Sword Emperor

Chapter 3064: Refining the Chaos Mark

After Bojun obtained the "Mining Scripture", he suppressed the impulse in his heart, confessed to Sun Bing, and immediately ran to the next room to meditate.

As for Sun Bing, his eyes also flickered, and with a thought, he disappeared from the spot.

Returning to his own world, Sun Bing's worried heart was completely relieved. After all, this was the safest place in the world.

It's just that at this moment, it's not a time to rest, so with a flash of thought, he took out the Chaos Mark that he had obtained earlier.

For a moment, the obscure aura immediately spread to the surroundings, and even the surrounding space could not help but become distorted.

Looking at the ever-changing chaotic rhythm, Sun Bing's eyes were full of fire, and he kept murmuring softly:

"Okay, okay, okay, is this force the rumored Avenue of Chaos? It's really quite mysterious!

This time I was lucky enough to survive the Mark of Chaos. By refining it, I can successfully understand the Avenue of Chaos. I hope the final result will not disappoint me. "

After the words fell, Sun Bing did not hesitate at all, and directly took the Chaos Mark into his body, and then sat cross-legged on the spot.

All this time, Sun Bing had only heard about the Avenue of Chaos, but he didn't know much about it. He thought he had understood the four thousand major ways.

Dao, Chaos Avenue is no big deal.

But after truly comprehending it, one could discover that the obscurity contained in the Avenue of Chaos was far beyond Sun Bing's imagination. Even with Sun Bing's understanding, he could not understand it at all.

For a moment, Sun Bing frowned slightly, but considering the power of the Avenue of Chaos, he still gritted his teeth and forcibly understood the charm of it.

However, as time went by, Sun Bing's expression not only did not ease, but became even more ugly.

After a long time, Sun Bing's closed eyes instantly opened and he sneered directly:

"Isn't it the Avenue of Chaos? I really don't believe it, and I can't successfully comprehend you!"

Immediately, Sun Bing walked forward step by step. The layers of space were constantly changing, and the next moment he was on top of an extremely huge ancient tree.

This is the top of a Jianmu tree. Looking up, you can see the extremely obscure Heart of the World, which is blooming with bright light.

As the master of the world, the world can change with just a thought.

Immediately, you can see billions of avenues immediately flowing out from the heart of the world, and the mysterious rhythms continue to surge, forming a chaotic green lotus directly under Sun Bing.

Wave after wave of cold air passed directly from the Chaos Green Lotus into Sun Bing's body, so that at this moment, Sun Bing's mind was quite clear.

at the same time

, the Bodhi tree outside the infinite space also bloomed with azure light, and even resonated with the entire world. Even though it was hundreds of millions of miles apart, the mysterious Taoist sound still reached Sun Bing's ears. middle.

Realizing that there was still an invisible barrier between himself and the Avenue of Chaos, Sun Bing even sneered.

The Bodhi Seed, the Enlightenment Stone and even the Hunyuan Pearl he had just obtained immediately turned into streams of light, surging around Sun Bing.

The endless power of the entire world was poured into Sun Bing's body at this moment, so that he seemed to be integrated with the entire world. The seven emotions and six desires in his heart completely disappeared, leaving only absolute reason.

This situation is even similar to the posture of a heavenly being, but the biggest difference is that in this state, Sun Bing's biggest improvement is not his strength, but his understanding.

For ordinary avenues, you only need to glance at them to make improvements. For example, simple martial arts and martial arts can be learned at a glance, which is quite powerful.

At this moment, Sun Bing nodded with satisfaction and continued to explore the Chaos Mark with his eyes closed.

The surrounding space seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Vaguely, Sun Bing only felt that he seemed to have arrived in an extremely dark space.

The surroundings are filled with a light fresh air, just like the obscure atmosphere before the chaos opened up.

The fluctuations are constantly surging around, which is quite mysterious.

But if you look at it carefully, you will find that you have gained nothing, which is quite strange.

But Sun Bing was not discouraged. He was even immersed in it, carefully comprehending the changes in the surrounding space and the Taoist charm contained in it.

In a blur, Sun Bing seemed to have arrived before the universe was opened. The whole world was filled with a vast expanse of fresh air, filled with all kinds of obscure fluctuations, making him deeply immersed in it.

Time flows slowly like this, I don’t know how long it has passed, it seems like hundreds of millions of years, and it seems like a short moment.

In that vast space, a stream of light shines, the entire world is constantly changing, earth-shattering sounds continue to sound, and billions of avenues collide with each other.

The momentum was terrifying to the extreme, as if it was the end of the world, making people extremely desperate.

I don’t know how long such a chaotic time has passed, and the breath in the entire world has been divided into two kinds of clear and turbid qi, which are constantly intermingling and blending. In the midst of all kinds of voids, vast chaos is born.

During the whole process, Sun Bing was immersed in it and personally experienced the changes, so that the many inscriptions and rhymes he had witnessed before were clearly imprinted in the deepest part of Sun Bing's mind.

As if immersed in his mind for hundreds of millions of years, Sun Bing's

Then he slowly opened his eyes.

Obscure fluctuations immediately spread from his eyes, and the space in front of him even continued to distort and disintegrate, and finally became nothingness.

"It is indeed the Chaos Avenue. The difficulty of understanding it is far beyond imagination. If I did not have many helpers and this opportunity, I might not succeed!"

For a moment, Sun Bing could not help but sigh in his heart, but then his mouth curled up slightly, obviously very excited, and he whispered:

"But this Chaos Avenue has such terrible power, it is worthy of its name."

Speaking of this, Sun Bing's heart is full of gratitude.

After all, no matter how profound the Avenue of Time is, as long as you reach the Supreme Realm, you are qualified to understand it. As for the Heavenly Venerable Realm, every cultivator has dabbled in this way.

As for the Chaos Avenue, looking at the past and present, there are very few cultivators who have successfully comprehended it in countless eras.

And at this moment, although Sun Bing's speed of comprehending the Chaos Avenue is quite slow, like a snail, he finally succeeded in comprehending it. This alone is superior to countless cultivators.

Through the power demonstrated by the little bit of understanding he had before, Sun Bing firmly believed that as long as he continued to work hard and study, the power of the Chaos Avenue would never disappoint him.

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