Sword Emperor

Chapter 4027: Innate Aura

After finishing his words, Sun Bing did not stay there for too long. With a sudden wave of his hand, he pocketed the many treasures scattered in the world, turned around and left the place.

In the blink of an eye, he had already traveled through the layers of space, arrived at a relatively comfortable environment, and then released Qian Qiuxue.

After realizing that she had arrived in a completely unfamiliar environment, Qian Qiuxue couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Although his injuries had almost completely recovered due to the elixir he had taken, the experiences of the previous few days still left him with lingering fears.

In just a few days, Qian Qiuxue experienced firsthand what it means to have no way to heaven and no way to earth.

Being in this environment, he finally had a certain understanding of Sun Bing's past life, and at the same time he admired his master even more.

Looking at Qian Qiuxue, who was still a little uneasy at this moment, a faint smile appeared on Sun Bing's face:

"No need to worry, you are out of danger, and I have killed all the monks I attacked before."

"Thank you Master for taking the initiative."

This sound immediately woke up Qian Qiuxue, and then she saw him giving a big salute directly to Sun Bing.

However, Sun Bing waved his hand directly to stop the other party's movements, and sighed helplessly:

“As the saying goes, you still need yourself to make iron.

Hard, I believe that after this trip, you will realize your own shortcomings and work hard to practice in the future.

If you achieve enlightenment and become an emperor, then those who were chasing you before will be nothing more than crumbling dogs. "

Hearing this, Qian Qiuxue's face was filled with a bitter smile. At the same time, she looked at Sun Bing helplessly and thought:

Easier said than done.

Because it is too difficult to achieve this level. The difference between Tianzun and Emperor realm seems to be only one step, but the gap is like a chasm.

Although Qian Qiuxue can be regarded as a favored son of God, there have been countless prodigies like him in countless eras throughout the ages.

In the end, there are still only a few people who can achieve the Dao Emperor Realm. Not everyone is as evil as Sun Bing and can have a smooth journey.

Even so, Qian Qiuxue still nodded respectfully:

"Follow Master's teachings."

Fortunately, Sun Bing did not continue to mention this issue. Then his face suddenly became serious and he said in a deep voice:

"As for what you said before, there is a cursed killing treasure here, what is going on? This involves the safety of the entire sea of ​​worlds and is not a trivial matter."

At this moment, Qian Qiuxue's face was also very solemn. After thinking for a moment, she slowly spoke:

"Master, please rest assured. Not long after entering Guixu, I accidentally heard that there was a strange phenomenon emerging from the deepest part of this place, which was very spectacular.

That's why I went to explore it myself. Even though we were far apart, I could still detect the emergence of innate spiritual light. Obviously the rumors were true. "

"Okay, okay, okay, you have done a great job."

If he was still a little skeptical before, then after hearing these words, Sun Bing couldn't help but laugh.

However, Qian Qiuxue's brows were still tightly knitted together, and then she said helplessly:

"Master, the place where the innate treasure was born also has an inexplicable ethnic group that is extremely powerful. I was just watching from a distance when I was attacked.

If it weren't for this attack, I would have been able to use the disguise technique to get back to the ruins, but this tribe saw through my disguise at a glance. "

At the end of the sentence, Qian Qiuxue's face was full of lingering fear.

And at this moment, even Sun Bing's brows immediately wrinkled.

You must know that the art of disguise is the supreme secret technique of the human race. Although it does not have much lethality, its life-saving ability is far beyond imagination.

For tens of thousands of years, only a few people have been able to detect the flaws in it, and the rest, even the Great Emperor, have found it difficult to see through.

And this ethnic group can actually see through the flaws in the disguise technique, which is definitely a serious problem for the human race.

After thinking for a moment, Sun Bing immediately spoke without wasting any time:

"now that

So, if you take me to the place where you were attacked not long ago, I want to see what kind of ethnic group this is. "

After saying that, the two of them quickly galloped towards the distance, one behind the other.

Even though neither of them restrained their auras along the way, no one dared to take action against them.

Because in a short period of time, the news of a peak powerhouse appearing in Guixu has spread everywhere.

Even the emperor Xiaoyin who was secretly in Guixu was helpless, let alone the rest of the people.

After all, treasure resources are precious, but in the final analysis, your life is the most important. There is no need to completely ruin your life for that little treasure resource.

After a while, the two of them had arrived deep into Guixu. The environment here was getting worse and worse, and the space was filled with negative atmospheres such as Yin Qi, evil Qi, and so on.

And because of the years of infection by these auras, all the stubborn stones here have turned into cold evil stones, or evil blood gold, which is also very precious.

But when it came to Sun Bing's level, ordinary external objects could no longer attract his attention, so he just took a casual glance and continued walking forward.

While walking, you can hear Qian Qiuxue slowly speaking:

"Master, this place is almost the territory of that ethnic group. Most of the monks in Guixu are not

You will come here, otherwise your life will be in danger at any time.

As for Xiao Yin, they were also blocked by this tribe and could not obtain the treasure.

As far as I know, they have tried several times over the past few hundred years, but in the end they still failed. "

After hearing this, Sun Bing's eyes were full of solemnity, and he even secretly said in his heart:

Although Xiao Yin and his people are not as good as me, their strength should not be underestimated. However, they still failed after several attempts. It seems that the strength of this unknown tribe is extremely strong.

Just when Sun Bing was thinking about thousands of things in his mind, Qian Qiuxue's voice suddenly sounded:

"Master, not long ago, I was attacked here. "

This voice woke Sun Bing up directly. He looked around and found that there were still traces of Dao rhyme on the ground.

Through the breath coming out of it, Sun Bing could conclude that the cultivator who exploded this power definitely had the strength of the emperor realm, and he was not an ordinary emperor realm cultivator.

Then, following the direction pointed by Qian Qiuxue, Sun Bing looked into the distance.

The space at the end of the sight was filled with countless obscure inscriptions and Dao rhyme, and faintly revealed a little clear light.

Obviously, this is the innate spiritual light that only innate things have.

After realizing this, Sun Bing's calm state of mind was blooming with circles of ripples.

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