Sword Emperor

Chapter 3817: Counterattack on Heaven and Earth

Looking at the scene in front of him, the eyes of the ancestor of the Golden-winged Dapeng were filled with deep fear, and even his voice was distorted:

"You, you, you actually burned the power of your own blood. Are you risking your life?"

The Dragon King did not speak, but the aura on his body became more and more majestic. The golden flame burned in all directions and gathered into the most terrifying force, sweeping towards the front in a mighty manner.

The layers of space continued to disintegrate and collapse, but the reaction of the ancestor of the golden-winged roc was quite fast, and he hid aside with a flutter of his wings.

Although his pupils were still full of fear, he gritted his teeth and kept sneering:

"I'll let you go now, you won't be able to hold on for long anyway!"

As the words fell, its wings kept waving, its body escaped directly into the void, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Dragon King didn't pay any attention to this. He immediately turned his head and looked behind Tianzi's crack. All the power in his body surged and he unleashed a shocking blow.

"Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens"

The infinite power gathered together and formed a soaring dragon's shadow, flying towards the crack in the sky mightily.

Seeing this situation, the emperor behind the crack in the sky immediately sneered:

"A useless person is a useless person after all. Is it possible that by fighting for his own life, he can threaten this emperor?"

Even so, he did not relax his vigilance, and his infinite power

Gathered together, and then the palm fell heavily.

For a moment, the phantom of the divine dragon collided with the hand that covered the sky, and earth-shattering sounds resounded in all directions. The aftermath of the battle caused the surrounding time and space to completely explode.

After a long time, the turbulent time and space barely regained its calm, and the Dragon King's body at this moment was filled with ferocious scars.

Black-yellow blood continued to flow, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

At the same time, behind the crack in the sky, a sarcastic voice slowly sounded:

"It's true as I said, you are nothing more than a useless person. Just now you still had a hundred years to live, but now I am afraid it will be less than ten years!"

These words shocked everyone physically and mentally. They looked at the Dragon King with horrified faces, and the expressions in their pupils ranged from astonishment to pleasure to gloating.

But it's more of a pity. After all, a strong man who has cultivated to this level has no limit on his lifespan and can be said to be immortal.

Now one person is about to die, which is really a big loss.

On the other side, Sun Bing's expression changed after hearing these words. Even though he was still bound by the heavenly and earthly tribulations at this moment, he still gritted his teeth and waved his hand:

"Senior, take this thing!"

As the words fell, a stream of light appeared directly and flew quickly towards the Dragon King.

Hearing this, the Dragon King in the distance turned his head subconsciously. When he saw clearly what was flying over, his eyes suddenly burst out with the brightest light.

Because this is surprisingly the ginseng grandfather's beard that Sun Bing got earlier.

Seeing this scene with their own eyes, the many monks gathered around had a look of surprise in their eyes:

"I didn't expect that Sun Bing would even donate this thing. It's really unexpected!"

"If you don't contribute at this time, you will really die!"


The whispers around him also attracted the attention of the emperor behind the rift in the sky, and he immediately mobilized his power to destroy Grandpa Ginseng's beard.

It's just that the Dragon King moved so fast, opening his mouth like a black hole, swallowing everything in front of him directly into his mouth.

The majestic vitality contained in Grandpa Ginseng's beard exploded instantly, and then the Dragon King's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the terrifying aura on his body has improved by more than one level.

"Hahahaha, come, come, come, now look how much longevity I have!"

Feeling the majestic power in his body, the Dragon King couldn't help laughing loudly, and at the same time, he burned the blood in his body more thoroughly.

The golden flame burns the sky, and the divine dragon forcibly extracted

The shadow once again flew toward the nine heavens in a mighty manner.

Although invisible, the emperor behind the crack in the sky at this moment has a gloomy expression.

Because for him, this is a complete shame.

Only a cold snort could be heard, and then majestic power gathered crazily.

At this moment, the emperor behind the crack in the sky finally took it seriously. Time and space continued to merge, forming a world-shattering power.

A simple hand fell down, but it seemed as if there was a huge world contained in the palm.

The palm fell slowly, as if the world collapsed from the sky, all great power burst out, time was distorted, and space collapsed.

The monks who had not yet reached a certain level of cultivation strength had blood and tears flowing from their eyes just by looking at the distorted and collapsed time and space.

It can be said that they can't even bear the Tao Yun spreading out of it.

Facing such power, the Dragon King's face was also full of solemnity, but he did not retreat at all.

After taking a deep breath, he held his breath and concentrated for a moment, and then the phantom of the dragon in the sky opened its teeth and claws. Not only did it not retreat, but it flew towards the collapsed space and time.

The next moment, the phantom of the divine dragon collided with the turbulent time and space, and the power involved was unimaginable.

Even the Dragon King who refined Grandpa Ginseng’s beard couldn’t bear this

Unimaginable aftermath.

Although he was only half a step away from the Great Emperor Realm, the gap between this half step was greater than the gap between a mortal and an emperor.

No matter how brilliant you are, and how proud you are of the eternal heaven, you can't get over this kind of shackles.

Although the Dragon King was strong enough after risking his life, the Great Emperor was still weaker than him.

In just a short moment, countless scars appeared on his body, and even the solid dragon scales now had cracks.

Then infinite vitality burst out, and the previous scars and dragon scales healed again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene seemed to be unscathed, but the pain and even the loss of energy were unimaginable. Even the Dragon King couldn't hold on for too long.

Coupled with the huge gap in strength between the two sides, everyone knew that the battle would be completely over in a moment.

Sun Bing also knew this very well, so he watched the battlefield in the distance while trying his best to stimulate the power in his body.

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation and the Innate Eight Diagrams Formation burst out with infinite power, and then swept towards the Heavenly Tribulation and the Earthly Tribulation with all their strength.

Apparently, because he knew that he didn't have much time, Sun Bing even went so far as to counterattack the Heavenly Tribulation in order to achieve the goal of overcoming the tribulation as quickly as possible.

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