Sword Emperor

Chapter 4325 Destiny Inscription

Along the way, after passing through many prosperous star fields, everyone finally arrived at the final destination.

From a distance, you can see a majestic heaven standing at the end of your sight.

Surrounded by thirty-six heavenly palaces and seventy-two treasure palaces, although there is no burst of power, the movements of these heavenly palaces and treasure palaces are filled with extremely obscure power.

It can be said that once faced with the enemy's attack, the Thirty-six Heavenly Palaces and the Seventy-two Treasure Palaces will definitely be able to form formations to defend against the enemy immediately.

In addition, the entire heaven is filled with thousands of rhymes, and the colorful rays of light compete to shine, and it seems to be full of sacred atmosphere.

From time to time, there are neatly arranged heavenly soldiers and generals patrolling, and there are also colorful green luanans flying. All these scenes make the heaven feel like a fairyland, making people sink into it.

Looking at the majestic heaven in the distance, the faces of the Overlord, the Demon Emperor, and even Tianchen all looked solemn.

You must know that they have survived long enough, and they have even witnessed the Jade Emperor sweeping Mount Tai.

The memory of the Jade Emperor and even the Heavenly Court is profound to the extreme.

At the first sight of Heavenly Court, they froze on the spot.

Because this is no different from the heaven they saw before. At best, it is the heaven that was infinite years ago, even more majestic and vast.

Nowadays, it is a little thin and has insufficient foundation.

But even so, in front of me

Heavenly Court is still quite terrifying, even more powerful than their Dragon Court.

You must know that it only took thousands of years for the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms to survive the Great Destruction, and the time for the human race to establish Heavenly Court was even shorter.

It is really amazing to be able to develop Heavenly Palace to such an extent in such a short period of time.

After some emotion, the Overlord, the Demon Emperor and others looked at each other, with a hint of understanding appearing in their pupils.

In fact, when they were in Mount Tai, they were full of doubts about the final appearance of the Jade Emperor's imperial seal.

Although they had only met once, they knew that the Jade Emperor, as the first strong man to open up his destiny, was extremely domineering.

Back then in Mount Tai, he didn't say a word from beginning to end, so how could he possibly save them?

But now after seeing the heaven of Wanjiehai, they instantly knew that Sun Bing had already been in contact with the Jade Emperor.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Sun Bing with even more awe.

At the same time, light flashed in the heaven, and Ancestral Dragon, Yuan Shi and even the Food Emperor appeared at the same time.

After seeing Sun Bing, their eyes flashed with joy, and then they looked at Overlord and the others with a trace of doubt on their brows.

Before they could ask, Sun Bing smiled and nodded:

"These are Taoist friends I met in Taishan. They are Overlord, Demon Emperor and

Tianchen. "

Hearing this, Zulong, Yuanshi and others bowed to Overlord and the others.

After returning the greetings one by one, the faces of the Overlord, Demon Emperor and others seemed to be quite calm, but in their hearts, there was already a huge storm:

“I never thought that there would be so many powerful people in the Yun Dynasty that had just been born for thousands of years.

That Zulong's strength is completely comparable to that of Gu, and even I am slightly inferior.

In addition, the remaining Food Emperor and others are also very powerful, comparable to ordinary dynasty dragon masters.

As for Yuanshi, it seems to be an innate god, only one step away from us. "

You must know that even if they have managed the Yun Dynasty for endless years, they are not as powerful as the human race.

After all, the power displayed at this moment is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are still people like Jingxun.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Overlord and others lead their own Yunchao to compete with Wanjiehai, the final outcome should be more defeats than victory.

Next, Sun Bing sent Daozi, and Fozi took Bawang and others to visit the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, while he took a step forward and came directly to the Lingxiao Palace.

I saw him sitting directly on the dragon chair, and the immeasurable luck of the entire human race and even the sea of ​​ten thousand realms was added to him.

At this moment, he felt as if he could do anything.

However, Sun Bing's determination over a long period of time allowed Sun Bing to suppress his inner restlessness.

exhale deeply

With a breath and a thought, the chaotic green lotus that had been suppressed in the body gradually dissipated.

The next moment, endless backlash of fate swept in from all directions.

Immediately, cracks appeared on the surface of the golden body, and spread towards the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, there is a terrifying force brewing in the body, and the body seems to explode at any time.

Even though he had experienced fate's backlash before, Sun Bing still felt too terrible to face it again now.

You must know that we are in heaven at this moment, and this era restoration has a suppressive effect.

Even if the curse or backlash cannot be ignored, it should be able to weaken a lot of the power of the backlash.

Coupled with the fact that I had boundless luck, I thought I could completely suppress the backlash of fate.

But now it seems that he underestimated the power of fate.

With a helpless sigh, Sun Bing finally pushed to the limit, and his powerful golden body exploded.

Fortunately, it was in the Lingxiao Palace, otherwise the aftermath alone could turn an area of ​​hundreds of trillions of miles into nothingness.

The next moment, a drop of blood descended from the void, the endless fire of Nirvana emerged, and Sun Bing's figure slowly walked out of the soaring firebird.

Just after Nirvana and rebirth, the terrible backlash of fate struck again.

The backlash this time was even more violent. The immortal golden body only persisted for a moment.

Instantly, it exploded.

In the following time, Sun Bing's physical body recovered from the destruction, over and over again, endlessly.

But after all, this is the Sea of ​​All Realms, his territory.

The repeated deaths this week directly attracted the attention of the Luck Dragon.

Suddenly, the Divine Dragon of Luck manifested, and endless luck poured into Sun Bing's body crazily, and the billions of people in the entire human race also united with his thoughts.

At this time, Sun Bing not only represented himself, but also had billions of people standing behind him.

Coupled with the immeasurable surge of energy, it constantly contends with the fate in the body.

The two forces collided with each other, seemingly without any movement, but Sun Bing clearly felt an unimaginable pressure gathering from all around.

Looking up, he could see the shadow of the river of destiny looming in the sky, as if mocking his overestimation.

However, with the help of human luck and the will of thousands of tribesmen, Sun Bing persisted longer and longer.

The most important thing is that when the immortal golden body was fighting against the backlash of fate, some inexplicable changes occurred.

I saw a series of transparent inscriptions that were completely invisible to the naked eye, gradually emerging as Sun Bing's body was destroyed.

Sun Bing, who had looked directly at the river of fate before, could see at a glance that this was the Tao Yun that symbolized fate.

It can be said that his body has undergone a completely new transformation without even realizing it.

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