Sword Emperor

Chapter 2587 Calculation Rules

Although Sun Bing still had some doubts about this continent in his heart, he did not waste time and immediately explored the surroundings.

Along the way, Sun Bing could truly realize that he only had the cultivation level of a saint at the moment, and could barely control the situation, but he did not have any other power.

Even the long sword in the sword box behind him could not be extracted, and the Zhongqian World was also completely sealed.

When Sun Bing wanted to use his skills, he could also find that even though he knew how to activate the many magical powers he remembered in his mind, they simply couldn't be used now, as if heaven and earth would not allow it.

All in all, all this made Sun Bing quite uncomfortable, but after repeated attempts, Sun Bing could only sigh and completely accept the reality.

At the same time, Sun Bing frowned and whispered to himself: "At this moment, I have no power to restrain the chicken, and the same must be true for everyone else. So what exactly is the opportunity that Si Ming mentioned? Can this be used to improve the situation? My own strength?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Bing suddenly saw a sword-shaped grass growing on the ground in the distance, and the air was filled with a strong medicinal fragrance.

Instantly, Sun Bing's eyes flashed with joy. After all, this item is quite rare, but it is of great benefit to a swordsman.


Even though Sun Bing no longer needs it, it is still quite precious to countless young swordsmen in the entire human race.

Afterwards, Sun Bing stepped forward without hesitation and wanted to take the sword-shaped grass into his bag.

But just when Sun Bing's hand touched the sword-shaped grass, a message suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness:

"Sword-shaped grass, after taking it, you can unlock a sword technique."

After learning the news, Sun Bing's eyes flashed, and countless inspirations suddenly appeared in his mind: "Is this the opportunity that Si Ming said?"

Immediately, Sun Bing swallowed the sword-shaped grass directly into his mouth without any hesitation. He could only feel that there seemed to be a wave coming from somewhere, urging Sun Bing to choose the sword technique as soon as possible.

After thinking for a moment, Sun Bing's face turned red and he immediately chose the strongest move he had, "Destroy the Heaven and the Earth".

Immediately afterwards, Sun Bing could only feel a sharp pain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and his spirit and body seemed to be completely collapsed.

At the same time, a very weak message came from the sword-shaped grass, which actually let Sun Bing know that at this moment he only had the strength of a saint, and he was extremely weak.

With this level of cultivation, he simply cannot control the Heaven-Destroying Earth, and even just absorbing the mystery in this move will make him mentally collapsed.

If you make a forced choice, you may suffer backlash and fall.

Therefore, Sun Bing could only settle for the next best thing and turn his attention to Jian Duan Shikong.

But soon, Sun Bing discovered that Sword Cutting Time and Space involves the avenues of time and space. It is a rule that the saint cannot understand at all, and he cannot choose this move.

Subsequently, Sun Bing also tried many times. In general, Sun Bing could not unblock the power beyond the control of the saint, otherwise he would be traumatized.

After knowing this, Sun Bing's eyes couldn't help but flicker, and in the end, his eyes fell directly on the "Zongheng Sword Technique".

After all, this swordsmanship has been with Sun Bing for countless years. For a saint, it is also the most advanced swordsmanship. It can be said that it is most suitable for Sun Bing who is now penniless.

Different from the previous times, this time Sun Bing was not blocked at all. He could only feel that the power of the sword-shaped grass disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the suppression of Zongheng Sword Technique in his mind disappeared directly, and many mysterious information came directly to his mind. Sword intent exploded in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and his whole person became sharper.

"I didn't expect that I would gradually unlock my own power in this way. It's really strange."

For a time, Sun Bing’s

His eyes were filled with light, recalling the previous fluctuations, and secretly said:

"This unblocking power seems to be chaotic, but in fact there should be certain rules. The sword-shaped grass can unblock the sword technique, but naturally cannot unblock the rest of the power. If you want to unblock the rest of the power, you should need other treasures."

Of course, this is just a speculation by Sun Bing. After all, at this moment, he has only unlocked one kind of power.

However, after mastering the Zongheng Sword Technique, Sun Bing had a lot more confidence. At the very least, this could guarantee that if he met an enemy, even if he could not win, he would not be defeated.

However, soon, Sun Bing couldn't help but frown. After all, the swordsmanship was unlocked at this time, but he didn't have a sword in his hand.

For a swordsman, 90% of his skill lies in his sword. Even with Sun Bing's level of cultivation, he has reached the point where he is better than having a sword without a sword.

But after all, he is only in the realm of a saint at this moment. Without any weapons, he cannot exert much strength at all.

So at this moment, I couldn't help but frown and whisper to myself: "What is needed to unblock the sword technique is the sword-shaped grass. So what is needed to unblock the sword? Could it be divine gold and iron?" "

Thinking of this, Sun Bing even suddenly became enlightened, and his whole person became a little excited:

"It's really possible that weapons are made by gods.

Forged from gold and iron, there should be some connection between them. No matter what, let's go and take a look. Even if the divine gold and iron cannot unlock the weapon, it should also have its own role. "

Then, Sun Bing did not hesitate at all. After scanning the surroundings, he ran directly towards the distant mountains.

While on the road, Sun Bing also found that he still had many disadvantages at the moment, the most important of which was speed.

It seems that speed is very inconspicuous, but it is very important, because in the battle, it has already taken the upper hand, but if the speed is not enough, then you can only watch the enemy escape, but you can't do anything.

More importantly, if you encounter danger and run away, you may lose the initiative because of your slow speed, and finally fall completely.

After realizing this, Sun Bing has secretly decided that he must find an opportunity as soon as possible to unlock the shrinking earth into an inch. Only in this way can he be invincible.

Because of the weirdness of this place, in the following time, Sun Bing's mind recalled the situation when he was in the saint realm.

At the same time, he also kept thinking about how to reasonably unlock the power next, try not to waste any opportunity, and make the cost performance the highest.

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