Sword Emperor

Chapter 3542 The Broken World

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Heisha and others were full of surprise. After a long silence, they could hear a burst of exclamation:

"Then, then, could that be the rumored Chaos Green Lotus? Didn't it say that this treasure has not appeared in the world for countless years? Why did it appear today?"

As they spoke, everyone's eyes flickered. You must know that in the vast chaos, although they are good in strength, their background is really poor, and they can only be regarded as ordinary casual cultivators.

As for the legendary treasures such as the Chaos Green Lotus, they had never even seen them, let alone obtained them. At this moment, such a terrifying vision appeared.

So without any hesitation, you can see Heisha immediately speaking with excitement on his face:

"Fellow Taoists, if you have Tianjizi's token, no matter where you go in the world, we can find it. On the contrary, this Chaos Green Lotus is very rare. I want to search for this Chaos Green Lotus first. As for that The world will tell you later, what do you think?"

"We have the same idea."

The other monks on the side nodded almost unanimously, especially Yuan Qian in the crowd, who said directly without hesitation:

"Since you want to explore the Chaos Green first,

Lian, then our actions must be accelerated. After all, the movement just now was so huge that it could be clearly felt even from hundreds of millions of miles away.

If we wait until those terrifying forces come, our hope will be reduced countless times, so we must seize the time now. "

Hearing this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and then without any hesitation at all, they immediately galloped towards the place where the chaotic Qinglian phantom had just erupted.

Sun Bing, who was left at the end, looked at the running figures in front of him, with a cold smile on his face, and murmured softly in a voice that only he could hear:

"It's true that wealth is so attractive. It seems that you are also satisfied with the tomb I have prepared for you."

Under the intense excitement, the speed of everyone present reached their limit. In just a few moments, they had already crossed the infinite space. At the end of their sight, the shadow of a mighty and hazy river continued to surge.

This is clearly a long river of time.

And the most important thing is that there is a broken but complete world, which is between the long river of time and chaos. The world in the chaos is extremely broken and full of desolate silence, but half of it is located in the long river of time, but it is full of life. ounce

However, it is particularly weird.

Seeing such a scene with their own eyes, all the monks' faces were filled with solemnity. After pondering for a long time, Yuan Qian finally spoke slowly and with some uncertainty:

"I have heard about this kind of world. It must be a powerful person who can move the entire world into the long river of time and travel through time to resist the great destruction. This is how the Siyuan tribe avoided it. .

However, there may have been some accidents in this world, and it actually fell from the river of time, so the half that entered the chaos was filled with death energy.

Once you are in it, you will be eroded by the endless death energy, and there are countless time vortexes scattered throughout it. If you are not careful, you will be involved in time. "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the monks present could not help but become serious, but no monks opened their mouths to withdraw.

After all, the monks who can cultivate to this level have very strong willpower. How can they be persuaded to retreat by a few words? What's more, people die for wealth and birds die for food. How can it be possible when such treasures as the Chaos Green Lotus are so close? Why give up so easily?

Just when everyone's minds were filled with thoughts, a powerful momentum suddenly broke out, and they saw a huge chaotic green in the broken world.

Lian Xuying appeared again.

Suddenly, the eyes of the monk who was still hesitating were filled with determination. After taking a deep breath, someone finally stepped forward and laughed:

"Since fellow Taoists don't want to go first, I will take the first step. Everyone, I'll see you later!"

After the words fell, the man didn't pause at all. He took one step forward and entered the dead and broken world in the next moment.

Seeing this situation, the other monks also did not hesitate. The power in their bodies exploded and they galloped straight in front of them.

Seeing the monks disappearing one after another, Heisha and Yuan Qian could not suppress the restlessness in their hearts and nodded to Sun Bing:

"Fellow Daoist Tianpeng, we are taking the first step!"

After confirming that no one was left behind, Sun Bing walked directly in front of him.

In just one step, there was a layer of void. The surrounding space and even time were constantly changing. And the closer he got to this broken world, the more intense the death energy became. Even Sun Bing was trembling with fear. Degree.

I don’t know how long he traveled, but Sun Bing finally came to a vast space. Looking around, he saw dim stars standing quietly on the spot, as far as his eyes could see.

There is not even a trace of life here, let alone any living beings.

On the contrary, infinite death energy, resentment and even destruction energy gathered together crazily. Countless resentful souls could be faintly heard roaring angrily, so much so that Sun Bing was in a trance.

Fortunately, the next moment, the sword soul in Sun Bing's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly erupted, and his originally dazed mind returned to normal in an instant, and his eyes were full of solemnity, and he whispered to himself:

"How many lives have been lost? Even I have been affected. This place is really too scary."

As a swordsman, Sun Bing has a natural restraint against these evil things, but now this restraint has disappeared. It is conceivable how powerful that force is.

However, the more dangerous this place is, the more intense the smile on Sun Bing's face becomes. After all, he came here not to explore and find treasures, but to kill Heisha and others here, so this kind of danger can be said to be the right time and place.

Shaking his head to clear the extra thoughts in his mind, Sun Bing continued to talk to himself:

"For me, first of all, I have to find their location. Although this place is quite strange, I believe that with their means, they will not fall. Next, I still have to do it myself."

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