Sword Emperor

Chapter 3919: Secrets of Space and Time

I saw the ancestral dragon's body flickering, and then shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a short moment, it transformed into the shape of a dragon's head and human body.

And the way he looked at Sun Bing was full of affection, remembrance, emotion and many other emotions.

At the same time, Sun Bing also felt very strange, because the figure in front of him seemed very familiar to him, but also seemed very strange.

Just when he was filled with doubts, Zu Long finally spoke:

"Fellow Taoist, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Didn't we just meet before? What does this mean?"

Hearing this, Sun Bing's brows almost knitted together, and his heart was filled with doubts.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Zu Long's face, and then he slowly explained:

"Actually, you should be able to detect the changes in this emperor. I am at my peak right now."

As soon as these words came out, Sun Bing instantly realized what the other party wanted to express.

After all, those who have reached the level of the Great Emperor can travel freely in the long river of time. What's more, Zulong is the rumored Lord of the Era, and his strength is completely unimaginable.

At this moment, the most peak ancestral dragon in the Dragon Clan Era has arrived at this moment across all the time and space.

But having said that, Sun Bing's doubts not only did not diminish

millimeter, and even more and more:

"Since you can come here across time and space, you should have noticed when I came to the Dragon Era. Why didn't you come?"

"Fellow Taoist, it's not that I don't want to come, it's actually that I can't come."

Hearing this, Zu Long shook his head helplessly, and then explained with a wry smile:

"Although you have cultivated to the realm of the Great Emperor and can travel freely in the long river of time, you must also know that there is a path of cause and effect in the world.

The opportunity for me to attain enlightenment was given by fellow Taoists. If I had arrived rashly at that time, it would have caused a backlash. "

At this moment, Sun Bing seemed to have thought of something, and nodded as if he suddenly realized:

"Is this the opportunity you are talking about?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but point to the Eye of Creation not far away.

Zu Long smiled and nodded, and then explained:

"Yes, if I had appeared in front of you at the moment you just arrived, would what would have happened next?"

In fact, there is no need for Zulong to explain too much. Sun Bing already knows many of its meanings at this moment.

If the Zulong really arrived at that time, then Sun Bing might have asked him to send him away directly, which would reverse the cause and effect.

Being the best in the world

The avenue of cause and effect is completely comparable to time, space, and destiny.

Even the Ancestral Dragon, who is the Lord of Chance, would feel quite uncomfortable being backlashed by this kind of avenue.

It is precisely because of this that Ancestral Dragon has never reversed time and space.

Now that all opportunities had been obtained, he finally let go of his worries and reappeared in front of Sun Bing.

After learning the news, Sun Bing was very excited, and his eyes even shone brightly.

Zu Long seemed to be aware of what Sun Bing was thinking, and shook his head helplessly:

"Fellow Taoist, it is true that you can kill strong men in the realm of the Great Emperor by crossing time and space, but the movement caused by your arrival in reverse time and space will be noticed by them.

I can't take action because you, fellow Taoist, are my cause and effect. As for the other strong men, they don't have such scruples as I do.

If you arrive rashly, they will definitely eliminate all unexpected factors in the shortest possible time. "

When he heard the last two words, even Sun Bing's back was filled with cold sweat. He could only shake his head and sigh helplessly, his face full of regret.

After letting out a long sigh, Sun Bing looked at Zu Long in front of him again:

"Now that you have arrived at this moment, does it mean that my cause

If it's over, can you leave directly? "


Zu Long nodded slowly, and even couldn't help but smile:

"In fact, you should have noticed it yourself. The universe inside your body that was once unable to be opened is now unobstructed.

Now that the cause and effect has been eliminated, to this emperor, everything else is nothing. "

Hearing this, a look of surprise appeared on Sun Bing's eyebrows, and then he immediately mobilized his mental power to explore the universe within his body.

Just as Zu Long said, the barrier that had been blocking him before disappeared without a trace, and everything in the universe within his body was displayed in his eyes.

For a moment, Sun Bing's anxious heart finally relaxed, and then he saluted Zulong:

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for speaking out. As the saying goes, all banquets in the world come to an end. Now that things have come to an end, it's time for me to go back."

"Hahahaha, fellow Taoist, this matter is not urgent."

But Zulong waved his hand directly and stopped Sun Bing's movement:

"You and I haven't seen each other for countless years. Since I'm here now, why not stay a little longer.

I can also preach for you, and I believe that I can definitely improve your strength in the shortest possible time. "

It has to be said that a man of the era

The temptation of the Lord’s preaching is still quite great.

It's just that it's been a long time since Sun Bing came to this dragon era, and he really cares about the human race.

You must know that he has not forgotten that there are many powerful enemies behind him.

Those people were searching time and space, but found no trace of Sun Bing, so they would probably pay attention to the human race.

So at this moment, Sun Bing didn't have much time to waste.

Immediately, he suppressed his reluctance and shook his head:

"Forget it, there will be countless opportunities for you and me in the future. Now I am concerned about the human race, so I won't stay any longer."

Looking at Sun Bing's determined face, Zulong knew that it was useless to say more, so he could only sigh:

"Forget it, forget it, in this case, then I wish you a safe journey!"

After nodding, Sun Bing didn't hesitate at all, and immediately infused the energy in his body into the Chaos Pearl.

Many obscure lights swept all around, and the long river of time gradually descended.

And at the last moment when Sun Bing was about to leave, Zulong seemed to think of something, and flicked his fingers, and saw a stream of light flying across the time and space quickly.

The next moment, Sun Bing's figure completely sank into the long river of time, and there was no trace of him.

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