Sword Emperor

Chapter 2545 Return to the old place

In the blink of an eye, the next day came. Sun Bing slowly walked out of his home, took one last look behind him, and sighed helplessly, with a trace of guilt emerging in his heart.

But at the next moment, Sun Bing's eyes showed strong determination, and he took a step forward. The layers of space surged, and in an instant he had reached the world's membrane wall. Unknown to everyone, Under the circumstances, he completely left this world.

Without the protection of the world, even though they are separated by infinite distance, the confrontation has already begun.

Sun Bing could feel that countless lines of cause and effect were sweeping towards him in an instant.

In the past, Sun Bing didn't know such a method at all, and his whereabouts would be leaked unconsciously, but now it is completely different.

Sun Bing could only be heard snorting coldly. The Holy Path of Cause and Effect in his body burst out with dazzling light. The sword soul carried the power of cause and effect. The sharp breath spread towards the surroundings. The causal threads that swept forward one after another, directly of fracture.

At the same time, in the deepest parts of many ethnic groups, one after another old monks spit out a mouthful of blood.

After all, the way of cause and effect is extremely weird, even more hidden than the secret of exploring the sky, but once it is discovered, the backlash it will face will be even more terrifying.

In this regard, many ethnic groups are filled with

Full of deep anger, there was also a hint of information, because it was this move that successfully let them know that Sun Bing had returned to the Sea of ​​All Realms.

When all of Sun Bing's former enemies heard the news, there was an indelible excitement hidden in the deepest part of their eyes, and it seemed that they could still faintly hear waves of resentful whispers:

"After so many years, it has finally appeared. The revenge of the past will definitely be repaid tenfold."

"Now that I'm reborn, I can't escape. It's time to settle the accounts from the past."


But at this moment, Sun Bing's brows did not relax, because he clearly saw that there was still a line of cause and effect that was constantly entangled towards him. Even though he tried his best to resist, he could not cut it off at all. .

For a moment, Sun Bing's face couldn't help but become extremely gloomy, and he said secretly: "Who is this person? His understanding of the law of cause and effect is so deep, even reaching the level of a deity, he must be a formidable enemy!"

Having said that, there was not much fear on Sun Bing's face. With his eyes flashing, the aura in his body had completely restrained, and the Holy Path of Cause and Effect shone in his body, as if he had jumped out of the Three Realms and was not in the Five Elements.

Immediately, you can see this line of cause and effect dancing wantonly in the void, as if trying to find Sun Bing's location.


But after a short moment, there was still no harvest, and finally it became lighter and fainter, and finally completely dissipated.

After confirming that there were no more hiding methods, Sun Bing breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was also extremely gloomy, and he secretly said:

"I have just escaped from the shelter of the world, and yet I have drawn so many lines of cause and effect. Moreover, there seems to be someone spying on the secrets of the universe, so I don't know what traps there are in the real battlefield."

But in the end, thinking about the success of his hard work for so many years, Sun Bing breathed a sigh of relief. This time, even if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of him, he could not retreat.

Suddenly, Sun Bing's eyes flashed with determination, and then he stepped out in front of him, passed through the layers of space, and rushed towards the Sea of ​​Chaos.

It's just that the entire Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms caused a stir because of Sun Bing's rebirth. Dozens of powerful ethnic groups secretly didn't know about it, including the immortal gates, passages, and even some planets that must pass through. There are strong men stationed in the domain.

No matter how concealed they were, such a huge movement was still spread secretly.

Soon, not only dozens of ethnic groups, but also some powerful men who had once managed the Yuan Dynasty also had secret thoughts.

After all, the treasures contained in Sun Bing are real

There are too many, especially the Karma Fire Red Lotus and the World-Destroying Black Lotus, which can be called the most precious spiritual objects in the world. No matter how many epochs they have gone through, they are extremely rare.

In addition, there are some wanderers who also have their own little ideas. Even if they are not Sun Bing's opponents, they can still get an astonishing reward by reporting Sun Bing's whereabouts. This is for the wanderers. , which can already be called a windfall.

All in all, the entire Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms was undercurrent, and countless people were silently searching for Sun Bing.

But what no one expected was that Sun Bing did not go to the Immortal Sect or some star realms as they had speculated.

Because Sun Bing is completely able to go where he wants to go through the tributaries of the long river of space.

This method is quite ingenious. It is no less than the foundation of the Immortal Clan - the Immortal Sect. The most important thing is that it is quite hidden.

First of all, one must realize the great avenue of space to a perfect level. Only in this way can one understand the fluctuations of the tributaries of the long river of space.

In addition, a considerable understanding of the formation is required. If the two conditions are combined, there will be very few people who can achieve it, so this tributary of the long river of space can be said to be quite safe.

Even Sun Bing once had the idea of ​​setting up teleportation arrays using these tributaries as nodes. In this way, the actions of the human race would also be affected.

It can be much safer.

Without saying much, thanks to the tributary of the long river of space, Sun Bing came to the Chaos Sea again in just a few days.

After not coming back for decades, Sun Bing didn't even recognize this place, because there were more and more cultivators around. Looking around, he could see streams of light emitting powerful auras flashing in the void, and people were flowing in and out.

Especially the former Stone City, which looked more and more vicissitudes. Sun Bing might not have realized it before, but as he became more and more powerful, he could feel the extraordinaryness of this Stone City.

Being in the Stone City, he could see countless cultivators gathering here around him almost every moment.

After all, even after such a long time, there were still countless opportunities hidden in the World-crossing Divine Boat, and some of the inheritances of the Great Emperors had not even appeared.

You know, even the Saint Emperor of Samsara has an imperial weapon passed down, so who can guarantee that there are no other imperial weapons passed down?

How precious is an imperial weapon, it can be called a clan treasure, even for the Dao Clan and the God Clan it is very rare, let alone for others.

So whether it is a wanderer or a genius among many clans, they all hold a little extravagant hope in their hearts, hoping to find such a stunning opportunity here.

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