Sword Emperor

Chapter 4315 Tragic Past

But thinking of Sun Bing's threat to the way of heaven, Mingtian did not dare to slack off at all, and wanted to judge him even at the risk of his own life.

The endless power of destiny continues to emerge, but what is helpless is that all living beings in the eternal era are countless.

Mingtian's strength is certainly extremely powerful, but under the suppression of sheer numbers, it is now difficult to win.

Time gradually passed, and Mingtian's lives disappeared one after another at any time. In just a short time, a hundred lives were lost.

Under the strong surge of destiny, the entire river of destiny could not help but stir up.

But under the protection of countless beings of fortune, the terrifying power of fate was completely unable to have any impact on Sun Bing.

Even taking this opportunity, Sun Bing relied on the faith gathered by all living beings to launch a counterattack directly towards Mingtian.

One after another, the majestic sword light swept across in a mighty manner. Although it did not cause much harm to Mingtian, it caused him great loss of face.

The most important thing is that if this stalemate is allowed to continue, the consequences will be disastrous.

After all, now that Immortal Refining Furnace and others are joining forces, Curse Sky has already appeared in defeat.

If something unexpected happened to Curse Tian, ​​then the three peak powerhouses of Immortal Refining Furnace, Tianchen and Demon Emperor would be able to intervene in other battlefields.

Thinking of this, Rao Mingtian couldn't help but feel a cold sweat on his back.


It was unexpected that this time he led Curse Sky, Shen Tian and even the rest of the Heavenly Dao under his command to be able to completely kill Sun Bing.

But now it seems that things are completely beyond his control.

So no matter what, we must find a way to break the situation at this time.

Many thoughts emerged in Mingtian's mind, and he completely pushed his wisdom to the limit.

However, what is very disappointing is that he did not find any flaws in Sun Bing at all.

Just when Mingtian was at a loss what to do, the corner of his eye suddenly glanced at the other dragon masters in Mount Tai.

In an instant, Mingtian woke up from a dream:

"Although I can't do anything about the Zhuzi in front of me at this time, it is difficult for all living beings in Mount Tai to resist the power of fate.

As long as this Shuzi's wings are eradicated, and then the other brothers are ordered to join hands, even if this Shuzi has the power to reach the sky, there is only one way to perish. "

Thinking of this, Mingtian's eyes burst out with bright light, and then he immediately glanced around.

The entire Mount Tai is in full view, and both sides of the battle are clearly visible on every battlefield.

However, for ordinary dragon masters, Mingtian only gave up after a cursory glance.

Because the strength of these dragon masters is too weak, even if they are eradicated with one thought, the final benefits are not as huge as imagined.

With his eyes turning, Mingtian looked straight towards

Looking at the Overlord, the Demon Emperor and even Tianchen.

After all, their opponents are Shentian and Cursetian. Only by freeing such peak heavens can they truly affect the situation of the battle.

For a moment, Mingtian's eyes glanced back and forth at the three of them.

After thinking briefly for a moment, he finally made a decision and looked directly at the Demon Emperor.

After all, through the previous confrontation, Mingtian already knew that Sun Bing was Shentian's nemesis, and freeing him would not have a big impact on the battle situation.

On the contrary, Curse Heaven's methods are extremely weird. Once he is allowed to summon the altar, the power that will be unleashed will be far beyond imagination.

It is not impossible to even directly curse Sun Bing to death.

At the same time, looking at Mingtian's erratic eyes, Sun Bing was very keenly aware of what the other party was thinking.

Suddenly, his back was filled with endless coolness. The Qingping Sword used all its power and swung it straight in front of him. At the same time, he couldn't help shouting:

"Be careful!"

This shout was like a burst of thunder, instantly attracting the attention of countless monks.

Especially Overlord, Tianchen and even the Demon Emperor.

Taking this opportunity, they also saw Mingtian's eyes that looked at all living beings like ants, and it was very difficult for them to even breathe.

Especially Tianchen and Demon Emperor were very keenly aware that Zhou

The body seemed to be surrounded by the aura of death.

With their thoughts and wisdom, they instantly realized Mingtian's purpose.

When the infinite crisis broke out, they had nothing to hide at all, and one trump card after another broke out.

"Thousands of demons join the body"

"Green Willow Qingtian"

In an instant, all one could see was that the Demon Emperor's body increased several times, and thousands of demonic beasts appeared around him, as if they were filled with endless power.

The same is true for Tianchen next to him. He seems to have turned into a hollow willow. Under the waving of the willow branches, the layers of space are constantly distorting.

But no matter how hard they tried their best to resist, Mingtian had no intention of stopping, and the obscure power of fate came directly.

Suddenly, I saw the looming ancient scroll of destiny manifesting in the nine heavens, with a very clear record on it:

"After the Demon Emperor was born, he was abandoned by his mother and died of starvation because of his strange appearance.

Although Tianchen was born smoothly, he was very talented and was feared by his stepmother, who secretly poisoned him to death. "

As the Scroll of Destiny disappeared, a huge light curtain immediately appeared on the sky. Towering ancient trees could be seen everywhere, and many wild ancient beasts were rampant.

Obviously, this place is the universe where the Demon Emperor lives.

Suddenly, a mighty and domineering beast passed by and came straight to the lair.

Looking at the jade eggs, its pupils were full of tenderness.

Just at this moment, the jade eggs hatched one after another, and although they were a little immature, the slightly majestic beasts were born from them.

When the last jade egg hatched, the kind look of the beast disappeared instantly, and then left with the rest of the children.

At this moment, everyone discovered that the remaining beast looked extremely weird, with uneven horns and many scales of different sizes.

Rather than saying that this is a baby of a beast, it is better to say that it is a deformed alien species.

Once, this beast may have had a little love for its calf in its heart, but now, under the guidance of fate, it turned around and left.

The newly born demon emperor was extremely fragile because of his own deformity and the lack of food.

But at this moment, endless power burst out from his body, and all the female beasts in the nest of thousands of miles seemed to have received an inexplicable call and gathered directly towards the nest.

In the end, thousands of strange beasts actually raised the demon emperor together.

This disaster was finally barely survived.

Tianchen on the other side was also in great danger. Although he was the legitimate son of the family, his mother died in childbirth, and his stepmother took advantage of his weakness and attacked him directly.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he activated his trump card, reversed time, forcibly resisted the power of fate, and ensured his survival.

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