Sword Emperor

Chapter 3032 A brief period of leisure

On the other hand, although Sun Bing was already quite powerful, the injuries he suffered this time were still far beyond his imagination.

After being in coma for seven days, Sun Bing slowly opened his eyes, and sensed the situation in his body through internal vision, which made Sun Bing's face full of a wry smile.

It seems that Sun Bing is fine on the surface at this moment, but his body is full of devastation, especially the four thousand holy paths, all of which have more or less pathological injuries, which is quite terrifying.

After letting out a long sigh, Sun Bing could only shake his head and sigh:

"They are indeed the most powerful Dao Ancestors and God Emperors in the world. Even though they have suffered heavy losses, their strength is still extremely powerful. But if it were not for the right time and place, I would still be far from able to compete with them."

After the words fell, the door suddenly opened, and two familiar figures appeared in Sun Bing's sight.

For a moment, the whole world became extremely silent. When he opened his mouth, Sun Bing seemed to have thousands of words to say, but in the end he could only say bitterly:

"Yanran, Yue'er, I've made you worried."

Hearing this, Sun Yanran and Hua Qiyue didn't say any words at all, but fell deeply into Sun Bing's arms. Even time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and the air was filled with a touch of warmth.

In the following time, the three of them didn't say anything, they just walked slowly in the huge palace. Everyone enjoyed this comfortable time.

After all, since entering the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, the entire human race has been on the verge of destruction at any time, and everyone is racing against time, especially Sun Bing, who has often disappeared for dozens or hundreds of years.

In this regard, although the two beauties did not say anything, Sun Bing's heart was full of guilt. At this moment, the human race finally managed to gain a foothold, so he could finally rest for a while.

Unknowingly, the three of them had

After walking out of the palace, he came to a huge city.

Looking around at the scene casually, Sun Bing couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction:

"I didn't expect that in just a few days, I would already have achieved initial results."

Because compared with before, the scene in front of them seemed to be exactly the same, but the spirit and energy of every monk had undergone earth-shaking transformation.

If we say that before, most of the monks were filled with frustration and were always worried about whether the human race would perish, but now everyone seems extremely confident, and the cohesion of the entire human race has even increased countless times.

He raised his head and poured a lot of sword energy into his eyes, and he could see that the originally quite majestic human luck had increased several times.

Even in the sky above the entire human world, endless luck is rising, which looks quite amazing.

All this indicates that the human race has finally risen at this moment, and Sun Bing's hard work for so long has also been rewarded.

After casually browsing a few cities and observing the situation of the human race at the moment, Sun Bing stopped paying attention to these things.

For thousands of years, Sun Bing has been fighting for the human race, so at this moment, he just wants to relax his tense heartstrings and take Sun Yanran and Hua Qiyue to travel around the sky.

In just a few moments, the three of them visited almost every corner of the human world and enjoyed the long-lost warmth.

A month had passed before she knew it, and finally Sun Yanran spoke slowly:

"Sun Bing, you have been with us for such a long time. Although we are still a little reluctant to let you go, it is time to let you go. The human race needs you more than us."


Hearing this, Sun Bing opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but Hua Qiyue suddenly said:

"No need to explain, after all, we are also members of the human race.

, there are no eggs left under the overturned nest.

In fact, we have known for a long time that within this month, the ancestors of the Leng family, Linglong Half-Emperor and others have come to look for you several times. We are satisfied to be able to accompany us for so long. "

In the end, Sun Bing couldn't help but let out a long sigh, feeling extremely ashamed inside.

But he could only nod his head slowly: "In this case, please take care of the two of you. When all powerful enemies are completely destroyed, that will be the day when we disarm and return to the field."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Bing stepped forward in one step. In almost the blink of an eye, he had crossed many dimensions and arrived at the holy city of the human race.

The ancestors of the Leng family and others, who were originally dealing with government affairs, saw that familiar figure, and their eyes were filled with so much disbelief that they subconsciously rubbed their own eyes.

After confirming that it was correct, his eyes were instantly filled with surprise, and finally he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Great, great, Sun Bing, you are finally back."

After leaving the two beauties, Sun Bing's expression returned to its previous calmness, and his whole body was even more vigorous. In just a few moments, many high-level officials from the human race had gathered in a huge palace.

Sun Bing, who was sitting in the front seat, slowly glanced downwards. Compared with before, there were a few more unfamiliar figures, the most important of which were the Prison Suppressing Elephant and Fairy Qingli.

After a moment of silence, Sun Bing asked directly:

"The human race should be on the right track now. So in the past month, you have tried to find me three times and four times. What's the important thing?"

Even though Sun Bing's gaze was quite dull at this moment, every monk felt a slight sense of depression.

For a moment, the entire palace couldn't help but feel extremely silent. After a long time, Fairy Qingli slowly stood up and spoke softly:

"Actually, we just want

I want to ask, when will the clan founding ceremony be held? "

"Clan Founding Ceremony?"

Hearing this, Sun Bing frowned slightly and couldn't help but ask:

"What exactly is this? Why do we do it?"

Immediately afterwards, Linglong Half-Emperor stood up slowly and explained directly:

"Although our human race has become independent and has legitimately appeared in the sea of ​​all realms, there is still a lack of a formal announcement, so the clan establishment ceremony is this announcement.

After all, although our human race has won a battle, our status is still unstable, especially since you have not officially appeared in their eyes, so countless monks are secretly watching.

Then we can take this opportunity to show off the strength of our human race, unite our allies, intimidate the younger generation, and boost the morale of our human race. These are all indispensable. "

In fact, when it came to this, Sun Bing already understood. Although it was quite troublesome, he could only nodded slowly:

"In that case, let's send out invitations now. In one month, the founding ceremony of our human race will be held."

As Sun Bing finished speaking, the entire human race was like the most sophisticated machine, running crazily.

Among them, the Tianji clan used to build many buildings for the ceremony, and the Tiangong clan even worked together to forge them, hoping to become a blockbuster when the time comes.

All in all, the entire human race is extremely excited. Many monks who were already very excited are even more excited at this moment.

Even the impact of this news far exceeded Sun Bing's expectations.

You must know that the human race at this moment is the center of the entire sea of ​​worlds. Any disturbance in it can attract the attention of countless monks.

After seeing an envoy from the human race galloping towards the other races, the news about this incident immediately spread throughout the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms.

The hearts of countless monks are full of surprise, and even

There are countless ethnic groups who are also extremely excited.

After all, since the human race can appear openly in the Sea of ​​All Realms, it means that their ethnic group also has such an opportunity.

But secretly, there were also monks who couldn't help but sigh:

"Hey, since the human race has already started to take action, it means that Sun Bing should have completely recovered. Now he doesn't even have the last chance."

"Yes, if Sun Bing hadn't recovered, the human race would never have dared to be so arrogant."

"Actually, there is still a last chance. You must know that Sun Bing is only a monk of the fourth level of heaven. Even after repelling the Taoist ancestor and the god emperor, he will be seriously injured. At the time of the ceremony, it will be confirmed for the last time.

If it is in its heyday, then we will naturally celebrate it respectfully, but if it is in vain..."

The last words were not spelled out clearly, but everyone knew what they meant.

Only a few sneers could be heard vaguely, and all the sounds disappeared.

On the other side, feeling the changes in the entire human race, Sun Bing also felt a touch of pressure in his heart.

After all, there is only one month left before the clan establishment ceremony, but his injuries have not fully recovered yet.

Since it was decided to shock Xiao Xiao at the clan establishment ceremony, Sun Bing, as the strongest person in the human race, naturally could not have any accidents.

Considering that he suffered the most terrifying Taoist injury after all, ordinary means could not give him any help at all. After weighing many considerations, Sun Bing came to his own world with a thought.

From a distance, one could smell a strong aroma of medicine rushing toward him. Just one breath even made the injuries in Sun Bing's body feel like they were healing.

Looking at the familiar figure, a cunning smile instantly appeared on Sun Bing's face.

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