Sword Emperor

Chapter 2694 See you again

As soon as the words fell, Sun Bing's Time Avenue completely poured into the gate. The time that was originally suspended directly exploded with its terrifying power at this moment.

It's just that this power is to protect the seeds of Yunxia World, and it doesn't have much lethality. Moreover, at this moment, Sun Bing has understood the Avenue of Time to an extremely advanced level.

Coupled with the aura of "True Interpretation of Time and Space", which has the same root and origin, this force did not resist too much. After a stalemate with each other for a while, it completely dissipated.

Suddenly, the time in the gate returned to normal again, and the many figures that had been sealed inside for hundreds of millions of years came back to life, and bursts of noise suddenly sounded:

"Master Fentian, we will definitely cut these traitors into pieces, otherwise it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart."

"Emperor Yun, I want to live and die with the great world of Yunxia."


After hearing these words, especially the sadness in them, Sun Bing's heart was quite complicated, but at this moment he couldn't help but speak slowly:

"Fellow Taoists, I haven't seen you for a long time. I hope you can give me some advice in the future."

Suddenly, the originally noisy sounds disappeared in an instant. Sun Bing could clearly feel the eyes falling on him, and the majestic momentum burst out instantly:

"Who are you? Why?

Where is it in this heavenly palace on the other side? "

"Is it possible that this person is a subordinate of Master Fentian? Have you chased him here already? Even if we die together with him, we will definitely kill him."

But at this moment, a figure immediately came to the front, looking at Sun Bing in front of him, with doubts and hesitation in his eyes, and finally said softly:

"Brother Sun, is that you?"

"Hahaha, Kunwu, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I didn't expect that you would still remember me."

Suddenly, Sun Bing couldn't help laughing.

After hearing these words, Kun Wu finally calmed down his vigilance. He gestured behind him and asked Sun Bing with a frown:

"So Brother Sun, why are you here? What is the current situation of the war? Emperor Yun and Emperor Xia should have put down the turmoil, right?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Sun Bing, their eyes full of doubts and expectations.

But at this moment, the smile on Sun Bing's face suddenly disappeared. He looked directly at Kun Wu and said slowly:

"Let's put this matter aside for now. Do you still remember why you are here?"

Although he was quite confused about Sun Bing's question, Kunwu couldn't help but answer directly:

"The war was tense at that time. Emperor Yun ordered me to wait for a while to repair in the Heavenly Palace on the other side today, and wait until we open our eyes.

, then I saw you, Brother Sun. "

Hearing this, Sun Bing couldn't help but fell silent. Looking at the expectant eyes, he hesitated even more in his heart. In the end, he could only let out a long sigh:

"I am sorry for your loss."

Four short words seemed to contain endless pressure. Everyone's expressions changed, especially Kun Wu's eyes, which were full of disbelief. He had already reached Sun Bing in one step. In front of him, he begged:

"Brother Sun, what happened in the outside world? What happened to Emperor Yun, Emperor Xia, and even the entire Yunxia world?"

Sun Bing really didn't know how to answer this question.

However, a beautiful figure slowly walked out from the end, and a voice like a clear spring sounded directly:

"Fellow Taoist Sun Bing, to be able to put you in such a difficult situation, is it possible that the Yunxia World has been destroyed?"

Raising his head, Sun Bing could see the exquisite figure in the distance. No matter how helpless he felt in his heart, he could only nodded slowly:

"Yes, Fairy Yunshang, the great world of Yunxia has disappeared in the long river of history. As for me, I just followed my promise and came to rescue you fellow Taoists."

After these words fell, the entire space was extremely silent, and the eyes of every monk present were filled with incredulity, even

Someone else said harshly:

"This is impossible, Fairy Yunshang, my Yunxia Great World..."

But before she finished speaking, she could see crystal tears streaming down her face from Fairy Yunshang's eyes, and her oriole-like voice sounded again:

"This is true. In fact, before the battle started, my father noticed something was wrong and wanted to seal a batch of seeds. If the battle was won, my father would naturally come to rescue us. If he failed, we would have to watch. Opportunity.”

It can be said that Fairy Yunshang already knew the result the moment she saw Sun Bing. Unfortunately, she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart, so she asked.

But this answer is too cruel.

No matter how much they don't want to admit it at this moment, everyone is quite silent when recalling the situation before they were sealed.

Feeling such a silent atmosphere in the air, Sun Bing couldn't help but sigh helplessly, and then said softly:

"I also ask all fellow Taoists to express your condolences and accept the change. It has been a full 300 million years since the destruction of the great world of Yunxia. The dead have passed away, but so have the living.

Besides, you are the last batch of seeds of the Yunxia World. One day in the future, even if it is possible to rebuild the Yunxia World, we must not let it remain so silent. "

"Anyway, it was Taoist brother who came to rescue us this time. I am very grateful."

. "

Fairy Yunshang is indeed one of the top ten evildoers. In just a short moment, she already knew the general situation, suppressed all her sadness in her heart, and spoke to Sun Bing with gratitude.

The others are also the top talents in Yunxia World. Even if they are still very sad in their hearts, at least they can't show it on the surface.

But through the expressions in their eyes, you can still feel their feelings.

Seeing this scene, Sun Bing finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved his hand directly:

"Fairy Yunshang, don't worry, I'm just keeping my promise. Since you have escaped, I wonder what you plan to do next?"

Just as Kunwu was about to speak, an inexplicable wave suddenly descended in the distance, and at the same time, bursts of rampant laughter came directly:

"Hahaha, I believe you have also felt it. There is such a strong imperial power here. There must be a treasure house in front of you. If you can enter it, it is not impossible to ascend to heaven in one step. Next, I ask you to help me."

After hearing these words, everyone's face changed, and their vigilant eyes immediately looked into the distance.

As for Sun Bing at this moment, there was a touch of surprise and unwillingness to believe on his face, but the Zhuxian Sword appeared in his hand quietly.

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