Sword Emperor

Chapter 3052 Chaos Emperor

"What? Is this Chaos Emperor so terrifying? He actually brought the entire star field into the vast chaos!"

Suddenly knowing the news, Sun Bing's eyes couldn't help but shrink, and at the same time he softly exclaimed.

Hearing this, the old man's face was full of pride, and he continued to show off to Sun Bing:

"That's natural. Although countless strong men have been born in countless eras, only the Chaos Emperor can protect an entire star field and enter the vast chaos.

In fact, the little old man didn't know if it was a rumor. It was said that even now, the Chaos Emperor has not died and is still protecting Chaos City, so that no foreign enemy dares to invade this place. "

Sun Bing did not speak at this moment, but the words "Chaos Emperor" were deeply imprinted in the deepest part of his mind.

You must know that everyone's title has its origin. A few of them are titled based on race, such as the Great Evil Emperor, Holy Spirit Emperor, etc.

Most of them are actually named after their own cultivation or the avenue they created. For example, the Disaster Heavenly Lord cultivates the Disaster Avenue, and the Blood Evil Heavenly Lord cultivates the Blood Evil Avenue.

As the name suggests, what the Chaos Emperor cultivates is naturally the Avenue of Chaos.

Although this avenue cannot be compared with the avenue of time, it can also be regarded as the supreme path between heaven and earth. This also means that the strength of the Chaos Emperor is

The force is quite strong.

Thinking of this, Sun Bing had various thoughts in his mind. If this is the case, can the human race become an ally with this Chaos City?

However, this idea only flashed through Sun Bing's mind, and then he couldn't help but smile and joked:

"The Chaos Emperor should have fallen long ago. As for no one who dares to invade this place, it must be because this place is desolate and no one comes here at all."

However, after hearing Sun Bing's words, the old man's face turned extremely red, and he continued to say stubbornly:

"Tianzun, this is not an old man's boast. Ever since Chaos City entered the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, countless monks have come here every moment, even Tianzun like you.

Especially in the recent period, the powerful people in the Tianzun realm are rushing towards Chaos City crazily, but no one dares to cause trouble for nothing. Isn't this enough to prove that they are afraid of the Chaos Emperor? "

Originally, Sun Bing was just joking and didn't pay much attention to the old man's words. However, after hearing the second sentence, his eyes shone brightly and he exclaimed:

"Is this true? Many Heavenly Lords have come here recently?"

"That's natural. Old man, I would never dare to hide this. Otherwise, Tianzun, if you just pinch it, I would be completely dead!"

Although he was surprised by this question, the old man still

He answered carefully.

For a moment, Sun Bing was quite excited, but he still forced himself to keep calm and slowly asked:

"You said earlier that you are quite familiar with this Chaos City, so I wonder if you have heard of Zhouguang Tianzun? I have something important and want to find him."

"Zhouguang Tianzun? I seem to have heard of this name, old man, but it's a pity that I can't remember it for the moment."

At this moment, the old man's brows wrinkled slightly, and after a moment he immediately smiled and said:

"Although I don't know yet, there is no need for Tianzun to be disappointed. Since I have heard of the old man, he must have come to this Chaos City. As long as you are willing to pay a certain price, old man, I will definitely help you arrange things properly."

Even though he had already expected it, Sun Bing still felt quite hopeful after receiving this answer.

However, seeing the old man's confident face, he still nodded slowly:

"In that case, I'll leave this matter to you. As long as you give me the information about his whereabouts, the reward will definitely satisfy you, and this is just a deposit."

As he spoke, Sun Bing flicked his finger, and a stream of light immediately appeared in the old man's hand.

When he lowered his head and took a look, he was able to realize that this was a spiritual fruit at the level of holy medicine. It was nothing to Sun Bing, but to the old man who was just a saint.

, it is absolutely extremely precious.

In an instant, the old man's face was filled with an excited smile. The deposit alone was so generous, so what kind of reward would he get once the matter was completed?

Immediately, the old man couldn't help but nodded and said:

"Okay, okay, okay, Tianzun, leave this matter to me, the old man. The final result will definitely not disappoint you."

In the following time, under the leadership of the old man, Sun Bing also took a rough tour of Chaos City.

I have to say that this city is indeed forged by the Chaos Emperor himself. Even after such a long time, it is still quite extraordinary.

And it seemed that because of the long time, a corner of the city wall was slightly damaged. Taking this opportunity, Sun Bing saw with his own eyes a corner of the formation hidden in the city.

Even though only a few inscriptions were displayed, the obscurity in them made Sun Bing realize a lot. It can be said that the foundation of this Chaos City is definitely far beyond his imagination.

The two walked and stopped all the way, and finally came directly to the center of the entire Chaos City. After raising their heads, Sun Bing froze on the spot. Looking at the building not far away, Sun Bing couldn't help but murmured softly:

"Zhen Gourmet Pavilion?"

"Yes, Tianzun, this is the Zhenyu Pavilion. It is said that its branch pavilions are spread throughout the sea of ​​ten thousand realms, and it has settled in Chaos City countless epochs ago.

Although the price

It is of high quality, but it contains unparalleled delicacies. Only this place is worthy of your status! "

Having said this, the old man's eyes were even filled with envy.

Only Sun Bing could not help but froze on the spot, feeling as if his heart was shaking and he was extremely shocked.

He already knew before that that the Zhenxi Pavilion had a very deep foundation, but only by seeing this branch of the pavilion with his own eyes could he truly feel that foundation.

You must know that Chaos City has been hiding in the vast chaos countless epochs ago. There is even a delicacy pavilion here, so this means that it has also extended for countless epochs.

After a brief period of shock, Sun Bing returned to normal, and then the old man could be heard slowly speaking:

"Tianzun, you can stay here from now on. As long as I get any news, I will report it as soon as possible.

If there is nothing else to do, then the little old man will leave directly! "

After finishing his words, the old man nodded to Sun Bing, and then walked directly towards the distance.

But after three steps, the old man seemed to have thought of something, and turned around and said directly:

"By the way, if Tianzun feels like he has nothing to do, he can still wander around the star field. There are a lot of good things in there."

After saying this this time, the old man left without any further delay and left without hesitation.

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