Sword Emperor

Chapter 3770 White Hair

Several days have passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, the entire continent was not as peaceful as imagined.

Sometimes a divine dragon looks up to the sky and roars, its huge body covering the sky and the sun, erupting with unimaginable terrifying power, shattering the heaven and the earth;

Or a figure full of majesty descends slowly, displays unrivaled power, falls mightily, and forcefully suppresses everything in front of it;

Some people even showed signs of compassion, with colorful rays of light blooming from their bodies, and even directly tamed the ancestral dragon veins.

All in all, during this period of time, the rays of light emerged in the sky and the earth, and they were colorful and spectacular to the extreme.

After such a long period of cultivation, the vitality of Ao Zu and Bing Po has finally recovered completely, and their cultivation has even improved to a certain extent.

Immediately, the two of them looked at Sun Bing without any hesitation, ready to express their gratitude to him.

After all, in their eyes, Sun Bing is much stronger than them in terms of strength and potential, and he must have been waiting for the two of them.

But when their eyes turned away, Ao Zu and Bing Po couldn't help but froze on the spot, and even couldn't help but exclaimed:

"what on earth is it?"

Because at this moment Sun Bing was still sitting cross-legged, but what shocked them the most was

Still, the three thousand green hairs on Sun Bing's head were as white as frost and snow.

This scene completely shocked the three of them. You must know that if the monks are not willing, most of their hair will turn gray only when their life span is about to run out.

But Sun Bing's age is only ten thousand years old at most, which is nothing compared to his long lifespan.

Now his hair has turned white, so the meaning is self-evident. It is obvious that he was previously cursed and swallowed up too much vitality and longevity.

Thinking of this, both Ao Zu and Bing Po's expressions became extremely gloomy, and they looked towards Sun Bing from time to time, their brows filled with worry.

Because in the face of this situation, if he does not replenish his vitality and lifespan as soon as possible, then soon, Sun Bing will completely die due to the depletion of his lifespan.

Thinking of this, the three people in the group were even more anxious, but they did not dare to make any unnecessary moves.

After all, Sun Bing still had not regained consciousness at this moment, and they were afraid that Sun Bing would fail because of their actions.

As time passed by, many strange phenomena continued to erupt in the world, but it was a pity that Sun Bing still did not regain consciousness.

As time went by, the pressure on Ao Zu and others became more and more intense. Just when they could no longer bear it, Sun Bing in the distance finally slowly opened his eyes.


This scene was directly seen by Ao Yi, who was staring at Sun Bing so closely that he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Wake up, wake up!"

Immediately, Ao Zu and Bing Po also quickly came to Sun Bing, looking at the figure in front of them with concern, their voices even trembling:

"Okay, okay, okay, Brother Sun, you have finally regained consciousness. How do you feel now?"

Faced with the weird behavior of the three people, Sun Bing's face remained very calm, and he even couldn't help but chuckle:

"No need to worry, I'm fine. Look, haven't I regained consciousness?

I have to say that the Five Elements Pinecone is indeed the rumored innate spiritual root, and its efficacy is extraordinary. Even though I was seriously injured, I have recovered to a certain extent. "

Hearing this, Ao Zu and Bing Po exhaled in unison, and their hanging hearts finally relaxed.

However, at this moment, Ao Yi suddenly frowned and asked directly:

"So benefactor, what happened to your hair? Why is it still white?"

For a moment, the entire void was extremely silent. The smiles on the faces of Ao Zu and Bing Po even froze in place, and they turned to look at Sun Bing blankly.

Sure enough, it was still as white as snow. The luck in their hearts disappeared in an instant, and their eyes were dead.

Looking at Sun Bing in front of him, he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say at all.

"You don't need to worry too much. Although my longevity cannot be restored, because I have absorbed a lot of Five Elements pine cones, I will not die in a short time."

Looking at the people in front of him, Sun Bing was quite shy, but the next moment, he thought of something and immediately became confident:

"Besides, all you have to do is wait until you break through the reincarnation pool, and everything you lose by then can be repaid twice as much."

At the end of the sentence, Sun Bing's face was even more confident, because he was determined to achieve this breakthrough.

But the faces of Ao Zu and others were still full of worry, and after a long while, they let out a long sigh:

"Brother Dao, I can't say anything more, but you must not be too reckless next time. Everything can be left to us."

"Yes, maybe our strength is not as good as yours, but the trivial matter of exploring the path is still not a problem."


Listening to these words, Sun Bing's heart also felt warm.

But now at such a critical moment, no time could be wasted, so after clearing the excess thoughts from his mind, he immediately said:

"Fellow Taoists, time is urgent now. While we are recuperating and recuperating, the other strong men are not slowing down. It is time to continue.

Moved forward. "

In this regard, Ao Zu and others did not refuse at all, and even they were very eager to move on.

Because they had seen countless rare treasures along the way, they wanted to explore the ancestral dragon veins to find some treasures that could help Sun Bing.

Immediately, the group moved very fast, and the four people turned into four streams of light, and in the blink of an eye they passed through many spaces.

As the saying goes, one learns from one's mistakes, because the previous two experiences gave Sun Bing and others a full understanding of the dragon veins, so they were almost fully prepared.

Especially Sun Bing, knowing himself and the enemy, there was no flaw at all, and the power he burst out was even more terrifying.

In just a few days, the group had killed six ancestral dragon veins, plus the previous two, there were already eight.

After absorbing and swallowing so many ancestral dragon veins, the once vague resentful dragon now almost condensed into a solid body, and it was only one step away from resurrection.

But the only pity is that after killing so many ancestral dragon veins, many extremely precious treasures were obtained.

But no elixir that could be useful to Sun Bing was found. This resulted in the fact that even after so much time had passed, his hair was still as white as that of an old man.

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