seems that you have forgotten my name. "

After all, as the name suggests, you can know just by using the four words "World Heavenly Lord", especially those who are proficient in space.

The power of the realm, so the Realm Heavenly Lord at this moment is full of confidence in his heart.

Just hearing his soft drink, extremely mysterious fluctuations suddenly appeared all around. The space even completely solidified, and cracks appeared. This situation was extremely dangerous.

As for Sun Bing, he could only feel that there was a sense of crisis in his heart, and he subconsciously stopped his steps, but at this moment, the entire void was completely shattered.

Looking at everything that happened in front of him, Sun Bing's heart was filled with joy. It could be said that if he had moved just a little faster, he would have completely fallen into the space crack at this moment.

Seeing that Sun Bing did not suffer any trauma, Realm Heavenly Lord raised his brows and did not waste any time at all. With a thought, the surrounding space changed unpredictably again.

It can be said that after realizing the threat of Sun Bing, Realm Heavenly Lord did not show any contempt and completely pushed his own strength to the limit. With his eyesight and insight far beyond ordinary people, the power of every move was quite terrifying. .

Especially the murderous intent that filled every move showed that he wanted to kill Sun Bing completely here. Even though Sun Bing was quite powerful, the enemy in front of him was not a weakling.

This also leads to

At this moment, Sun Bing could even be said to be frightened every step of the way. He looked extremely embarrassed, as if he was going to die at any time. All in all, he was extremely miserable.

But after being hunted down one after another, Sun Bing's heart was also filled with deep anger, not to mention that it was impolite not to return the favor, and finally Sun Bing completely exploded.

The spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness completely exploded, and the sword box behind him slowly unveiled the long-sealed shackles, and only bursts of low voices could be heard.

The sword box was finally opened completely, and the flying swords were flashing like flowing light. Not only did they look beautiful, but they were also full of piercing sharpness.

Facing the great enemy between life and death, the two people did not hide anything at all, and completely broke out all their trump cards. At this moment, the collision between the momentums caused waves of air to emerge in the void.

It must be said that the strength of the Realm of Heaven is strong. Even though he has just recovered a certain amount of strength, he can't dream of exerting the power of his current cultivation to the extreme.

However, Sun Bing was also unwilling to be outdone. Even though there was a big gap in his own cultivation, he relied on the flashing light in the void.

Even though he had not achieved the status of a half-emperor, he was still able to contend with him. When their energies clashed, he even had a slight advantage with the help of his sword energy.

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