Sword Emperor

Chapter 2859 Dragon corpses everywhere

"Please rest assured on this point, as long as it is your request, no matter what it is, I will agree to it."

The moment he heard this, Sun Bing immediately answered without hesitation.

After all, the magic medicine is quite precious no matter what time it is. It can even be said that its value is comparable to that of the heavenly book.

Such a precious treasure is right in front of you, no matter how huge the price you pay, it is worth it.

You know, ordinary people don’t even have the qualifications to pay such a price?

Immediately, you can hear the divine dragon elixir speak slowly:

"Although I am the Dragon Immortal Flower, I am not my true body. If you want me to follow you, you must first save my true body. Otherwise, no matter how much I agree, I will not be able to leave this place."

"Is this what you want?"


The moment he heard these words, Sun Bing couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. Originally, he was still worried, thinking that the dragon elixir would impose harsh conditions.

But who would have thought that it would be such a simple request. After all, even if the Dragon Immortality Flower was not mentioned, Sun Bing would still take action.

So Sun Bing nodded excitedly: "Okay, then it's settled, I don't know where your body is? How do you need to rescue it?"

I saw Sun Bing in front of me was like this

Decisively, Shenlong Immortal Flower couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. She no longer even thought about testing, and said directly:

"Don't worry about this. I will show you the way and you will reach your destination soon."

Following Sun Bing's thought, the two of them left the world and appeared once again on the deep seabed.

At this moment, you can see the shadow of the immortal dragon transformed into a divine dragon, far ahead of Sun Bing, like a bright stream of light, gorgeous and colorful.

With the previous words in his mind, Sun Bing immediately followed the phantom toward the deepest part of the vast ocean.

One of the two sides was a powerful monk, and the other was a rare treasure of heaven and earth. They moved very quickly and had already crossed many sea areas in an instant.

At the same time, Sun Bing was able to keenly sense that the pressure around him couldn't help but become more and more intense, and even the light gradually dimmed. Even with Sun Bing's eyesight, he could only clearly see the environment of a thousand miles around.

And as time went by, Sun Bing dived into the seabed deeper and deeper, reaching at least 30,000 meters.

Facing such a harsh environment, even a strong person who has just broken through to the Tianzun realm cannot bear it. As for the ordinary half-emperor who comes here, his body will be crushed into a pancake in an instant.

endless dead silence

Permeating the surroundings, a strange aura immediately emerged. Even Sun Bing was a little irritable and couldn't help but ask:

"It's been such a long time, doesn't it mean it's not here yet?"

"No need to worry, we are already here. There is the most important core of the Dragon Clan, the Crystal Palace. Even compared to the Dragon Palace you entered, the Crystal Palace is the real Dragon Palace."

Suddenly, the voice of the Dragon Immortal Flower sounded directly in Sun Bing's mind. Looking far into the distance, he could see a bright fluorescent flash in the deepest part of the dark seabed.

Suddenly, Sun Bing was extremely excited. After all, the rumors only recorded the name Dragon Palace, and he had never heard of Crystal Palace.

If this place alone is the true core of the Dragon Clan, then how many precious treasures does it contain?

For a moment, Sun Bing's mind was in turmoil. After all, this was equivalent to a treasure appearing in front of him without reservation.

But considering that there were also countless crises lurking in it, Sun Bing still managed to suppress the heat in his heart, but his movements became faster and faster.

As the distance got closer, the fluorescence slowly grew larger, and a palace made entirely of crystal clear crystals finally appeared in Sun Bing's sight.

For thousands of years, Sun

As Bing traveled south and north, he not only experienced countless dangers, but also saw countless beautiful scenery, such as splendid palaces, magnificent city walls, etc.

But in Sun Bing's mind, there had never been any building comparable to the Crystal Palace in front of him.

Because this Crystal Palace is like a dream, as if it is not a building in the world.

Looking far into the distance, the faint fluorescent light makes the huge palace look more and more magnificent. Sometimes bubbles float, fish swim, sometimes sea clams swim, and crabs are rampant, which is beautiful.

All in all, no matter which aspect you look at, the scenery of the Crystal Palace is really touching.

The only regret is that this Crystal Palace is beautiful, but it lacks a trace of vitality. After countless epochs of vicissitudes, it is even filled with a deep silence.

Just as Sun Bing was quietly admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him, his eyes suddenly shrank, and his heart was extremely shocked.

As the distance got closer, the situation around the Crystal Palace also appeared in Sun Bing's eyes, and he vaguely seemed to see a huge dragon corpse falling to the bottom of the sea.

In shock, Sun Bing immediately put the sword element into his eyes. The bright light burst out instantly, and the situation in the deep and dark seabed completely appeared in Sun Bing's mind.

For a moment, Sun Bing's unwavering state of mind did not change at this moment.

It was extremely turbulent.

Because in the deep seabed, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of feet long dragon corpses are lying quietly at the deepest part of the seabed.

And the most important thing is that, looking around, it is impossible to count how many dragon corpses there are, as if there are endless. Any cultivator who sees it will feel a tingling sensation on his scalp.

In astonishment, Sun Bing finally slowly asked: "Why are there so many dragon corpses here? Could this be the final destination?"

"Yes, this place is our goal. I still remember countless epochs ago, after confirming that the Great Destruction was irresistible, all the dragons in the entire dragon world gathered here and began the final garrison. It's a pity that they all died in the end!"

The voice of the Immortal Dragon Flower slowly sounded in Sun Bing's mind:

"As for me, because the dragon world collapsed, I lost the nourishment of the dragon clan's luck and was on the verge of death. Even the quality has a tendency to decline. I have no choice but to come here.

The roots are rooted in the deepest part, and I survive through the power of the dragon corpse. For countless years, I have merged with this place. Without external forces, I can't escape at all.

So next, as long as you can rescue my body, not only will there be thickness, but I will definitely follow you. What do you think?"

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