Sword Emperor

Chapter 2724 Found

In just a few days, many monks who were originally in Zhenhai City were surprised to find that more and more monks were coming from all directions, and their cultivation levels were getting stronger and stronger.

Not only the hundreds of tribes sent strong men here, but even those strong men who had revived from the ancient era, and even the many ethnic groups that reappeared in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms also sent monks here.

And this storm is still spreading further away. It can be said that Dragon Cave and Zhenhai City have completely attracted everyone's attention.

Because the Heavenly Book is different from ordinary imperial weapons and even the inheritance of the great emperor, the ethnic group that has existed for such a long time has a very strong foundation and naturally has the imperial weapon and the inheritance of the great emperor.

But this does not mean that they possess the Book of Heaven. Throughout the ages, the ethnic groups that possess the Book of Heaven have been quite rare. For countless years, every ethnic group has been struggling to pursue it, but they have never been able to find it.

Nowadays, the news of a heavenly book is spreading like wildfire, and everyone knows it. Even if it is only incomplete, its value cannot be ignored.

Among them, Sun Bing, who obtained the fragments of the Heavenly Book, naturally aroused the curiosity of countless people. All the monks who came to Zhenhai City used their own unique methods or various magic weapons to find him.

However, what is puzzling is that even though countless monks are waiting at the city gate to look for Sun Bing’s

Whereabouts, but no trace has been found.

On the other side, Sun Bing, who has fascinated countless people, has not left the city at all in the past few days and has been wandering around Zhenhai City.

After all, the dragon cave is quite dangerous. Even if a cultivator from the eighth level of heaven enters it, there is a risk of falling. Even if he wants to go in to look for opportunities, he must be fully prepared.

In addition, Sun Bing told Heishui and others that his identity was an array mage, so he naturally needed to disguise himself to some extent.

So during this time, Heishui and others were buying some resources outside or learning about possible dangers in the Dragon Cave. As for Sun Bing, he had been making various arrays in the inn.

Although Sun Bing is proficient in sword formation, it is also a type of formation. In addition, he knows too much about formations. He only needs to make a slight change, even for a highly accomplished person. Even the formation masters couldn't detect any clues.

After seven days, Sun Bing finally walked out of the room. After seeing the expectant eyes of Heishui and others, he smiled and nodded:

"I have lived up to my trust. I have carved dozens of formation disks into them in the past few days. As long as I don't go deep into the dragon's cave, it is enough to deal with most dangers."

Hearing this, Heishui and others were quite excited and hurriedly said directly:

“That’s great, Kun.

My fellow Taoist, we also paid a big price to get a rough map of the first floor of the Dragon Cave from one person. Together with your array, I believe we will definitely gain a lot. "

Having said this, everyone's eyes showed a trace of expectation, as if they had already seen their return after success.

Seeing this, an embarrassed smile appeared on Sun Bing's face, and then he coughed. After realizing that Qing Ming and others had regained consciousness, he slowly said:

"Having said that, you must not take it lightly. The dangers in the Dragon Cave are trivial. More importantly, you must be wary of others taking action."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the air was a little solid. After all, when entering the dragon cave, many monks died while killing people and seizing treasures. This must be done with extreme caution.

In response, Heishui also nodded cautiously.

After making sure that everyone was ready, Sun Bing slowly said:

"Then let's set off now. I wish you a safe journey!"

Immediately, a group of five people left the inn and walked slowly towards the gate of Zhenhai City.

Along the way, one could clearly see people walking around, and what was different from a few days ago was that everyone's eyes were shining brightly, and they were constantly scanning around.

Just at this moment, the sound of black water is not

Then it sounded:

"Fellow Daoist Kunwu, you have been in seclusion for the past few days. You don't know it. For the remaining scrolls of the Book of Heaven, the entire sea of ​​worlds has completely boiled. I don't know how many monks have come here in a few days, but there is nothing." I found that, in my opinion, that person should have left this place.”

Looking at the scene around him casually, although Sun Bing had no expression on his face, there was already a hint of vigilance in his heart, and at the same time he could not help but respond softly:

"Maybe. After all, treasures like the Book of Heaven are rare throughout the ages, and they will definitely not stay in such a place of right and wrong for too long."

In fact, Heishui was not the only one who thought so. As he walked out of the gate of Zhenhai City, the Greedy Heavenly Lord couldn't help but said angrily:

"It's been seven days, and there's been no discovery at all. That person must have left Zhenhai City as soon as possible. It's just a waste of time for me to wait here."

"Yes, and we have searched Zhenhai City several times over the past few days, and we haven't found any clues at all."

The Lustful Heavenly Lord on the other side also nodded slowly.

For a moment, everyone in the Six Desire Heavenly Lord frowned tightly, and finally they could hear the Shengyu Heavenly Lord speak slowly:

"No matter how powerful a monk is, he cannot escape the control of the six desires. Therefore, we can detect the identity of the other party.

Having arrived at the gate of the city immediately, it was absolutely impossible for him to leave first, so he had to wait for a while. "

Hearing this, the other few people could not help but nod slowly, and could only continue to look towards the gate of Zhenhai City.

Time slowly flowed away, Heishui and others passed through the crowd and slowly rushed towards the Dragon Cave.

However, at this moment, after seeing Sun Bing's figure, the appetite among the Six Desires Heavenly Venerables was surprised and stunned, and even afraid that he had seen it wrong. He used his magical powers several times to apply it to his eyes. After confirming it again and again, he excitedly said:

"Found it, the desire of that person is almost exactly the same as the cultivator who bought the fragments of the Heavenly Book. If nothing unexpected happens, then it must be this person."

As soon as these words came out, the other five Heavenly Venerables were shocked, and immediately looked in the direction indicated by the Appetite Heavenly Venerable, and finally their eyes gathered on Sun Bing.

For a moment, a strong excitement filled the heart of the Six Desires Heavenly Venerables, and then their eyes became more and more fiery.

But fortunately, everyone also knew that this was the gate of Zhenhai City. Once any news was exposed, it would not be their turn to take action.

Then, the six people did not make a sound, tried their best to restrain their breath, avoided Sun Bing's gaze, and left the place quietly.

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