Sword Emperor

Chapter 339 Meeting

I saw a new young man suddenly appear. It can be said that he attracted everyone's attention instantly. The crowd couldn't help but talk about it, wanting to find out something.

But no matter how they identified him, they couldn't find any impression of Sun Bing in their memory, because since arriving in the center of China, Sun Bing could be said to be quite low-key, and the only ones who really knew his strength were Zhang Xiao and Hong Kai. .

In an instant, the crowd couldn't help but ask: "Who is this person? Judging from his appearance, he is seventeen or eighteen years old. Could it be that he is also a young genius? But why have we never heard of him?"

"I don't know, we have never seen it, or is this just a wishful thinking of a junior?" Another person answered directly.

"Haha, every time there will be people like this who want to gain fame and fame, and try to enter the auction through this method, but how can it be so easy to enter the Zhenbao Pavilion's staged auction? As long as you don't have an invitation, you will definitely not be allowed to enter. of."

Along with the other people's bad words, Sun Bing slowly walked to the door of the auction. The person at the front was a middle-aged man who looked like he was only in his thirties. His cultivation level had also reached the stage of rebirth. In the late stage, after stopping Sun Bing, he slowly said: "Master, I hope you will take out the invitation, so that there will be no misunderstanding."

At this moment, it can be said that everyone is paying attention. Many casual cultivators behind him looked at Sun Bing with burning eyes, and even their brows were full of ridicule, predicting that Sun Bing would definitely not be able to take out the invitation.

After all, before Zhenbao Pavilion issues an invitation, it requires careful investigation and sufficient potential.

He has great strength and a rich net worth. Otherwise, even at the auction, he would still be unable to purchase anything.

All you could see was a wry smile on Sun Bing's lips, and then a golden light flashed in his hand, and a precious invitation letter suddenly appeared. It could be said that it completely overturned the previous assumptions of countless people.

Everyone's eyes were full of surprise, and they even couldn't help but speak: "This, this is impossible, how could he have an invitation letter? Is it possible that such an unknown person can enter such an auction now?" "?"

In fact, the middle-aged man who received the invitation at this moment was full of doubts. Being able to be arranged here, his status in the Treasure Pavilion is not low. As for who was invited this time, it can be said that Understand clearly.

It is precisely because of this that those who entered before did not intercept at all, but he can be sure that there is absolutely no figure of Sun Bing in his memory. After all, he has cultivated to such a state, and he has become a person with photographic memory. The most basic skill.

That's why I stepped forward to intercept. With deep doubts, I couldn't help but check the invitation in front of me. However, this invitation was indeed issued by Zhenbao Pavilion, and it was impossible to forge it.

However, as long as you hold the invitation letter, you can enter, so even if you are still full of doubts in your heart, the other party does not stop it, and then slowly turns away and says directly: "This young master, the invitation letter That’s right, I hope you can come in.”

You can see the golden light flashing in Sun Bing's hand again at this moment, throwing something to the other party, paused and said: "Since you can enter, then I will give this back to you, right?"

It's of no use to me. "

In an instant, everyone was filled with deep astonishment, because the second thing Sun Bing threw out was nothing else. It was still a very precious invitation to the Zhenbao Pavilion auction.

There was even a sense of silence among the crowd at this moment. It was extremely difficult and dangerous for the rest of the people to enter, and there was no way they could obtain such a precious thing. But now that it was in Sun Bing's hands, it was as big as cabbage. Zi took out two.

After seeing that there was no objection from the other party, Sun Bing didn't think much. He paused and walked directly inside. Speaking of this auction, he still had enough expectations in his heart. , hoping to gain a lot.

And just as Sun Bing here moved his steps, he could hear his profoundness and suddenly exclaimed: "It turned out to be the Immortal Sword Body - Wei Changdong. I didn't expect that he would also come to this place this year. Really?" It’s rare.”

"Yes, it is rumored that his cultivation level has reached an unfathomable level. This time, he will be able to get the first place in the battle for the list of geniuses. From this point of view, he is really a truly chosen one."

Immediately, Sun Bing's steps that he had just stepped out slowly stopped, and his body could not help but deflect slightly.

It can be said that the name Wei Changdong has been with him since he first came here. Although he said that he had fought with the opponent's shadow, Sun Bing had never seen him in person.

At this moment, he turned around slowly and saw a young man from a distance walking directly towards this place. His sword-shaped eyebrows were glaring with anger and his posture was upright.

Yang Hui was different. The other person was like an unsheathed sword. After looking at him, you could even feel a sting in your eyes.

"Yes, it's this person." Just after seeing Wei Changdong's appearance, Sun Bing's eyes already flashed with light. Even though the shadow in the past could not reveal his true face, after meeting him, She was still able to clearly confirm her suspicion.

At this moment, Sun Bing's mind couldn't help but echo the face of Song Yuan in the past, as well as the face of the old man who kept saying that he wanted to take him as a slave. The ultimate source of everything was the young man in front of him.

In an instant, the shadow of the sword in the sea of ​​consciousness couldn't help but shake slightly, and a hint of sharpness appeared on the whole person. This action can be said to be extremely small, and no one at the scene could notice Sun Bing's small movements.

But at this moment, Sun Bing felt a sharp gaze coming from his whole body. When he looked up, he could find that Wei Changdong was looking directly at him, like two rays of divine light, seeing through him.

Under such gaze, Sun Bing took a rare deep breath. He could feel the huge pressure from the figure in front of him, which was several times more terrifying than that phantom. He sighed in his heart: "It really deserves to be the immortal sword body. It is so terrifying three years later."

Then, Wei Changdong walked directly towards Sun Bing, and there was no one to intercept him along the way. Because for people like him, such a big name has been created long ago, and there is no need for an invitation letter to verify. Even without an invitation letter, it is still quite easy to enter.

When Wei Changdong

passed by Sun Bing, his footsteps could not help but stop slowly. The surrounding environment can be said to be silent at this moment. He could hear a sigh from him: "The sword box behind you is very special. I really want to see what it looks like after it is unsheathed."

"My answer will not disappoint you." Sun Bing couldn't help but speak softly at this moment. The two people were like old friends for many years at this moment. Such an attitude really made people feel a little incredible.

However, only Sun Bing could know the danger in that moment, because in the case of being completely invisible, the two people had already started to fight secretly, especially the sword intent between them even pressed each other.

When thinking of this, Sun Bing's eyes revealed a deep solemnity, because the strength of the person in front of him was too strong. In three years, the other party's progress was faster than Sun Bing imagined, and he could feel the breath of danger just now.

Forcibly suppressing the sharp sword behind him that was eager to fly out of the sword box, Sun Bing finally did not say anything, and then entered the auction venue. Only the group of casual cultivators were left there, constantly trying to figure out and guess the meaning of the conversation between Sun Bing and Wei Changdong.

As for Sun Bing at this moment, under the guidance of the staff of the Treasure Pavilion, he entered a secret private room. There were inscriptions written on the surface, and the information of the people in it could not be detected at all. Moreover, the defense was strong, which was very convenient for hiding the identity.

On the other side, Wei Changdong couldn't help but smile on his serious face at this moment, and said softly: "It's quite interesting. This time, the Tianjiao list can really be said to be full of Tianjiao. I hope I won't be disappointed."

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