Sword Emperor

Chapter 2910 A ray of hope

As the saying goes, he will kill you while you are sick. Sun Bing will not have any mercy at all towards his enemies.

At such a great opportunity, the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness surged, and the flying sword that had been flashing at the hilt of the Zhuxian sword immediately rose into the sky.

"Zhuxian Sword Formation"

Thousands of inscriptions flickered, and terrifying murderous intent filled the sky. The entire void shone with bloody light, demonstrating the terrifying power of this first killing array in history.

The sword array was set up in an instant, and the power of the entire world poured into it, and finally condensed into sharp sword energy, attacking directly towards the ancestor dragon's corpse.

But just a moment later, all you could hear was the sound of the sword energy colliding with the scales, and you could vaguely see sparks appearing. It was clear that the sword energy was not even qualified to break the defense.

Fortunately, due to the previous battle, half of the dragon scales on the Zulong corpse had been broken. At this moment, it was able to withstand the attack of the sword energy, but it still had a very obvious effect.

The pitiful dragon roar sounded, and the emperor's blood splashed into the void, causing the Ancestral Dragon corpse that was originally attacking crazily to slow down its movements.

"A mere sword formation wants to trap this emperor. It seems that you have forgotten your previous lesson."

The hoarse voice slowly came out, and then the counterattack of Zulong's corpse was even more fierce. It didn't even need to activate any magical powers, just that powerful attack landed.

Down, the space couldn't help but twist and collapse.

The killing space composed of the Zhuxian Sword Formation also changed turbulently. After a moment of stalemate, the Zhuxian Sword Formation finally collapsed completely.

Under the terrible backlash, Sun Bing's body flew back like a kite with its string broken, blood mist spurting out of his mouth.

This made Sun Bing, who had already reached his limit, look even paler.

Of course, the situation of the Zulong corpse on the other side is also particularly miserable. Under the oppression of the nine treasure houses and the endless human luck in the Jiuzhou Cauldron, most of its body is in space turbulence, and every moment All have to withstand the sweep of thousands of spatial forces.

If the stalemate continues, the huge body of Zulong's corpse will definitely be divided into pieces by many space forces.

Although Sun Bing also knew this, he was even more aware of his physical condition and it was impossible for him to persist for such a long time.

For a time, countless thoughts emerged in Sun Bing's mind, but no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't find any way to break the situation.

In the end, Sun Bing's eyes showed deep despair: "Am I really going to die here? But I am not willing to accept it. I have persisted to this extent, will it still end in failure in the end?"

After feeling helpless, Sun Bing smiled bitterly in his heart. After all,

The weaknesses in the soul of the ancestral dragon corpse have been made up for, so how could there be any other weaknesses?

"Weakness? Flaw? Wait..."

While talking to himself, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Sun Bing's mind:

"By the way, besides the soul, this is the most obvious weakness, why didn't I discover it?"

Suddenly, Sun Bing couldn't help laughing:

"There is an old saying that dragons have reverse scales, and if you touch them, you will die, because the reverse scales are the weak point of the dragon clan. No matter how close the relationship is, no one will touch it.

Although Ni Lin's defense is the most powerful, Zulong no longer has Ni Lin. "

As he spoke, the aura on Sun Bing's body floated, and the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor gradually changed back to its original form, and the reverse scales that shone with light gradually appeared, and the most conspicuous one among them was the reverse scale of the ancestral dragon.

Immediately, Sun Bing's eyes flickered, and he kept scanning towards the Zulong corpse. Finally, he was shocked to see that there was a rather inconspicuous place about three thousand feet behind the neck, about the size of a fist, and there were no scales at all.

If that was all, Sun Bing would not be so suspicious. The key was that Zulong's corpse cared a lot about the surroundings, constantly resisting the sword shadows that swept around him.

What convinced Sun Bing the most was that in that area and the Ten Thousand Dragons Armor, Zulong

The reverse scales are exactly the same.

"Ten Thousand Scales Golden Armor Formation"

The excited Sun Bing was very decisive. With a thought, the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor on his body immediately decomposed, and the reverse scales immediately appeared in the void. Mysterious fluctuations in the reverse scales broke out, and the rules of the avenues destroyed all the reverse scales. Scales linked together.

For a moment, billions of reverse scales swept directly towards the corpse of the ancestral dragon. Under the surge of thousands of reverse scales, a mysterious formation enveloped the void in all directions.

"Hey, it turns out to be my Dragon Clan's formation. It seems like you got a lot of good things."

Feeling the familiar aura coming from all around, Zulong's corpse couldn't help but be quite surprised, but soon he sneered directly:

"But you actually used the Dragon Clan's formation to attack me. Is this just a joke?"

"Whether it's just a mere trick or not, you'll know soon. Being able to fall under this formation can be regarded as my gratitude to the Dragon Clan for its gift."

At this moment, Sun Bing couldn't help laughing.

Afterwards, the entire Ten Thousand Scales Golden Armor Formation frantically attacked towards the place where the Ancestral Dragon reversed its scales.

Upon noticing where the formation was attacking, Zulong's corpse's complexion changed drastically. His senses, which had almost disappeared, had been successfully restored. His heart was filled with astonishment, and a horrified voice rang out directly:

"No, that's impossible. How do you know this place?"

Regarding this issue, Sun Bingguan

Without saying a word, all the power in the sea of ​​consciousness poured into the Ten Thousand Scales Golden Armor Formation in front of him, making the already crazy attack even more intense.

Concerning his own life and death, the corpse of the Ancestral Dragon also did his best. The four dragon claws on his body protected the four directions. At the same time, the Immortal Golden Body was fully operational, and the pale golden light enveloped the four directions, constantly resisting the attacking scales from all directions.

However, this Ten Thousand Scales Golden Armor Formation was so terrifying. The terrifying offensive continued in an endless stream, and the corpse of the Ancestral Dragon had also reached the point of exhaustion.

After a moment, the golden light gradually dimmed.

The last negligence, a scale directly passed through the heavy protection and drilled into the narrow scale.


A miserable wail sounded, and time seemed to stand still. The huge body of the Ancestral Dragon corpse did not move.

Seeing this scene, Sun Bing smiled slightly, but his mind also reached its limit. He suddenly relaxed, and infinite fatigue surged into his heart, and his body fell directly from the void.

The next moment, time resumed, and the body of the Ancestral Dragon, which had been stagnant in the void, fell heavily downward.

The most important thing is that the vitality contained in the huge dragon body of the Ancestral Dragon is also gradually disappearing. This move proves that the Ancestral Dragon has finally fallen.

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