Sword Emperor

Chapter 2985: The Scheme of Self-Inflicted Injury

As Sun Bing finished speaking, the extremely weak aura on his body completely erupted at this moment, and the sharp edge directly swept away the entire void, and everyone felt the stinging pain like a ray on the back.

At this moment, even the monk, no matter how dull his nerves were, could detect that the situation had changed dramatically.

Looking at the many offensives sweeping in front of him, a disdainful sneer flashed across Sun Bing's face, and his majestic mental power exploded instantly.

Countless reverse scales that had been scattered in the void suddenly burst out with bright light, and then directly formed the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor.

The power of the Supreme Emperor continued to spread towards the surroundings, and one could faintly see golden divine dragon shadows arriving one after another. Countless powers swept in, but they were all blocked by the blurry divine dragon shadows.

Seeing this scene with their own eyes, the faces of Dark Wing Tianzun and others in the distance were full of surprise and horror. Some people even had their minds completely collapsed, and they kept murmuring:

"Is this all a disguise? Impossible, impossible..."

And the many monks who had just walked out from the spectators' expressions were even more frightened at this moment, and they subconsciously wanted to retreat.

Seeing this situation, Sun Bing couldn't help but snorted: "Since we have already come out, why do we need to go back?"

Immediately, the Zhuxian Sword was suddenly swung out, and the bright sword light immediately shone in the sky, and it galloped away in the distance.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the sword light, the expression of the Plague Emperor changed in shock at this moment, and the power in his body burst out in an instant.

"The God of Plague Comes to the World"

There seemed to be a huge phantom coming, and the entire sky was filled with strange fluctuations, and the terrible plague spread in all directions instantly.

In an instant, the sword light collided with the phantom, and billions of inscriptions exploded instantly. Under the sharp sword edge, the plague phantom was easily and completely cut off. As for the Plague Emperor, even more so There was a lot of backlash.

After opening his mouth and spitting out a mouthful of blood, the Plague God stared at Sun Bing with his eyes and said ferociously:

"Sun Bing, what do you mean by this? Do you want to take action against us? Remember, we are just spectators!"

"Hahahaha, it's really ridiculous. If I remember correctly, it was you who attacked me first. Is it possible that you were the only one who took action and I was not allowed to fight back?"

For a moment, Sun Bing couldn't help laughing, and then his eyes when he looked at the Plague Emperor were filled with coldness.

"It was just a misunderstanding before. We will retreat immediately. Just this once, we will not do anything.

example. "

Hearing this, the Plague God couldn't help but be speechless, but still couldn't help but grit his teeth and quibbled:

"Besides, if you hadn't seduced me, how could we have taken action? Ultimately, it's all your own fault."

After hearing these words, Sun Bing laughed angrily, but did not say any words. He immediately raised the Zhuxian Sword in his hand and swung it in front of him with all his strength.

"Open Heaven"

At this moment, Sun Bing had no reservations at all. The power of the sword light was more than twice as powerful as before. Just the aura in it split the space in two.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the sword light, the Plague God was so frightened that he even couldn't help roaring:

"No, no, is it possible that you dare to kill me in front of everyone and risk the disgrace of the world?"

As he spoke, the Plague Heavenly Lord could not help but quickly retreat towards the rear, trying to avoid Sun Bing's attack.

But how fast is it, and how can it compare to that dazzling sword light?

In just a short moment, the sword light came to the top of the head of the Plague Emperor. The sharp edge burst out completely in an instant. Along with a miserable wailing sound, the Plague Emperor completely fell into the world.

Then Sun Bing slowly turned around and looked coldly in front of him.

He said: "This little trouble has been solved, so shouldn't you also stand up?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole world couldn't help but become extremely silent. Everyone looked at the scene in front of them quietly, filled with doubts in their hearts.

Sun Bing didn't care about this at all, but continued to talk to himself:

"If I hadn't been looking for you, why would I have spent so much time on this trick? Originally, you were hiding in the crowd, so I couldn't find you. But now that you've all come out, just stay with me!"

Before Sun Bing could take action, dozens of figures immediately rose into the air, their aura erupted, and they said directly:

"Fellow Taoists, since our identity has been exposed, let's just fight him!"

Immediately, every monk did not hesitate to use all the power in his body to attack Sun Bing in front of him.

For a time, the vast void was filled with obscure avenues, and the power displayed by the hundreds of millions of inscriptions was three points more powerful than the Douzhan Tianzun.

Feeling the familiar breath in the void, a smile appeared on the corner of Sun Bing's mouth, but there was a cold light flashing in his eyes?

"Destroy the Heavens and End the World"

The violent power burst out instantly, and the entire sky was constantly distorting, as if the world was

It's as if it's going to collapse, it's extremely terrifying.

But many Heavenly Lords had already expected this, so they immediately launched a fierce counterattack.


"War Spear of the Gods"

"The Endless Immortals and Demons"


Many powerful attacks swept through the sky in an instant. For a time, in the vast void, Tao collided with each other, and billions of inscriptions exploded. The aftermath made the space extremely turbulent.

As for the dazzling sword light, it finally collapsed completely under the attack of three consecutive moves, but the sharp momentum in it exploded, and the entire avenue in the void was completely broken.

For a moment, many of the monks in front of them all took a step back in unison, followed by a dull sound, and a trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of their mouths, obviously suffering a lot of backlash.

Even before taking action, everyone had already speculated on Sun Bing's strength, but after the actual contact, they could feel that Sun Bing was completely superior to them, and their hearts were filled with shock and even fear.

Looking at the frightened faces, Sun Bing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a disdainful sneer, and said sarcastically:

"Is this your strength? Compared with Xian Qiong Tianzun and others, it is far behind. You still want to kill me like this, but it is just a dream!"

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