Sword Emperor

Chapter 4136: Battle is imminent

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't wait to join forces and attack Sun Bing.

But at this moment, the curtain of death covers the endless space and time. Except for the Death Emperor, even they can't see anything clearly.

The huge battlefield stopped at this moment, and only the Death Emperor in the darkness continued to attack Sun Bing.

For a moment, bursts of crisp clanging sounds could be heard, and the sound waves erupting in them made people dizzy.

Although the scene in the chaos could not be clearly seen, everyone could feel the intensity of the battle through the crisp sound.

Little did they know that the Death Emperor at this moment looked extremely pale, because no matter how many times he launched attacks, it was as if he was facing the divine metal and iron.

Everything was blocked by Sun Bing's body. For such a long time, even the outermost layer of skin was not broken.

In the end, even the face of Death Emperor was full of ferocity:

"Okay, okay, okay, then I want to see how hard your body is.

Open it to me! "

As he spoke, he could see many dark auras continuously gathering towards the bone blade in his hand, and finally imprinted his own path on it.

An extremely sharp edge emerged from the bone blade, and all the powerful men in the Great Emperor realm present had thick cold sweat on their backs.

The next moment, the Death Emperor sped towards Sun Bing again.

A strange and distorted sound could only be heard, and a scar seemed to finally appear on his immortal golden body.

Scarlet blood continued to flow, and the chaos was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Seeing this, Emperor Death laughed wildly in excitement:

"Hahahahaha, you will get hurt eventually. As long as there is a wound, then you will become a zombie."

As he spoke, he immediately activated his own avenue, trying to directly contaminate Sun Bing's body through the wound.

But the next moment, the Death Emperor froze on the spot.

Because the wounds that were still bleeding before are now healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a short moment, all the injuries disappeared

without a trace.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, the Death Emperor's face was filled with disbelief, and he subconsciously launched attacks to see if this was true.

But no matter how hard he tries, the result remains unchanged.

Under the operation of the Nirvana Book, endless vitality emerges every moment, and any injury can be healed in the shortest time.

At the same time, Sun Bing's plain but endlessly angry voice sounded directly:

"Do you really think I have no temper? It's just a curtain of death, what can you do to me?

Break it for me! "

The moment the words fell, four streams of light could be seen rising into the sky, and then a murderous intent shrouded everyone directly.

The Origin Ancestor, Demon Ancestor and others immediately recalled the terrible scene, and immediately roared:

"Death Emperor, don't talk nonsense anymore, use all your strength to kill him quickly."

Death Emperor, who suddenly heard these words, even had a look of confusion on his face. Before he could return to his senses, a piercing edge suddenly erupted.

"Zhuxian Sword Formation"

In a trance, he seemed to see the first light shining in the world, with four streams of light crisscrossing each other.

The unparalleled sharp edge swept across, even the curtain of death could not withstand it.

Only bursts of distorted sounds could be heard, and then the death curtain was torn apart in full view of everyone.

The countless innocent souls hidden in it are now finally freed and flying around.

But soon, many resentful souls saw the figure of the Death Emperor, and their originally calm faces were immediately filled with ferocity.

For a time, the sound of ghosts crying and howling resounded in all directions, and many resentful souls roared towards the Death Emperor with ferocious faces.

Even though they know that they are far from their opponents, the endless years of torture have brought their resentment towards the Death Emperor to the extreme.

Now I finally have a chance to take revenge, so what if I die? As long as the enemy pays the price.

In this regard, the Death Emperor's

His face was full of impatience, and he even couldn't help but roar:

"You are no match for this emperor when you are alive, let alone after death."

As he spoke, the power in his body continued to circulate, and he could easily destroy hundreds of millions of resentful souls with a wave of his hand.

It's just that although the gap between these resentful souls and the emperor is like a chasm, their number is endless.

When enough resentment gathers, a qualitative transformation will occur.

Slowly, billions of resentful souls merged with each other, and the whole world became extremely gloomy. Only a dark net could be seen sweeping towards the Death Emperor.

Seeing this, the Death Emperor waved his hand in front of him again.

But there is endless resentment hidden in the net, which is very tenacious. It does not collapse like before, but is still getting closer.

The resentment hidden in it fell on the Death Emperor, and billions of resentful souls continued to eat his flesh and blood.

This unimaginable pain exploded in his mind, and even the Emperor of Death could not resist it and let out an unwilling wailing.

In response, the faces of the Origin Ancestor and others changed in shock.

Although they don't like being close to the Death Emperor, at this moment he is a strong support and they absolutely cannot be entangled like this.

Immediately, the Origin Ancestor stepped forward in one step, and the wordless Heavenly Book rose into the sky. The endless power in the Heavenly Book universe was swaying, constantly clearing away many resentments.

The Pure Yang Emperor on the side was also very decisive. The pure Yang flames of his own came down, burning the heaven and earth, and annihilating all resentful souls.

Taking this opportunity, Sun Bing did not take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but instead retreated and returned to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms.

In order to deal with the encirclement and suppression, the Food Emperor and others had already gathered the monks from this world into the thirty-sixth level of Heaven.

At this moment, Sun Bing returned, and with a thought, he took Heaven into the universe within his body.

At this point, the group no longer had any worries.

After all, although the Imperial War is dangerous and can destroy the world, it has never been heard of and can also destroy the universe.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the sea of ​​all realms.

After such a long time, the Origin Ancestor and others have also helped the Death Emperor eliminate many resentful souls.

Look now

When he arrived at the already deserted Sea of ​​All Realms, his expression was gloomy:

"It's great that you have seized such an opportunity, but do you really think you can run away like this?

We have already laid out a dragnet, and we will definitely wipe you out completely this time. "

Obviously, the Origin Ancestor and others believed that the reason why Sun Bing took those monks into the inner universe was because he wanted to escape.

After hearing these words, a look of astonishment appeared on Sun Bing's face, and then he laughed:

"Don't worry, I have the same idea as you, and I also want to wipe you out here.

The reason why we have gathered thousands of monks is just to prevent you guys from jumping over the wall in a hurry. "

At the end of the conversation, both sides' eyes were filled with a cold light, and then they started to fight in unison.

The body of the Origin Ancestor was directly integrated into the Heavenly Book Universe. His indifferent pupils looked at Sun Bing and said indifferently:


With a simple word, endless rules criss-crossed the entire Heavenly Book universe, and many avenues competed to shine.

Finally, the power of the entire universe descended in mighty force.

But Sun Bing's eyes were full of disdain:

"I have opened up my own universe a long time ago, but I have not sunk into it. You are willing to sacrifice everything in it. This is completely neglecting the basics."

In the words, the Qingping Sword was raised high, and the powerful sword essence poured into it crazily.

"Creation of heaven and earth"

The long sword fell, the dazzling sword light shone for eternity, layers of time and space were distorted, and every inch of the avenue collapsed.

Especially the universe, under this sword, is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, which makes people feel frightened.

At this moment, the expression of the Origin Ancestor changed in shock.

He knew Sun Bing very well and naturally knew that the destructive power of this move on the world and the universe would increase several times.

If anything unexpected happens, the universe of the Book of Heaven that he has painstakingly planned for endless epochs may collapse and be destroyed.

Fortunately, the Demon Ancestor next to him reacted very quickly, with demonic energy swirling around his body, and transformed into the Demon God's true form to directly intercept him.


Along with an earth-shattering loud noise, the demon god's true form was extremely dim, but it still blocked the sword light after all.

Just when Demon Ancestor was about to take action, Eternity suddenly stopped in front of him:

"Demon Ancestor, please enlighten me."

"Who are you, Your Excellency?"

For a moment, Demon Ancestor's face was filled with solemnity, because he clearly sensed a hint of danger in Eternal Body.

After pondering for a moment, Demon Ancestor slowly spoke:

"I don't know how much benefit Sun Bing has given to Brother Dao. We are willing to give him double. I just ask Brother Dao to stand aside and watch."

In response, a faint smile appeared on Eternal's face:

"What your Majesty has given you is beyond your imagination. Please enlighten me."

As he spoke, the aura on Yongheng's body exploded, and many phantoms of divine beasts could be vaguely seen flying back and forth, as well as many heavenly soldiers and generals waiting in formation.

Although these are just phantoms at the moment, they give people a feeling that they may turn into reality at any time, which makes Demon Ancestor's heart sink directly to the bottom.

After barely holding on for a moment, Yongheng finally couldn't restrain his desire to express himself, and the great power in his body burst out crazily.

The mythical beasts, phantoms, soldiers and generals that were originally just illusions turned into reality at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the other side, Emperor Chunyang, Emperor Hunmeng, Empress Taiyin, Emperor Wanmu and others stepped forward in front of them.

But Emperor Shi, Emperor Xiangyun, even Jueyan, etc. also did not flinch.

Sun Bing never returned before, so they could only swallow their anger, but now the situation is completely different.

The pressure of dozens of great emperor realms continues to spread, and the space is distorting and collapsing. Such a huge momentum can be clearly felt even though they are separated by endless space.

Countless casual cultivators were frightened and kept wailing:

"What's going on? Why is there such turmoil in the chaos that has been stable for endless years? Could it be that the era has collapsed and the long river of time has become chaotic?"

But no matter how loud the wails were, no one paid attention.

And around the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, the battle is about to break out.

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