Sword Emperor

Chapter 3852 I am willing to surrender

Seeing this situation, Sun Bing's expression remained unchanged, and even a touch of sarcasm appeared on his face:

"Since I can kill you three times, I can also kill you more. In my opinion, you should be the one who deserves the death!"

The moment the words fell, the spiritual power in Sun Bing's sea of ​​consciousness completely exploded.

For a moment, the entire Zhuxian Sword Formation couldn't help but roar, and the four long swords showed unimaginable terrifying edges.

In those four swords, Sun Bing seemed to feel the ultimate in the world. Even as the master, his spirit felt stinging.

Xiang Liu, who was in the formation, was even more miserable. Thousands of people were coming from all directions, and the black scales on his body even oozed a little cold sweat.

At the same time, he would burn the essence, blood, energy and even spirit in his body at all costs in exchange for more majestic power.

Then he gathered all his mighty power and attacked mightily towards the Zhuxian Sword Formation.


The terrifying attack came instantly, and the violent power caused a loud noise, and the layers of space were constantly disintegrating and collapsing.

But the killing world formed by the Four Swords of Zhu Xian is still intact.

At the same time, sword energy like a shower descended on the sky, densely packed, covering the entire sky.

Even though Xiang Liu was terrified in his heart, there was no place at all.

to be able to dodge.

Billions of sword energy descended in an instant, and after the bloody sharp edge, Xiang Liu's proud scales were directly cut through.

The strong killing intent poured into his mind through the wound, and the familiar stinging feeling came again.

Xiang Liu's nine heads raised their heads in unison and let out a long and painful roar.

And this is just the beginning. You must know that the sword energy coming at this time is not one or two, but thousands or ten thousand.

So at this moment, Xiang Liu could only feel the pain that was like soul tearing, coming from all parts of his body one after another.

This feeling is like being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, even more painful than being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

After all, Xiang Liu, who had endured the ravages of thousands of sword energies, was very clear-headed and could clearly feel every injury.

In just a few moments, Xiang Liu's soul had experienced countless traumas, and his originally clear eyes gradually began to glow with blood.

Because of this continuous pain, even with Xiangliu's mental willpower, he couldn't hold on.

If this stalemate continues, Xiang Liu's sanity will gradually be worn away, and he will eventually become a beast without any wisdom.

The most important thing is that even if he is reborn through his innate magical power, he cannot recover from this situation.

It can be said that Sun Bing's move has affected Xiang Liu's life and death.


Under such circumstances, he did not dare to hold anything back at all, and rushed towards the surroundings with all his strength. Even though his body was covered with blood, he did not flinch at all.

But how terrifying the Immortal Killing Sword Formation is, it can be called the number one killing formation in history. How can it be broken so easily?

No matter how wildly Xiang Liu dances, no matter how distorted the surrounding space is, the entire killing world remains as stable as a rock.

Realizing that his offensive was of no use, Xiang Liu frowned tightly, looking around with his nine heads, and then his eyes were filled with determination.

The next moment, a terrifying wave brewed in Xiang Liu's body. When the aura on his body reached its extreme, a head exploded directly.

Violent power instantly filled the surroundings, and time and space turned into nothingness.

Even the Zhuxian sword was greatly affected, and ripples could be seen vaguely, but then returned to normal again.

But those small ripples gave Xiang Liu hope of survival. Then he was very decisive and the power in his body started to work again.

Another head exploded, and the power erupted at this moment was even more terrifying than before.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation, which was originally still able to remain calm, finally became turbulent at this moment. Many rules of the avenue collapsed, and the killing world was constantly in turmoil.

"Break it for me

! "

Along with that burst of screams, the third explosion came.

No matter how powerful the Immortal Killing Sword Formation is, Sun Bing's cultivation is still flawed. After this series of destruction, it has finally reached its ultimate limit.

At this moment, only an earth-shaking loud noise could be heard, and then the entire killing world collapsed.

Seeing this situation, Xiang Liu's face was full of excitement. Although he paid the price of three heads for this, everything was nothing as long as he could escape.

Immediately, without any hesitation, Xiang Liu took a step forward and traveled through time in an instant.

Before he could take stock of his surroundings, Zulong, who had been gathering momentum for so long, finally exploded:

"If you want to destroy our dragon clan, I'll kill you first!"

Ever since, at this moment, Xiang Liu could only feel a bright golden stream of light coming towards him, and a fatal sense of crisis instantly enveloped his whole body.

It's just that Zulong's movements were completely beyond Xiang Liu's expectations. He was caught off guard, and he couldn't dodge at all. He could only watch the attack getting closer and closer to him.

Suddenly, the mighty golden dragon shone in the sky. When the handsome dragon shadow disappeared, Xiang Liu had disappeared without a trace.

But both Sun Bing and Zu Long knew that Xiang Liu had not died at this moment.

Subsequently, the reaction speed of the two people

Quite quickly, I saw Sun Bing's fingers close together, constantly carving formation patterns in the void, and his mental power was controlling the surrounding world.

In the distance, a huge formation appeared at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

On the other side, Zulong's body danced in the sky, calling the wind and rain, lightning and thunder, summoning his own innate magical powers, and sweeping towards the swamp on the ground.

After such a long time, Xiangliu's body has been nurtured by the swamp.

Sensing the terrifying power emanating from the sky, a deep fear finally emerged in his heart.

You should know that he had been killed by Sun Bing for three lives, and before that, in order to break through the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he blew up three heads.

These are also three lives, and in the end, Zulong's sudden attack, in total, his nine lives have been strangled seven.

Although there are still two left now, as Sun Bing said before, since all seven have been wiped out, then there are only two lives, like a candle in the wind, which is nothing at all.

Moreover, Sun Bing and Zulong did not stop at this moment. If they continue, this eighth life will not last long.

For a moment, countless thoughts such as fear, regret, anger and even anxiety burst out in Xiangliu's mind.

Finally, he couldn't help but plead with a sincere face:

"My two Taoist friends, please show mercy, I am willing to surrender!"

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