Sword Emperor

Chapter 3476 Return

After finishing his words, Sun Bing immediately raised his head and looked at Yuan Feng and the Immortal Taoist in front of him, and said directly:

"Fellow Taoists, this time there is something going on in the ancient heaven, and I want to go back to the human race next. I wonder if you will go together?"

The moment he heard this, Taoist Immortal's eyes immediately shone brightly. He even did not hesitate to extract a drop of his own blood. What was his final purpose? Wasn't he just to make good friends with Sun Bing?

But now that the opportunity came, he didn't hesitate at all. He immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, okay, okay, since my fellow Taoist has invited me, I won't refuse anymore."

As for Yuan Feng on the side, her beautiful eyes were rolling around, but she also did not refuse, and even couldn't help but purse her lips and chuckle:

"We, the Phoenix Clan, and the Human Clan are eternal allies. My little sister didn't go to place it before, so naturally I can't let go of this God-given opportunity now."

Seeing that neither party refused, Sun Bing's face also showed a hint of joy. After all, leaving aside the immortal Taoist's strength, his status as a magical medicine alone had already made Sun Bing want to win over him.

What's more, his younger brothers are all transformed into magical medicines. Even if they are not magical medicines, they are quite rare.

Yes, it will be of great benefit to the human race.

The same is true for Yuan Feng on the other side. As the posthumous daughter of Zu Feng, if she can get her approval, then the difficulty of conquering the Feng clan in the future will definitely be reduced countless times.

After a brief moment of excitement, Sun Bing suppressed his restless emotions and took Yuan Feng and the Immortal Taoist to gallop straight towards the vast chaos in the distance.

In just a few moments, the group of people had traveled through the endless space. Looking at the border that was getting closer and closer to them, the Taoist Immortal's face was full of emotion:

"The current situation is turbulent. In just a few years, the Sea of ​​All Realms has swallowed up such a huge area. I don't know when it will reach its limit!"

The words were full of sighs. You must know that a few years ago, most of the ancient heaven was in chaos. How long has passed? Not only has the heaven been exposed, but the borders have also moved so far. The future will definitely be more dangerous. It is true to take refuge in the human race. is an excellent choice.

As the distance approaches, the aftermath of the collision between the Sea of ​​All Realms and Chaos is finally transmitted, and the entire space is constantly distorted.

Although I had already expected it in my heart, the great power contained in it was still far beyond the imagination of the immortal Taoist, that is,

Even he felt a fatal sense of crisis.

As for the Lingyu Tianzun and others behind him, they were even more unbearable at the moment. Just facing the aftermath, their faces turned pale.

Just when the immortal Taoist was about to give up, a faint apology appeared on Sun Bing's face at the front:

"This is an oversight. The boundary between the Sea of ​​All Realms and Chaos is the frontier of the universe, and its power is extremely violent. Even the powerful Heavenly Masters are at risk of falling here, so you must stand by my side. "

As he spoke, Sun Bing slowly waved his hand, and an obscure Taoist rhyme suddenly descended. The terrifying coercion and violent power disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the whole person became quite relaxed.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, Taoist Taoist Immortal was shocked both physically and mentally. His pupils were full of disbelief, and he kept murmuring in his heart:

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

As the strongest person in the group besides Sun Bing, he is the only one who knows how terrifying the aftermath of the border outbreak is. He is at risk of falling, let alone others.

But for such a terrifying place to be solved so easily by Sun Bing, one can only imagine the extent of his strength.

The most important thing is that Sun Bing is only an eighth-level Heavenly Lord at this moment. If he can become an emperor one day, it will definitely be even more terrifying. Thinking of this, the immortal Taoist's belief in taking refuge in the human race becomes more and more firm.

After several days of galloping, everyone finally arrived at the border. Even with Sun Bing's protection, the violent power was still shocking. Even the well-informed Yuan Feng had a look of solemnity on his face.

However, there are also great gifts in great dangers. The boundary of the universe, where thousands of avenues collide, is the best place for enlightenment. Just these few days of traveling have given Yuan Feng and others a better understanding of the world. A new perception.

This can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

Looking at the violent space turbulence in front of him and the hundreds of millions of chaotic waves rising in the chaos, Sun Bing couldn't help but slowly stopped and explained:

"In the past, Chaos City could still sneak into Chaos, but now, this border has become more and more dangerous. Now the space is broken and time is messed up. Unless you have the treasure, you can't cross the border at all.

But we don’t need to worry, we will rely on the divine boat to cross the world next. This treasure is no less than the ancient heaven, even though this place is quite dangerous.

, but to it, it’s nothing. "

As he spoke, the huge body of the World-Transcending Shenzhou appeared directly on the spot, and countless rules of order descended from it, so that the surrounding space could not help but return to calm.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone did not hesitate at all and stepped onto the world-transmitting divine boat in one step. The previous depression, panic and stubbornness disappeared in an instant, leaving only a deep sense of comfort.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but be secretly shocked. It was indeed the rumored divine boat that could transcend the world.

Standing here and looking into the distance, one can clearly see the violent power crisscrossing, the space turbulence of the Ten Thousand Worlds Sea and the chaotic waves colliding with each other, and the aftermath is even more terrifying than the imperial war.

However, such a beautiful scenery is also quite spectacular. Just by looking at it, everyone has a lot of insights, and the whole person can't help but fall into the deepest level of enlightenment.

At this moment, Sun Bing moved his mind and controlled the huge World Crossing Divine Boat, slowly moving forward.

Wherever he passed, the violent space returned to calm. No matter how terrifying the external power was, how violent the waves were, the World Crossing Divine Boat was still impartial and rode the wind and waves.

This is the most precious treasure of the era, the World Crossing Divine Boat.

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