Sword Emperor

Chapter 3106: In vain

Hearing this, the faces of many of the remaining Mine Alliance monks were filled with despair.

Because they were not even qualified to join the battlefield before, they suffered heavy casualties just in the aftermath of the battle. Now, even Elder Jingtao and others also suffered huge trauma.

So where does the hope lie? Is it possible that the Mining Alliance, which has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years, is really going to be destroyed?

However, at this moment, a deep voice slowly sounded:

"You just want to destroy our Mining Alliance? It's just a dream. Even if the strong men in our Mining Alliance are not here, you can't destroy it!"

Looking around, he could suddenly see the angry elder holding his chest and slowly standing up, with a face full of ferocity.

On the other side, Elder Jingtao and Elder Kuangfeng had also stood up. Even though their bodies had suffered considerable trauma, their aura not only did not decrease at all, but even became more terrifying.

Suddenly, the space in all directions became distorted, and the endless chaotic aura stirred. Only a fiery red avenue could be seen suddenly descending, and finally poured directly into the body of the Wrath God.

The angry elder, who originally had a huge aura, seemed to have doubled his aura at this moment.

Heaven and earth are perfectly integrated, and every move and every move is full of rhythm, which is quite mysterious.

Not only Elder Wrath, but Elder Jingtao and Elder Guangfeng even resonated with him at this moment. A light blue and azure avenue behind him directly entered their bodies. This was clearly water. The avenue of wind and the avenue of wind.

"Is this the posture of a heavenly being? It seems that I am really looking at you with a smile!"

For a moment, Sun Bing's eyes showed a hint of solemnity, but the next moment he continued to sneer:

"If you have the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, then I will still be afraid in my heart. Now that I am missing the great road of earth, what can you do to me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Bing raised his sword and swung it in front of him without hesitation. His awe-inspiring momentum suddenly erupted, and the entire world could see the eerie sword light descending.

"ask for life"

The extremely dark sword light passed through the void, and the shadows of the Eighteen Yamas could be faintly seen. There were also scenes of the eighteen levels of hell, and the surroundings were filled with the sounds of countless ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The most important thing is the strong murderous intention contained in the sword light. Under this sword, even the three monks who have entered the posture of heaven and man cannot help but go all out.

In an instant, a big sun broke out immediately

, the scorching aura contained in it was completely different from the coldness hidden in the sword light. The two avenues collided with each other, and the shadows of many netherworlds melted in an instant.

But the avenue of life and death contained in the sword light is still unstoppable. In an instant, it has arrived in front of the angry elder. As long as it is hit, no matter how rich the vitality is in the body, it will die in an instant.

However, what is helpless is that the angry elder's face is neither happy nor sad at this moment. He has already weighed the pros and cons in a flash of lightning. He dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the strong charm of death.

But a Mine Alliance monk behind him was not so lucky. He almost watched the dim light go straight into his body.

In an instant, this person could only feel the vitality in his body passing away at a speed visible to the naked eye. He originally looked like a forty-year-old middle-aged man, but in the blink of an eye, he had turned into a twilight man. The old man finally died completely due to insufficient vitality.

Seeing this situation, Elder Fury and others couldn't help but secretly twitch their faces. With the absolute rationality in their minds, they could clearly detect the gap between the three of them and Sun Bing.

If there is no other way, even if the three of them

Everyone has entered the state of heaven and man, but the final outcome is still a disastrous defeat.

With countless thoughts flickering, the last three people almost unanimously rushed towards the Ten Thousand Stones Palace. After all, this palace carved out of the ore was extremely powerful, even comparable to the imperial weapon.

And this is where all their hope lies.

Seeing this situation, Sun Bing immediately sneered: "If you want to run away, there is no way!"

"Zhuxian Sword Formation"

"Zhoutianxing Sword Fighting Formation"

"Ten Thousand Scales Golden Armor Formation"

The three formations passed through the void almost instantly and came directly to the path that the three monks must pass.

Looking at the formation in front of them, although the three monks were quite rational, there was also a flash of anger in their hearts. After looking at each other, they turned around and wanted to turn around and cross the range of the formation.

It's just that all of this was within Sun Bing's expectations. There wasn't even any frustration on his face. Under the surge of power in his body, the three formations once again crossed the void.

But this time, the formation was no longer simply blocking the road, but even showed all its power. Obscure rules of the avenue emerged one after another. Finally, with the power of the formation, it tried to forcibly cover the three monks. .

A strong sense of crisis instantly filled the hearts of the three people, so much so that they made up their minds

Those who know it want to run away.

But for this moment, Sun Bing had been planning for a long time, so he saw many great rules shining in the chaos, and the obscure formation power soared. Before the three people escaped from the range of the formation, they were already covered by it.

Looking at the huge formation that was constantly descending above their heads, although the three people's faces did not change, their absolute rationality in their hearts was already frantically deducing the way out. In a flash, the three of them almost did not hesitate, burst out all the power in their bodies, and bombarded the formation above their heads.

Seeing this situation, Sun Bing not only had no fear, but even had a lot of pride in his heart:

"It's a good thing to come, but it's a pity that in front of me, all counterattacks are so futile!"

As the words fell, the sharp edge covered the sky in all directions, and the power of the three formations in succession even increased by more than one level. They withstood the counterattacks of the three people and pressed down heavily.

Billions of inscriptions exploded, and many avenues collapsed. No matter how powerful the counterattack of Angry Heavenly Venerable and others was, it could not match the entire world. In addition, on the dome, there was the Nine Provinces Cauldron flashing an obscure light.

After all, after many battles and resistances, the three cultivators were still one step behind, and were forcibly suppressed by Sun Bing, who was one against three.

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