Sword Emperor

Chapter 4320: Helpless Choice

As for the remaining Heavenly Dao, they also know the priorities of things.

After all, Mingtian is the pillar of the entire Hongmeng. If it falls here, it will cause a series of unimaginable consequences.

Immediately, they also manifested three thousand clones, a small number of which entangled the Dragon Lord in front of them, while the remaining clones galloped straight towards where Mingtian was.

Now the two sides are directly using the place where Mingtian is as the battlefield.

For a time, the vast sky was filled with endless clones. The purpose of each identity was quite clear, and they stopped directly in front of the Overlord.

It's just that throughout the ages, Overlord can be regarded as one of the top strong men.

If there is no strong person of the same level to restrain him, then ordinary people will not be able to stop his steps.

At this moment, he took a deep breath, and the armor on his body appeared one after another, and he directly used the armor.

With the collection of infinite magical powers, his combat power was fully brought into play.

Immediately, the war halberd flew across the sky, and the light of the halberd swept across the sky like the moon, sweeping towards the distance with great force.

Seeing this situation, a Heavenly Dao clone wanted to stop it.

But the moment he intersected with the halberd light, violent power came directly.

His whole body exploded like fireworks.

And this was just the beginning. The next moment, the Overlord stepped out in front of him, sweeping across the battlefield like a god or demon descending.

Every time the halberd is swung, a clone of Heavenly Dao is destroyed. No matter how many powerful enemies are around, the Overlord is like an unparalleled general who takes the heads of enemy generals among thousands of troops.

Even if there are thousands of people in front of me, I will go.

Seeing this situation, Shen Tian's expression kept changing, and then he abandoned Sun Bing and suddenly swung his sword towards the Overlord.

"Destroy the Way"

The dark sword light descended instantly and swept towards the distance in a mighty manner.

Shen Tian's vicious intentions are self-evident, and he wants to completely kill the Overlord directly with this sword.

But the next moment, the bright sword light came from the side and collided directly with the dark sword light.

With a huge roar, the Overlord's crisis was completely resolved. Then Sun Bing looked at the figure in front of him with a half-smile, and said lightly:

"You seem to have forgotten that your opponent is me now!"

At this moment, anger burst out in Shen Tian's heart, and he stared at the figure in front of him with his eyes, and said with a ferocious face:

"It seems that you are eager to die!"

The moment he finished speaking, he suddenly waved the weapon in his hand and unleashed his peak attack.

In response to this, Sun Bing's expression was very calm, and a hint of sarcasm could still be seen vaguely:

"Do you really think I don't know your magical powers? There is still some hope of holding me back, but if you want to kill me, you are crazy.

People just talk about dreams. "

Then, not to be outdone, he continued to fight with Shen Tian.

On the other side, because Shen Tian had delayed his action for a while, thousands of Curse Tian's clones had already arrived around Ming Tian.

Looking at the Overlord who was rapidly approaching, all of his clones showed cold smiles on their faces:

"Seek death."

As he spoke, one of Curse Sky's clones surged with thousands of rays of light, and then a drop of blood slowly appeared in front of him.

This was surprisingly the blood shed from the injuries sustained during the previous confrontation between Overlord and Shen Tian.

For others, it may not be of much use.

But in Curitian's eyes, this is the best weapon.

Faced with such a life and death crisis, he did not hesitate at all. The dark rules manifested in many clones, and then these clones dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, a ghastly and terrifying force descended, and under the urging of Curse Sky, it penetrated into that drop of blood.

In an instant, Overlord felt great terror coming. Even the layers of armor on his body could not stop the terrible sense of crisis.

Before he could react, he felt that his life force was passing away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his momentum was reduced a lot.

Fortunately, the Demon Emperor, Tianchen and even the Immortal Refining Furnace did not stand idly by. During this period of time, they were able to suppress

Killed thousands of cursed clones.

In addition, in order to curse Bafang, Jutian forcibly sacrificed hundreds of clones.

At this moment, He only has 1,300 clones left, which means 1,300 lives.

A total of 1,700 lives were lost in such a short period of time. Such a huge price is enough to make anyone feel heartbroken.

Even though Jutian had already expected this, his face was extremely pale now.

Seeing the Demon Emperor and others galloping towards him, his pupils were full of helplessness, and the remaining clone immediately returned to the original body and continued to activate the power of the curse:

"Dirty Soul Curse"

"The Evil Curse"

"Crying Blood Curse"

"The Falling God Curse"

In a short span of time, many curses came at the same time, so that the Demon Emperor and Tianchen had to stop their movements and forcibly suppress the curses raging in their bodies.

Only the Immortal Refining Furnace still did not stop at all. It tried its best to mobilize all the power and charged towards the front in a mighty manner.

Regarding this, Jutian's eyes were even filled with indifference.

Because he had already made a decision, he then looked directly at Sun Bing, and a cold and hoarse voice slowly sounded:

"Sacrifice my origin, blood..."

Before he could finish his words, Sun Bing, Overlord, Demon Emperor and others had already noticed.

aware of His purpose.

Even though the Overlord, Demon Emperor and others were still suffering from a certain curse at this moment, they still managed to take one breath and launch their final blow towards the cursed sky.

Especially the Immortal Refining Furnace, the whole person is extremely sublimated, thousands of rays of light shine, and many avenues resonate, urging all the power to suppress Curse Heaven.

But this Cursed Sky seemed to have a death wish. Faced with these attacks, he ignored these attacks and was still burning his own origin and launching the final curse on Sun Bing.

Because at this moment, he has realized Sun Bing's terrifying strength, so he wants to die with him.

After all, now is not only the time when Mingtian is the weakest, but also the time when Sun Bing is the weakest.

Feeling the powerful power coming from the curse, Sun Bing's back was filled with cold sweat.

In this, he really felt the threat of death.

Between life and death, Sun Bing was very calm, looking back and forth at Mingtian, Shentian and even Mingtian.

In the end, only a soft sigh could be heard, and then Sun Bing's voice sounded directly:

"Originally, I wanted to completely eliminate Mingtian this time, but now it seems that I can only eradicate you.

town! "

The moment the words fell, the Emperor's Seal, which had been suppressing the Scroll of Destiny, suddenly changed its target.

Sweeping straight towards the cursed sky.

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