Sword Emperor

Chapter 4357:

The next moment, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, the World-Destroying Millstone and even the Sky Burying Coffin, endless power burst out.

Even though Emperor Xing's heart was filled with endless unwillingness, he was also trying his best to resist.

But under the suppression of such absolute strength, his resistance was as weak as a cricket.

Many forces of destruction swept across the four directions, and the world-destroying millstone rotated slowly. Almost every time it rotated, a portion of his body would be obliterated.

Even if the Emperor Star is now integrated with the power of heaven, it is enough to control the universe.

But facing his nemesis, he was still so weak.

In just a few moments, the huge ancient star, which originally had a diameter of hundreds of trillions, had shrunk by a full third under the suppression of such power.

As for the aura emanating from his body, it was decreasing at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

Aware of the dissipating power in his body, Emperor Xing's eyes were filled with unwillingness and even infinite anger:

"Zhuzi, stop immediately."

You must know that He paid too much for this power.

He did not hesitate to make enemies of his former subjects and common people, and slaughtered countless creatures, so that he managed to succeed in his plan.

I never imagined that I would face such a blow just after I was born.

Although Emperor Xing's willpower is extremely firm, at this moment, his Taoist heart has almost completely collapsed.

However, Sun Bing turned a deaf ear to Emperor Xing's many words, and even the power in his hands became stronger and stronger.

Burial in the Sky Coffin and Destruction

The world's millstones competed to shine, and nine days away there was the Zhuxian Sword Formation shining brightly, completely blocking all his escape routes.

Finally, Sun Bing's Qingping Sword suddenly swung in front of him.

"Destroy the Way"

The dark sword light shone in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it had crossed endless time and space and arrived in the sky burial coffin.

If it were in its heyday, the Emperor Star would still be able to withstand such a sword edge.

But now that he was extremely weak, he could only watch helplessly as the sword light fell on him.

Although this jet-black sword light was very small compared to his body, the power contained in it was extremely terrifying and astonishing.

Coupled with the explosion of power from the Sky Burial Coffin and the World-Destroying Millstone, all that could be heard was the roar from the bottom of his lungs.

This huge star exploded instantly.

For a moment, the noisy universe immediately became extremely silent.

But soon, Bawang and Taibai came to Sun Bing's side. Although the great revenge had been avenged, there was not much excitement on Taibai's face.

He even glanced around in a very lonely manner, as if he was whispering or talking to himself:

"Your Majesty, you have consumed countless lives, even at the cost of your own life. Is this really worth it?

Once upon a time, in our prosperous universe and huge destiny, only the old minister was left! "

Although the voice was very calm, anyone could hear the sadness hidden in it.

It can be said that even if Emperor Star does

Despite such behavior, Taibai still has a trace of nostalgia for him.

In this regard, neither Overlord nor Sun Bing said any words, and could only sigh helplessly.

You must know that it is difficult to open up Yun Dynasty, especially the Imperial Dynasty. There are only seven in the eternal era.

But he didn't expect that the one in front of him would be defeated by the Dragon Lord himself.

Shaking his head to clear away the unnecessary thoughts from his mind, the Overlord took a faint look inside the burial coffin and said with great regret:

"Alliance Leader, even though the Emperor Star deserves death, he also contains the unique system of this universe.

Although it is very satisfying to let him fall so easily, we also suffered heavy losses. "

At the end of the sentence, the Overlord even sighed helplessly, his face full of regret.

Obviously, even he was so moved by the benefits he had received before that he uttered such words at this moment.

After hearing these words, the corners of Sun Bing's mouth raised slightly, and then he slowly opened his big hands:

"Look what this is!"

The moment he heard these words, Overlord suddenly came back to his senses and immediately looked towards Sun Bing's palm.

This seemingly simple palm seemed to contain a universe of heaven and earth, and the vast universe also appeared in his sight.

The most eye-catching thing is the center, a star blooming with dazzling light.

For a moment, endless doubts came to my mind:

"Dare to ask the leader, is this

What is it? "

I saw Sun Bing carefully taking the stars into the universe at this moment, and then slowly explained:

"This object is the product of the fall of the emperor star. It is called the star core. It is the largest creation in this universe."

"The greatest blessing?"

The moment he heard this word, Overlord's ancient and unwavering face was immediately filled with deep curiosity:

"Is it possible that this thing is the same as the laws of heaven and earth before? Then I wonder what the function of this star core is?"

In response, Sun Bing smiled faintly, shook his head and continued:

"This thing is not of much use to us, but its greatest effect is not like this.

What do you think is the biggest feature of this world? Isn't it exactly those stars?

In this star core, the "Star Pointing Technique" is recorded. After taking it back, it can light up the stars. "

The words stopped abruptly, but the Overlord's face became more and more excited:

"Leader, are you serious about this?"

You must know that there are also countless stars in their universe. If this method is used to enlighten them, countless powerful people can be born in the future.

And this is the mainstay against Tiandao, and for them, it is a huge surprise.

Sun Bing did not speak, but nodded slowly.

After learning the exact news, Overlord became more and more excited and couldn't help but murmur to himself:

"Okay, okay, okay, these heavenly ways are indeed powerful.

Oh, it's such an unexpected surprise that such a unique method has been opened up. "

After all, after learning about Tiandao's strength, Overlord didn't say anything, but his heart was still full of worry.

Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as both of them were thinking a lot, Taibai next to them suddenly stepped forward:

"Two Taoist brothers, now there is only deathly silence in this universe of stars. I hope you can stay here."

After hearing this, even Sun Bing's face showed a hint of joy, and he hurriedly stepped forward:

"If fellow Taoist don't mind, then follow me back to the human race."

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it."

Taibai shook his head quickly and said very gratefully:

"Brother Taoist, it's a great kindness to be able to take you here. How could I be so ignorant of praise?"

At the end of the conversation, the two looked at each other and laughed in unison.

Taibai did it because he found a place to settle down.

As for Sun Bing's happiness, it was because he accepted a strong man.

You must know that monks such as Taibai and Emperor Xing are the vast stars, which are extremely huge.

The energy in the body can be said to be endless, and coupled with the powerful physical body, looking at the eternal era, in the same realm, he can be regarded as a very top powerhouse.

Even if it cannot compete with the peak heavens such as Shengtian and Shentian, it can suppress ordinary heavens.

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