Sword Emperor

Chapter 2520: Immortal Clan’s Plot

Not only these, as long as the monks who survived at this moment looked at Xianjian, their eyes were full of shock and doubt.

You must know that the Immortal Clan, the Tao Clan and the God Clan are the three largest ethnic groups in the Sea of ​​All Realms, and they are all connected with each other. It is precisely because of this unity that they can inform the Sea of ​​All Worlds for hundreds of millions of years.

In everyone's mind, even if the rest of the covenant collapsed, these three major ethnic groups should still be united.

And this is not what one or two people think so. Even Dao Zhao, Shenyue and others think so themselves.

It is precisely because of this that they are not wary of Xianjian at all.

But he never expected that his trust would lead to such a result. Instead, Xianjian took action directly against them.

Therefore, at this time, Daozhao and Shenyue wanted to know the reason behind this more strongly than ordinary people.

On the other side, even though he was stared at by so many strong men, Xianjian didn't have the slightest fear at all. He glanced around with cold eyes, and finally couldn't help but snorted:

"Why? This is a good question, because this matter was originally planned by our immortal clan."

"How can it be?"

After hearing this answer, Shenyue couldn't help but exclaimed.


At this time, the fairy light around Xianjian disappeared, and the corners of his mouth were filled with a sneer:

"Why is this impossible? As the emperor's sons, don't you know the power of our three major ethnic groups in the Sea of ​​All Realms? There is no movement at all that can conceal our investigation. If the power of the same level does not stop it, the world-destroying black Don’t you know about Lian’s movements?”

These short words directly broke the last glimmer of hope in Shenyue and Daozhao's hearts.

But even so, the two of them were still quite stubborn. They stared at Xianjian and asked sternly: "Then what is all this for? Is it just for the World-Destroying Black Lotus? You should know that even if this is If the treasure falls into the hands of your immortal clan, we will also stop immediately. "

After all, this is an unspoken rule among the three major ethnic groups. When the treasure is unowned, each can snatch it according to their own abilities.

And once they determine their destination, they will never take action again.

"Yes, our three major ethnic groups do have such rules."

At this time, Xianjian nodded slowly, but soon couldn't help but continue to whisper: "But what we want is not just the World-Destroying Black Lotus!"

"What is that for? It is more important to have an alliance with our tribe for countless years."

After hearing these words, Daozhao and Shenyue's inner feelings

There was a deep sense of unwillingness in their hearts.

Having said this, Xian Jian couldn't help but chuckle: "Everyone in the world knows that the goal of our immortal clan is to become an immortal. For countless years, our immortal clan has been aloof from the world, but this is just an appearance. It does not mean that we do not want to command thousands of people. Jiehai is really not strong enough.

With your God Clan and Tao Clan, no matter how powerful our Immortal Clan is, we are still far from being able to dominate the world, so naturally we have secret plans.

After hundreds of millions of years, I finally found the opportunity. I guess you all don’t know that, in fact, my father is not just me, but twins were born that day.

It's just that one of them is surrounded by immortal energy, and the other one is full of demonic energy. It is because of this pair of fetuses that the plan of our immortal clan began. "

After hearing this, everyone's eyes suddenly shrank, and their eyes were filled with deep fear.

Even one of the emperor's sons couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: "Hasn't the demon world been destroyed by a joint effort a long time ago? How is it possible that immortals and demons are one body?"

At this moment, Xianjian did not refute, and even nodded slowly:

"Yes, the demon world has indeed been wiped out, but you don't know that my mother was once the number one genius in the demon world. It is precisely because of this that there are immortals and demons alike.

body condition. "

After receiving the accurate answer, many of the emperor's sons and daughters around were extremely horrified in their hearts, and many of them even angrily said: "You immortal clan, you dared the world to take in the witch. The immortals and demons are robbed." ah!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking these words, Xianjian's original elegant aura suddenly disappeared, and his whole person became extremely violent, and he punched the man away.

Powerful fluctuations shone throughout the void. Even though that person was an emperor's son and was quite powerful, he was still far from Xianjian after all.

In just one move, you can see the man spit out bursts of blood, and he is only one step away from death.

"This is what you get for humiliating my mother."

Immediately afterwards, a cold voice sounded, and everyone who heard it had bursts of cold sweat behind them.

Then Xianjian couldn't help but continue to speak: "Besides, it is a great disaster for you, but in my eyes, it is an opportunity for the entire immortal clan.

Although immortals and demons are in opposition, if they are completely integrated, their strength and potential will increase dramatically. From now on, I will become the most powerful genius in the sea of ​​all realms. Even if I can achieve enlightenment and become an emperor, it will only be easy. "

That last sentence, Wu Dao in the distance couldn't help but speak directly, the two people's voices were very

Eerily consistent.

But the meaning of these words made everyone feel endless coldness behind them. No one expected that there would be such a conspiracy behind this.

It is hard to imagine how terrible it would be if this day really came.

One of the princes roared unwillingly at this time: "Your immortal race's plot will never succeed. Once you leave this world of destruction, your true face will be exposed to the public."

"Hahahaha, it's really ridiculous. For this day, my immortal race has been plotting for eternity. Even if we obtained the World-Destroying Black Lotus millions of years ago, we have been hiding it and waiting until now. How could we not have considered this?"

Xian Jian seemed to have heard the funniest digestion, and couldn't help laughing. Then Wudao said coldly:

"As long as all of you are killed, no one will know what happened in this world. I don't know if you have heard that if you kill with the help of the World-Destroying Black Lotus, any means of resurrection will not work."

For a moment, the faces of many princes and princesses present changed. Their greatest reliance was that they could be resurrected with the help of the power of the tribe, so they had the confidence to escape from here.

If this failed, then at this time they would be like lambs to be slaughtered, extremely weak.

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