Sword Emperor

Chapter 418: Sword Slaying the Demon

Even Sun Bing could feel that he had fallen into an illusion at this moment, but compared to the others, the many environments Sun Bing faced were more terrifying and tragic.

Sun Bing saw the boundless demonic energy eroding him, and even his reason completely disappeared, leaving only a tattered body, moving forward extremely weakly;

And it seemed as if he saw the beautiful friend he had always met, being killed directly in front of him, with a miserable voice and blood all over his body;

He could still vaguely recall the time when his father was killed in battle when he was a child, and how he had been tortured for ten years. All in all, he seemed to be in the midst of endless persecution, and everything was declaring Sun Bing's own demise.

But even after seeing many scenes around him, Sun Bing's eyes were still firm at this moment, without any hesitation at all, and there was a trace of light in his eyes.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "How dare you unleash such a small skill on me? You must be looking down on the swordsman too much."

You must know that once a swordsman understands the sword's intention, he has natural restraint against many evil spirits and can be called a nemesis. Especially Sun Bing is not an ordinary swordsman. He has already understood 50% of the sword's intention at a young age, so these things are said There was no way to shake Sun Bing's mind.

Immediately, the whole person couldn't help but give a cold shout.

The sword intention in the sea of ​​consciousness trembled slightly, and the terrifying sword intention came out directly from the body. It could be said that all the scenes in front of him had disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

But in the next moment, Sun Bing could detect a strong sense of crisis in the air, and even though he could see the opponent's attack, he took advantage of that moment to rush forward.

It was obvious that Sun Wan also knew that such an attack could not do anything to Sun Bing, and was just trying to distract him, but the speed of the dispersal still made Sun Wan feel deeply shocked.

After realizing that the attack was so close to him, Sun Bing did not panic too much. It could even be said that the more dangerous the situation, the calmer he became.

The body seemed to be deflecting subconsciously, but although the magical power of "shrinking the ground into an inch" can be called the fastest in the world, at this moment, there is a feeling that it is beyond its capabilities.

In an instant, there was no hesitation in the movement of the hand. He lifted his wrist lightly, and the Shadow Bearing Sword danced accordingly. With the eruption of the sword intention in the sea of ​​consciousness, a bright and terrifying sword energy finally came out.

"The Art of Drawing the Sword"

Continuously perfected, the power contained in this move is really frightening. The most important thing is the extremely fast speed. Even Sun Bing himself is quite satisfied with this move.

They have been intertwined in the blink of an eye, although

The attack of that fist seal was quite terrifying, but don't forget that Sun Bing's sword light contained a full 50% of his own sword intent.

Although the suppression of many such demonic energies is not as good as that of Buddhism, the power it unleashes should not be underestimated. It can even cut off the fist seal directly, leaving the remaining power to attack Sun Wan.

Of course, the remaining power was not as terrifying as before. Even the light of the sword couldn't help but dim, and Sun Wan easily dodged it.

The confrontation between moves can be said to be quite obvious. Although it seems to be evenly matched, Sun Wang knows that he has a slight disadvantage after all, and his face can't help but darken at this moment.

It's just that Sun Bing won't wait too much. After all, the next battle will be more terrifying than this one. With a heavy step forward, the momentum all over his body is already pounding, and there is even such a... The terrifying sword intent.

Under this kind of oppression, even Sun Wan couldn't help but feel a trace of demonic aura all over his body before, and now he looked faintly depressed. After all, such sword intent was really terrifying.

Over the years, Sun Wan has also fought against swordsmen of the same age, and the final result can be said to be without doubt that he won easily, without having encountered any decent opponents at all.


It is said that it is precisely for this reason that Sun Wan has a strong confidence in his heart, but he never expected that such a situation would occur in this short confrontation at this moment.

However, this also reflects from the side how terrifying Sun Bing's sword intent is.

Slightly at a disadvantage, Sun Wan's experience can be said to be quite rich. If he continues to fight, there is no doubt that the possibility of his victory is getting lower and lower. What he needs to do at this moment is to fight quickly, and there is simply no room for it. Every bit of dragging.

So even though he was at a disadvantage, he didn't hesitate at all. He immediately couldn't help but shout loudly, and even the demonic energy that had been suppressed by the sword's intention couldn't help but rise up.

The majestic true energy was directly instilled into his palms, and the aura all over his body could not help but change significantly. At this moment, the opponent was like a big mountain, but full of weirdness.

"Soul-breaking fist"

A terrifying attack appeared directly, and even the completely black attack made people feel frightened. As for the fantasy in it, it was even more terrifying than before. If he was hit by this punch, even His soul couldn't help but disappear completely.

Sun Bing already had a certain understanding of this magical power in the Mysterious Demon Holy Land. It could be said to be extremely ruthless. He had seen it several times before.

Every time, the duel can only be carried out by using magical powers.

But even so, there was not much fear in Sun Bing's heart. After all, his sword intention was the nemesis of the boundless demonic energy. At this moment, he waved the Shadow Bearing Sword in his hand and used it in one move.

Looking from a distance, you can see that this sword move is quite clever. It is like an antelope hanging its horns, suddenly appearing and attacking directly towards the majestic fist seal.

Although Sun Bing has practiced all the moves to a perfect state, it is impossible for the others to be as terrifying as him. After all, even if these people have extraordinary talents and understanding, they cannot have many geniuses of the same age feeding each other. Move, so there is a flaw in this magical power.

It's just that the opponent hid it very cleverly, and even Sun Bing couldn't see it in a short period of time. Fortunately, it was in the previous battle, and the opponent had already used it several times.

Last night, Sun Bing was even more sleepless. He started to analyze quietly, and finally found this flaw. If the other party didn't use this move, it would be fine. There is no doubt that he is doing it himself.

It's just that Sun Wan didn't know this. After seeing Sun Bing attacking like a moth to the fire, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I didn't expect you to seek your own death, then I will be completely satisfied." you."

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