Sword Emperor

Chapter 2541 Causal Line

Then the gentle atmosphere disappeared directly. The three people had their own thoughts in their hearts, and almost every moment, Sun Yanran and Hua Qiyue looked at Sun Bing with worries in their eyes.

This made Sun Bing feel deeply guilty in his heart. The night gradually deepened, and the three of them returned home silently.

After a night of silence, Sun Bing arrived on a mountain early the next morning, quietly admiring the scenery in front of him, but his heart was still surging.

I saw a stream of light passing by from a distance, and in the next moment, an old figure came to Sun Bing's side.

Seeing this, Sun Bing raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion: "Senior, what's the reason for your coming here this time?"

"You must be aware of the purpose of my trip, right?"

In response, the ancestor of the Leng family spoke slowly and kindly:

"Anyone can detect something wrong with your recent behavior."

"That's the junior's fault. I disturbed the senior. I will definitely correct it in the future."

Sun Bing smiled helplessly and explained softly.

But the ancestor of the Leng family still calmly shook his head and spoke again:

"Sun Bing, your talent is the first one I have seen in countless years. Always think twice before acting and never act too hastily. Don't you realize that you seem to be a little too anxious when you act? You must know that you have to act quickly. Not enough!”

Seeing that Sun Bing was silent, the ancestor of the Leng family couldn't help but sigh:

"When I was young, I just came to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms. Just like you, I was full of anxiety, constantly looking for opportunities to break through and strive for temporary gains.


You also know the final result, falling into such a situation, wasting tens of thousands of years, and if you hadn't helped me, I would never have woken up again.

When I was trapped, I thought to myself that if I had taken care of it at that time and received the help of many talented people from Kyushu, the result would have been different. "

"Senior, this junior also knows about this, but time is not waiting for me. At this moment, we are only one step away from the Half-Emperor. As long as we cross it, even if we face the Heavenly Lord, the junior will still have a clear plan."

After hearing these words, Sun Bing's eyes flashed with a bright light.

But this made the ancestor of the Leng family shake his head:

"No, you don't know. You are only three thousand years old at this time, and those emperors' sons and daughters, even if they have a unique environment, are far inferior to you. If this is the case, then why are you so anxious?

Being able to compete with Tianzun at such an age is unprecedented. Such talent is unprecedented. As long as he does not perish, it is not a bad idea to become an emperor. He just has to endure a few years, so why be so reckless? "

At this moment, a trace of contemplation finally appeared in Sun Bing's eyes, and his whole spirit seemed to have undergone a transformation as a result.

Recalling his recent history, especially his actions after obtaining the World-Destroying Black Lotus, as the ancestor of the Leng family said, he is indeed a little anxious.

The Black Lotus has just been about to destroy the world. Without any preparation, it wants to go to the Sea of ​​Chaos. It is almost asking for death.

When he thought of this, an endless sense of crisis suddenly emerged in Sun Bing's heart.

But at this time, Sun Bing also had thoughts in his heart.

There was a hint of desire, and there seemed to be a voice that was constantly urging Sun Bing to act quickly.

This feeling even surpassed the call of Creation Qinglian. Originally, I didn't feel it, but in Sun Bing's eyes at this moment, it seemed too abrupt.

Immediately, Sun Bing's eyes were filled with light, and the sword soul in the sea of ​​consciousness completely erupted, and the majestic pressure enveloped the entire world.


In an instant, countless powerful human beings rose into the air and rushed towards Sun Bing quickly.

But before they arrived, a sword shadow could be seen vaguely flashing in the sky, and the aura became more and more sinister.

At this moment, Sun Bing finally noticed that there seemed to be some hidden danger among the twenty-four lotuses, and there was a faint and sinister atmosphere.

"If you dare to do anything to me, cut it off!"

You could hear Sun Bing snort, and the aura that erupted around him became more and more fierce, and then a completely invisible thread that extended into the endless void was noticed by Sun Bing.

But soon, under such a fierce sword light, the thread was completely broken.

At the same time, in the hidden space hundreds of millions of miles away, Wu Dao and even the two old men behind him couldn't help but spit out bursts of blood, which consumed most of their vitality.

After a long time, a weak wailing could be heard: "The causal thread hidden in the deepest part of the World-Destroying Black Lotus has been cut off, the plan has changed, and Sun Bing is beyond our control."

As for Sun Bing at this moment, after the thread collapsed, he could only feel that his whole person suddenly became enlightened, as if

All the stress on my body was completely gone.

Even the scenery in front of me is much clearer. Looking around, the whole world is completely new.

Many powerful human beings around, after such a long time, also managed to come around, looking at Sun Bing with eyes full of doubts: "What happened?"

"I didn't expect that this seemingly inconspicuous thread would be the source of everything. It's really hard to guard against."

At this moment, Sun Bing's face was extremely pale, and his words were extremely cold.

However, the well-informed ancestor of the Leng family frowned and said softly:

"Don't underestimate this thread. If I remember correctly, this should be the thread of cause and effect. It is the supreme magical power in the path of cause and effect. It has been quite rare since ancient times. I didn't expect that even you would be tricked."

"I see. Fortunately, we are finally free from such shackles."

Sun Bing nodded, with a hint of understanding in his eyes, but soon he saw many figures around him, and an apologetic smile appeared on his face:

"I'm sorry to bother you all, but I made a mistake in my previous practice. I still hope to see Haihan."

Finally, his eyes fell directly on the ancestor of the Leng family, his expression became serious, and he said gratefully: "Thank you, senior, for your help."

"No, no, no, I don't have the ability to help you cut off the line of cause and effect. All this is just your own strength."

The ancestor of the Leng family shook his head and refused, while looking at Sun Bing, his eyes were full of horror.

In response to this, Sun Bing chuckled and didn't say anything more. After all, if it weren't for the guidance of the ancestor of the Leng family, he himself would really not be able to detect the deeply hidden cause and effect line.


After getting rid of the influence of the causal line, Sun Bing completely regained his composure, and countless cold sweats appeared behind his back.

If he went to the Sea of ​​Chaos without knowing anything, he wouldn't even have the slightest chance of victory.

When he thought of this, endless anger burst out in Sun Bing's heart, and he also had the slightest intention to kill Wudao and even the Immortal Clan.

"Well, now that you have completely recovered, it's time for me to leave."

Seeing Sun Bing's appearance at this moment, the ancestor of the Leng family lamented such a terrible talent, but he couldn't help but resign directly.

"No matter what, this life-saving grace will be remembered by this junior in my heart."

Sun Bing also bowed respectfully at this moment.

But before leaving, the ancestor of the Leng family said to Sun Bing quite meaningfully:

"Actually, you don't need to put everything on yourself. You must know that there is a vast human race behind you."

After saying it all too late, the ancestor of the Leng family turned around and left in the distance. On the contrary, Sun Bing was standing there, with a bright light emerging from his eyes.

After all, the path he takes is fundamentally different from that of ordinary people. Ordinary people can only take one avenue, but he embraces all rivers and refuses no one who comes. Every avenue is the source of his strength.

If you rely on yourself to realize it, even if your talent is terrible, your personal power is limited after all, but what if you have the help of an entire tribe?

And among them, there are also many proud ones. If they are used properly, their own strength will undergo a transformation.

At that time, it won't be so dangerous to seek to create Qinglian!

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