Sword Emperor

Chapter 2907 The Only Way

For a time, countless thoughts emerged in Sun Bing's mind, but considering the condition of Zulong's body, he finally found in despair that there was nothing he could do.

Originally, it was still possible to target the divine soul, but now that the weaknesses of the divine soul have disappeared, this Ancestral Dragon Corpse is almost the weakest Great Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Even though Sun Bing has an extremely strong foundation at this moment, has understood four thousand holy ways, and can compete with the powerful people of the eighth level of Tianzun, the gap between him and the emperor is still like a chasm.

"As the saying goes, if you can keep the green hills without worrying about having firewood, you absolutely cannot confront them head-on. The first priority is to ensure your own life."

After thinking of this, Sun Bing's face became solemn, and without any hesitation, he immediately retreated towards the rear.

Looking at Sun Bing who was escaping quickly, Zulong's corpse couldn't help but turn gloomy, and finally he sneered:

"Want to run away? Then have you asked my opinion?"

As he spoke, the Zulong corpse immediately stretched out its sharp dragon claws and waved straight in front of it.

The layers of space could not help but twist under such sharp claws, and the sharpness contained in the dragon's claws was even more terrifying to the extreme.

But at this moment, Sun Bing just glanced coldly at the dragon claw behind him, then sneered at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly swung his sword to slash into the space in front of him.


"Open Heaven"

The bright sword light descended instantly, the space was divided into two, and obscure fluctuations continued to emerge, which was extremely strange.

For a moment, Zulong's corpse was filled with doubts: "Why did this little thief cut open the space in front of him for no reason? Could it be that he lost his mind?"

But what Zulong's corpse didn't know was that at this moment, Sun Bing immediately activated Jianmu, and the familiar rhythm of space emerged. The cracks in the space in front of him were constantly changing, and a brand new treasure house appeared in front of Sun Bing.

"No, I didn't expect you to be able to find the second treasure house."

At this moment, Zulong's corpse finally noticed Sun Bing's intention, and his expression turned extremely ugly. At the same time, he was even more confused as to why Sun Bing was able to open the second treasure house.

You must know that the Crystal Palace was originally huge, like a maze, and each treasure house was like a house in the Crystal Palace. It was quite difficult to enter the exact house.

After the building wood broke, the Crystal Palace immediately became distorted, and all the houses were completely mixed together. Every once in a while, the walls of the houses would disintegrate and completely merge into the Crystal Palace.

As for Sun Bing breaking through the layers of void and entering the treasure house, it was like walking through the wall and entering each room. This kind of opportunity is already quite rare once, let alone the second time.

But at this moment

The situation was critical. Even though Zulong's corpse was filled with doubts, it could only suppress all the doubts in its mind. The dragon's claws immediately stretched out in front of it, forcibly blocking the space that was about to close.

Subsequently, the body of the ancestor dragon's body surged, and the huge dragon head once again penetrated into the second treasure house space.

Therefore, the scene in the void at this moment is quite strange. If you stand in the interlayer of space, you can see that the huge size of the Zulong corpse is impressively resisting the oppression of the space cracks and forcibly traversing the three spaces.

Looking at the Zulong corpse following him, Sun Bing's eyes were full of fear. After all, this enemy was too powerful.

But after seeing the body crossing three dimensions, a flash of inspiration instantly appeared in Sun Bing's mind, and after thinking for a moment, the light in Sun Bing's eyes became even brighter.

In the end, Sun Bing could only be heard whispering to himself:

"Yes, the physical body of this ancestral dragon is indeed extremely powerful. Even in countless epochs, it has been regarded as the ultimate. Even a spatial crack cannot cause any damage to it, but this is just a spatial crack.

In such a space, each treasure house is like a world. If you want to cross a world, you must withstand all the pressure of the entire world.

So, space rifts

With each additional one, the power will be doubled. The more worlds it passes through, the more terrifying the power will be. But I don’t know how many space cracks can a body as strong as yours resist the erosion of? "

Thinking of this, Sun Bing suddenly felt extremely excited, because this was almost Sun Bing's only solution at the moment.

At the same time, a cold voice sounded directly:

"Little thief, I will never let you go if you go from poverty to poverty. I don't know where you can go at this moment."

After turning his head, he could suddenly see that the huge dragon head of Zulong's body was passing through the layers of space cracks and continuously sweeping towards Sun Bing.

But what was different from before was that there was no fear in Sun Bing's eyes at this moment, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although Zulong Corpse was a little surprised by this, it did not take it to heart. Instead, it urged its powerful body to attack Sun Bing again.

Looking at the dragon claws getting closer and closer to him, Sun Bing suddenly burst into laughter:

"If you want to catch me, you have to see if you have what it takes."

Immediately, Sun Bing showed a sharp edge and slashed to the side in front of Zulong's corpse.

"Break space and enter a treasure house,

It is a fluke that this situation occurs once, and the chance of it happening twice is even lower. It is already very rare that you can persist until now. Do you still think that you can get a third one..."

Suddenly, the corpse of Zulong couldn't help but laugh.

But before he finished speaking, the corpse of Zulong was completely stunned, because after the space crack, a brand new treasure house appeared.

At the same time, Sun Bing's mouth curled up slightly, and he couldn't help but joked:

"Yes, it appears for the third time. I wonder what you can do to catch me?"

After the words fell, Sun Bing jumped and rushed towards the third space.

After a brief surprise, Zulong's corpse was even more furious, especially Sun Bing's sarcastic face just now, which made him more and more angry, and finally roared directly:

"Okay, okay, okay, no one has ever angered this emperor so much in billions of years. I will definitely cut you into pieces later. It's just the third time. What is there for this emperor to fear? "

While speaking, the corpse of Zulong continued to drill into the space in front of him. Many spatial cracks continued to sweep towards his body. Although the golden dragon scales were not broken, a faint white mark could still be vaguely seen.

However, Zulong's corpse knew nothing about this, and even the expression on his face became more ferocious as he chased after Sun Bing.

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