Sword Emperor

Chapter 4057 The sky is cracked

Looking at the powerful dragon army in front of him, Tiandao's face was full of astonishment, because this scene was completely beyond his imagination.

But as He himself said, this was already his last trump card. No matter how angry he was at the moment, there was nothing he could do.

Just when Tiandao was at a loss, Sun Bing did not give up.

Following his order, many strong men in the Dragon Clan immediately rose into the air, including hundreds of strong men in the emperor's realm.

Even though their strength is far inferior to the demon gods bred by the way of heaven, the two of them can hold off hundreds of demon gods by working together to activate the Liangyi Dust Sword Formation.

Immediately afterwards, countless legions immediately attacked.

You must know that the Dragon Clan has lived in Kunlun Fairy Mountain for countless years, and the number of its people is far beyond imagination.

Tens of millions of soldiers were selected from the trillions of Dragon Clan monks, with every 10,000 people forming a legion. They gathered the power of the entire legion and also stopped thousands of demon gods.

In just a blink of an eye, nearly half of the demon gods had been successfully stopped.

At the same time, the heaven in the distance immediately bloomed with a little fluorescence, and under the emergence of thousands of Taoist rhymes, this important treasure of the era was suppressed in a mighty manner.

Unimaginable power swept across all directions, and the aftermath was terrifying to the extreme.


The devil can only step forward and use his endless divine power to compete with heaven.

Taking this opportunity, the legions within the human race immediately flew out, along with many clan leaders. Now they also woke up from a dream and quickly led the entire clan to join hands in resisting the demons in the world.

These people, coupled with the powerful emperors in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, delayed thousands of demon gods.

In just a short moment, there were only more than five hundred demon gods left in the sky.

Although this is still a very terrifying force, it is already countless times better than the almost desperate situation before.

The most important thing is that even at this time, Sun Bing still did not take action.

Under the gaze of everyone, you can see his past body stepping forward in front of you, with the Chaos Bead on top of his head, and the obscure Taoist rhyme covering all directions.

One hundred demon gods were directly dragged into a battle within the river of time.

On the other side, Mirai was smiling, but the Tao Yun was surging around his body, and he could vaguely see a huge green lotus falling directly.

Thousands of great avenues crisscrossed each other, binding everything like a snare, and taking away hundreds of demons.

At this moment, Sun Bing looked at the last three hundred demon gods. The infinite energy in the universe inside his body was circulating, and the Burial Formation completely exploded.

For a moment, bloody, black and other streams of light shone, the Taoist rhyme was extinguished, the murderous aura and even

Infinite resentment enveloped the entire sky.

Under the surge of vast energy, you can see the sky burial coffin slowly opening, and a huge shadow immediately appears in the world.

The next moment, the Sky Burial Coffin swallowed up the remaining demon gods directly, destroying the avenue of silence, killing, and even all the power of the holy path in Sun Bing's body burst out.

Even an ordinary emperor would be greatly traumatized by this, not to mention that this was a demon conceived by heaven.

After all, although they are demon gods, they are still heaven in nature, especially the resentment of all living beings and the blood of all living beings, which are the direct nemesis.

Waves of pitiful wailing sounds rang out, and under the influence of multiple forces such as the sky burial coffin and the resentment of all living beings, these demon gods completely dissipated without much struggle.


As for Tiandao, his face was even more pale now, and the aura on his body instantly dropped by one-tenth.

Obviously, the dissipation of those three hundred demon gods caused him to suffer unimaginable damage.

But this is just the beginning.

After briefly glancing at the Heavenly Dao, Sun Bing reacted very quickly and immediately activated the Burying Heaven Formation and quickly moved towards the other demon gods.

Originally, these demon gods were restrained by legions or strong men.

Even if I have noticed something at this moment, I don't have any time or opportunity to escape.

They could only feel an obscure force covering the world, and then these demon gods were shocked to find that they had arrived inside the sky burial coffin.

Facing a perfect innate treasure, even if they are demon gods born from heaven and earth, they have no power to resist.

In a short span of time, one after another demon gods were completely destroyed, and there were more and more cracks in the sky.

As for Tiandao, it became weaker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Such an obvious change couldn't help but cause a rare and intense feeling of panic to appear in his heart.

It is unimaginable that the situation that was originally a sure victory would turn into this. It can be said that Tiandao's heart is still full of disbelief at this moment.

But the scene around him, and even the feeling of weakness coming from his own body, finally made Tiandao regain his consciousness, and then he hurriedly spoke:

"No, Sun Bing, you can't do this. If you kill me, you will be punished by God."

"It's really a joke. Even we, the Heavenly Dao, can be destroyed, so how can we be afraid of mere divine punishment?"

At the end of the sentence, Sun Bing's face was full of sarcasm, but the movements in his hands did not stop at all and were still very ruthless.

Seeing this situation, Tiandao finally put aside all the luck in his heart and hurriedly said:

"Sun Bing, at this moment you just need to

Stop, then I am willing to surrender, successfully integrate with you, and even let you become the way of heaven in this universe.

This is the greatest sincerity I can give. Once integrated, you will have endless power. "

If it were an ordinary person, he might have been tempted by this, but Sun Bing's face was still calm, and he even had the leisure to speak slowly:

"So what if I gain power like this? I still lose my freedom after all, and why do you think I need such charity?"

After hearing this, Tiandao was silent for a while.

After all, Sun has many treasures in his hands, and he has such strength at such a young age. It is almost foreseeable that he will definitely be a strong man in the realm of the emperor in the future.

So at this moment, Tiandao suddenly found that the many conditions he gave were nothing in front of Sun Bing.

In the end, he simply gave up completely, staring at Sun Bing with resentful eyes, roaring ferociously:

"I will definitely come back."

"No, you have no chance."

At this moment, Sun Bing just activated the Burial Heaven Coffin, covering the last hundreds of demon gods in it, and under the Horizon of Nirvana, all the demon gods fell.

Afterwards, only a burst of thunder could be heard, and when he looked up, he could see that a narrow crack ran through the entire universe.

The sky is cracked!

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