Sword Emperor

Chapter 2483 Secret Speculation

"Hahaha, then you have to be more careful. As far as I know, many people want to cut you into pieces and cut you into pieces."

Hearing this, Lang Xuan's face was full of smiles, and while speaking, she looked vaguely at the emperor's sons and daughters in the distance.

But Sun Bing shook his head and said softly: "They are just a group of defeated generals, don't worry about it."

"Having said that, Brother Sun, you must not be careless. The power of the emperor is beyond our imagination. Even I have reached the half-emperor realm at this moment, let alone them."

But at this moment, Lang Xuan's expression suddenly turned serious, and then she warned:

"For example, the Son of the Sun seems to have a weak aura and an unstable foundation, but as far as I know, this is caused by his hard training after his resurrection. It seems that the Sun Emperor also taught him some secret techniques, which are quite dangerous.

And not only that, the most important thing to worry about is Emperor Ziwei. After all, you personally blew up the clone of Emperor Ziwei, which can be said to have completely lost his face.

Even though Emperor Ziwei will not take action against his relatives in this turbulent season, Emperor Ziwei definitely has a lot of trump cards in his hands. If we encounter him accidentally, even you will not be able to get away.

What's more, there is Daozhao, Shenyue and others watching eagerly from the side. Speaking of you, I admire you.

Ah, after provoking so many enemies at once, he is still alive. "

Hearing this joke, Sun Bing couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said helplessly: "You must know my character. I will not offend others unless they offend me. Since they took the lead, they must pay a sufficient price."

"Okay, of course I know. I just hope you can take care of yourself."

Recalling Lang Xuan's words, Sun Bing's expression also changed slightly, and he nodded very solemnly.

Sun Bing was originally quite wary of these emperors' sons and daughters, but after hearing Lang Xuan's advice, his wariness could not help but increase several times again.

After all, those enemies are not ordinary people. Even after so many years, Sun Bing still has lingering fears about the pressure of the emperor. As for their back-up, they do have the strength to threaten him.

After pondering for a moment, Sun Bing changed his tone and asked directly: "Lang Xuan, I don't know what is the purpose of your coming here this time? It is rumored that behind this place is the conspiracy of those powerful clans. Is this true? "

In an instant, Lang Xuan, who had a smile on his face, could not help but frown slightly. After a long time, he slowly said:

"Brother Sun, I don't know much about this matter. After all, my old man just told me to come here to practice.

Ichiban didn't say any other news. "

Hearing this, Sun Bing couldn't help but sigh. Although he had expected this, he still felt disappointed after hearing it.

But the next moment, Lang Xuan's voice suddenly changed, and she said in a deep voice: "According to my personal opinion, there must be someone behind this. The Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms is indeed extremely huge, but for the hundred powerful clans, Not so.

Even if the powerful man from the ancient era is coming, we all know it, let alone this mouse hidden in the dark.

You must have noticed that although the turmoil this time spread across the entire Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, the top 100 powerful clans were not affected at all. This means that they are not strong enough and do not dare to challenge the top 100 powerful clans. . "

Sun Bing nodded at this moment. He had already expected this. Lang Xuan's words at this time undoubtedly confirmed his opinion, so he looked at Lang Xuan's eyes full of expectation.

But soon, Lang Xuan just shook his head slowly: "Having said that, I still don't know who is behind the scenes. The only thing that can be determined is that the strength of the mastermind is extremely powerful, even if it is one of the top 100 powerful clans Among them, there are only a few people who can achieve this level.”

Finally, Sun Bing and Lang Xuan looked at each other, feeling in their hearts

Everyone has their own judgment.

Obviously, if there is really an invisible big hand behind this, it will only happen in the three parties of Taoism, Gods and Immortals.

"Thanks for letting me know."

"You don't need to thank me. All this can only be regarded as my speculation. Whether it is fact or not, I don't know yet."

Lang Xuan did not accept Sun Bing's thanks. She even suddenly thought of something and said cautiously:

"The traces of the last time I saved you have been erased by the old man. In addition, I have always been disguised in the divine boat, so no one knows my true identity.

As for this battle, unless it is a last resort, I will not take action again. I hope you will take more care of yourself. "

Hearing these waves of concern, Sun Bing also felt a little warmth in his heart, and he quite understood Lang Xuan's explanation.

You must know that in the eyes of the top 100 powerful clans, Sun Bing is a sworn enemy. Lang Xuan's ability to do this is already the limit.

Because Lang Xuan is not an ordinary wanderer. There is a huge ethnic group behind him. Although there is also a great emperor sitting in charge, if he is faced with so many great emperors besieging him, he will be too alone.

Immediately, he shook his head: "It doesn't matter, you can just hide it yourself. If it's because of my exposure,

If I say that, it is really my fault. It’s getting late now. In order to avoid anyone getting suspicious, I’d better go back as soon as possible! "

"Okay, Brother Sun, then I will take the first step. I hope you will think twice before acting and never act impulsively. It is very likely that there will be many traps for you this time."

After finishing her words, Lang Xuan clasped her fists towards Sun Bing. After finishing her instructions, she turned around and left the place.

As for Sun Bing, he still stood quietly, looking long and far into the distance, frowning slightly, and whispered to himself:

"Is there a mastermind behind this? If it's not too weird, but if there is, who is it? They actually took out the World-Destroying Black Lotus. Can they really let go of such a treasure?

Or is this a trap for me? After all, the World-Destroying Black Lotus and the Karmic Fire Red Lotus have the same origin. "

When he thought of this, cold sweat broke out on Sun Bing's back. After all, this result was too shocking.

Fortunately, Sun Bing returned to normal soon. His eyes were extremely deep, as if he had already seen everything, and there was even a sneer on the corner of his mouth:

"No matter what lies ahead, I am bound to get this World-Destroying Black Lotus. I want to see who is causing trouble."

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