Sword Emperor

Chapter 4036 Half for Each

Outside Guixu, an unimaginable force is approaching. Even though they are far apart, the air is already filled with suffocating pressure.

"This, this, this is the power of heaven!"

In an instant, Sun Bing figured out the reason. After all, although Guixu was the end of the entire era, this place was also within the jurisdiction of the universe.

Although you want to overcome many obstacles, it is very troublesome to gain insight into the information in Guixu.

But because Sun Bing poses such a great threat to Tiandao, so when he comes to Guixu, it is absolutely impossible for Tiandao to just sit idly by and ignore him.

After such a long period of hard work, He finally broke through the layers of shackles and descended to the end of this world.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Sun Bing came to his senses immediately, secretly saying something bad in his heart, and then his speed soared, and he immediately galloped towards the Sky Burial Coffin.

While traveling, the energy in his body was running wildly, and the Chaos Green Lotus and Chaos Beads burst out with dazzling light.

The obscure power continues to spread around, and the entire world is in constant turmoil.

The power of Heaven's Dao is unimaginable. He had already understood the general situation just after entering the ruins.

Especially after noticing the Sky Burial Coffin, even Tiandao noticed a strong sense of crisis, and the vast power immediately shrouded the Sky Burial Coffin.


The majestic power of heaven collided with the Chaos Green Lotus and Chaos Pearl in an instant, and the earth-shattering sound resounded in all directions.

In this universe, the Dao of Heaven has absolute authority, but the Chaos Green Lotus is also the most precious treasure in the eternal era.

The aftermath of the confrontation between the two even shook the entire Guixu. Fragments of three thousand avenues were scattered everywhere, and the remains of thousands of holy paths surged.

This kind of battle is much more intense than ordinary battles between great emperors.

Because this is completely a collision between Tao and Tao. If you are not careful, your own Tao charm will be completely destroyed and collapsed, and your lifelong belief will be completely disintegrated.

However, neither Sun Bing nor Tiandao wanted to fight. The goals of both sides were very clear. They were all buried in the sky coffin in the distance.

In the end, Sun Bing was slightly better. After all, he had already been on the battlefield, and with the help of Chaos Qinglian's little time, he successfully arrived at the Sky Burial Coffin.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he stretched out his big hand, and at the same time, his body was subconsciously running energy, trying to put the sky-burial coffin into the inner universe.

But even so, Heavenly Dao still did not give up. Thousands of Daoist rhymes gathered together crazily, and finally condensed into shackles of Heavenly Dao, enveloping the burial coffin.

For a time, the two sides were in a rare stalemate.

The Dao of Heaven possesses the power of the entire universe, which is unrivaled.

But Sun Bing also opened his mouth to reveal the inner universe, and with the preemptive strike, the small half-burial coffin had been put into the inner universe.

Now it can be said that Tiandao relied entirely on its own powerful strength to fight for this thing.

At this moment, neither side could give up. The majestic power continued to circulate, and just the breath leaking from their bodies shattered the void.

Time gradually flowed away like this, and the two sides were still in a stalemate, but a little anger emerged between Sun Bing's eyebrows.

Finally, you can hear his cold snort:

"Do you really think that after your injury is healed, you can appear in front of me? Since I had to hurt you before, I can do it now."

After the words fell, the sword energy in his body was running wildly, and his big hand suddenly waved out, and a simple and ancient rooftop platform appeared out of thin air in the sky and the earth.

As soon as this object appeared, Tiandao felt a strong sense of fear and subconsciously defended himself, and the power in his hand also decreased sharply.

Seeing this, Sun Bing's eyes shone brightly, but without any pause in his movements, he immediately pocketed the Sky Burial Coffin.

It's just that Tiandao is so shrewd that he reacted in a blink of an eye.

Ever since, at the last moment when the sky-burial coffin was about to enter the universe inside Sun Bing's body, the chain of heaven stretched out.

Although Sun Bing successfully pocketed the Sky Burial Coffin at the next moment, there was an extremely obscure innate aura at the end of the chain of heaven.

When he saw this thing, his expression turned extremely ugly, and he subconsciously reached out to put it in his bag.

But very helplessly, Tiandao's reaction speed was faster than he imagined, and the Tiandao chain was successfully retracted in an instant.

The most important thing is that Tiandao did not give him any more opportunities and immediately left Guixu.

The originally distorted and collapsed world regained its calm with the departure of Tiandao, leaving only Sun Bing standing there with a pale face.

After taking a look at the sky-burial coffin that now lacked any aura, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said:

"I never thought that after working so hard for so long, I would actually make a wedding dress for you, and at the last moment, take away the spirit of the burial coffin.

Okay, okay, okay, it is indeed the way of heaven, it is really a good method. "

At the end of the sentence, even with Sun Bing's state of mind, his words were filled with unimaginable anger.

An extremely terrifying aura erupted from his body, and the space within billions of miles around was constantly twisting and collapsing. Countless monks in Guixu were even more frightened by this.

After a while, this terrifying momentum gradually dissipated, but Sun Bingxin

The anger in him has not diminished at all.

After taking a look at the burial coffin, which was very simple now but lacked the light of divinity, a cold smile appeared on his face:

"Do you think I can't cure you if you take away the spirit of the Heaven Burial Coffin? Let's wait and see. I will definitely prepare a great gift for you."

After the words fell, Sun Bing did not stay in Guixu any longer, but turned around and rushed towards the outside world.

However, Guixu is the end of the entire era, the place where all things end. Since its birth, there has been no talk of leaving this place.

For a long time, some people either actively or passively entered it, but no one has ever been able to escape.

For a time, many avenue rules crisscrossed, and the most important thing was that there was an unimaginable devouring force falling on Sun Bing, preventing him from leaving.

For these restraints, Sun Bing, who was already very irritable, was even more furious.

Only a cold snort could be heard, and the dazzling sword light had already swept towards the front, and all the rules along the way were cut off.

As for this devouring power, no matter how terrifying it was, it could not hinder Sun Bing at all.

The power in his body continued to surge, and then he took a step forward, directly crossing layers of space and completely disappeared in Guixu.

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