Sword Emperor

Chapter 2865: Secret Entry

In fact, it wasn't just Sun Bing who discovered it. As the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, Emperor Luo Tian's eyesight and insight were naturally far superior to ordinary people, so he had already discovered this at the first sight of the ancestral dragon.

In an instant, many of the monks present couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. After all, the Great Emperor symbolized the supremacy and avoided all evils, so it was almost impossible for such a situation to occur.

However, I never expected that for countless epochs, the entire Dragon Cave would be filled with a strong aura of death. Under the erosion of the long years, the ancestor dragon's body would finally give birth to a trace of spiritual wisdom, so this would happen. general situation.

The battle has not yet begun, but a trace of fear has already emerged in the hearts of many monks.

You must know that even among the great emperors, there are also strong and weak ones. In front of the ancestral dragon, the ordinary great emperor is just an ant. And how terrifying will it be after getting up from the corpse to channel spirits?

In a state of panic, the few monks in the corners of the crowd became confused and turned around without hesitation and fled towards the sea.

But at the same time, the corpse of the ancestor dragon, which had been silent until now, finally began to move.

The huge dragon claw quickly waved in front of him, the cold light flashed, and the endless sea water even completely separated in the cold light.

Immediately afterwards, only a miserable wailing could be heard, and the fleeing monks

, completely perished easily.

Seeing this scene, many monks who originally wanted to escape secretly could not help but become extremely stiff, and they did not dare to make any unnecessary movements.

In the end, Emperor Luo Tian remained calm and looked at the Zulong corpse in front of him carefully, and then slowly said:

"Fellow Taoists, although the corpse of this ancestral dragon is psychic, fortunately, its strength is far inferior to that of the ancestral dragon. It is not even comparable to the ordinary emperor, but it exceeds the monks of the ninth level of Tianzun.

Moreover, the Taoist and magical powers of this ancestral dragon corpse are quite perfect. Even if we disperse and escape, we will definitely not succeed. Only by working together to kill it can we survive. "

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but be silent.

After all, this is the body of a great emperor no matter what. Even though it has fallen for countless years, it is still difficult for people to have the desire to compete with it.

But the Ancestral Dragon corpse in front of you doesn't care whether you are an enemy or not. If you want to go to the Crystal Palace before, you have to pay the price with your life.

Immediately, a loud dragon roar could be heard, and the huge dragon body immediately began to move, waving its sharp dragon claws and moving towards the shroud in front of it.

At this moment, every monk can feel the fatal crisis approaching. Between life and death, all the fears in his heart completely disappear.

, launched a counterattack with all his strength.

Terrifying attacks burst out one after another, each one capable of inflicting damage on the powerful ones from the seventh level of Tianzun. It can be said to be quite powerful.

But the ancestral dragon corpse did not dodge or dodge, allowing these attacks to fall on itself.

All that could be seen was that the attacks landed on the golden dragon scales, and the fire suddenly appeared, but then the Ancestral Dragon's body was not affected at all.

Sun Bing, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, couldn't help but secretly exclaimed: "The "Immortal Golden Body" is so terrifying!"

At this moment, in the deep seabed, an earth-shattering battle broke out instantly.

Through the previous brief confrontation, everyone knew that the terrifying corpse of the ancestral dragon was far beyond their expectations.

So at this moment, everyone unleashed all their strength, their deepest trump cards, and they were also not stingy.

After all, only by living can there be a future. For their own lives, they can give up everything.

It must be said that many of the monks present were quite powerful. The successive attacks broke out, and even the indestructible scales on the surface of the ancestor dragon's corpse were completely shattered.

The angry roar of the dragon immediately resounded throughout the entire seabed. Under the combination of anger, the Zulong corpse couldn't help but burst out with particularly terrifying power. The surge of the huge body made people feel extremely depressed.

Seeing this situation, everyone

Many monks could only grit their teeth and use their trump cards to compete with them.

"Okay, okay, okay, it seems that my caution is really good. In the end, there is such a big crisis. If I were alone, I might really die!"

As for Sun Bing, who was hiding in the dark at this moment, he finally nodded with satisfaction and whispered to himself:

"But now, since both sides are already in the most anxious battle, I finally have a chance to take action."

Having said this, Sun Bing's face showed an excited look, and he immediately tried his best to restrain his aura and slowly moved towards the Crystal Palace.

Moreover, during the whole process, Sun Bing also disguised himself as a sea fish. He was so tiny that if you didn't observe carefully, you wouldn't be able to notice anything wrong.

The battle in the distance continued, and even after such a long time, it became more and more intense.

At this moment, everyone is constantly using their own life-saving cards. As for the corpse of the ancestral dragon, it is also extremely miserable. There are countless cracks in the dragon scales all over the body, and there are faint drops of blood spilling into the ocean.

But after all, it is still the corpse of the ancestral dragon. Even after channeling, its strength has weakened countless times, but it is still quite extraordinary.

Immediately, you can see the ancestral dragon's body suddenly hovering together, and the momentum from all over the body is gathered,

In just a short moment, it has reached its peak.

"No, hide now!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Emperor Luo Tian felt an infinite sense of crisis in his heart and immediately roared.

It's a pity that just after these words were spoken, a fierce imperial power rushed towards him. When he raised his head, he could see the huge dragon claws of the ancestor dragon's body, reaching directly in front of him.

Caught off guard, many powerful monks fell completely in an instant without even uttering a cry.

As for the rest of the people, they were also quite miserable, and they all suffered serious injuries. Only Emperor Luo Tian barely escaped because of his timely response.

His eyes glanced around, and after seeing the scene in front of him, Emperor Luo Tian's face was extremely gloomy. Finally, he looked directly at Zulong's corpse and said coldly:

"Don't you think that you are invincible with just one corpse? So today, I will let you see what real power is."

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying pressure suddenly erupted on Emperor Luo Tian. Everyone could clearly feel that this kind of oppression was definitely the power of the emperor.

In just a few moments, the two terrifying momentums continued to collide in the vast ocean. Just the confrontation of breaths made the sea extremely turbulent.

As for Sun Bing, after such a long period of exploration, he finally arrived in front of the Crystal Palace!

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