Sword Emperor

Chapter 4366 A small fortune

After hearing these words, Sun Bing froze on the spot.

Just now, he was still thinking about who could break through the Nirvana Divine Power to kill people and seize treasures, but he never expected that the next moment he would get such news.

It can be said that he is very familiar with Demon Ancestor, and he had already started to take action against him in Tianwaitian at that time.

Especially later on, he was repeatedly pursued and killed. The most important thing was during the Great Destruction of the Sea of ​​All Realms, when he, the Origin Ancestor, and others almost suffered a fatal blow.

If Sun Bing hadn't been so powerful, he would have succeeded.

Sun Bing originally wanted to seek revenge on these enemies after surviving the Great Destruction.

But he never expected that the Demon Ancestor's actions were too fast and he had already fled with his entire family.

Although Sun Bing later killed the Origin Ancestor by chance, there was still no trace of the Demon Ancestor.

After all, Chaos is too big. If the Demon Ancestor really wanted to hide it, he would never be found.

Later, due to confrontations with many heavenly beings, Sun Bing gradually forgot about this former enemy.

But he never expected that the other party would come to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms by chance and be killed by the Ancestral Dragon.

This is really dramatic.

However, through Zu Long's previous words, he discovered very keenly that it seemed that the Demon Ancestor realized that he was not far from a breakthrough and came out to look for opportunities.


After seeing the power of the Nirvana God, I wanted to find out if there were any heavenly materials or earthly treasures hidden in it.

Then after a series of accidents, this result appeared.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and Sun Bing soon regained his composure.

After all, his enemy at this moment is Ming Tian. Yuntian, the pinnacle of heaven in Hongmeng, and the Demon Ancestor who was once enough to make him flee in panic, are nothing to Sun Bing at this moment.

Especially now that we know that he has died, there is no need to care.

Shaking his head to clear away the extra thoughts in his mind, he saw Sun Bing wave his big hand in front of him, and the Chaos Orb appeared immediately.

The obscure power keeps emerging, forcibly including this universe.

Looking at the surprised Zu Long next to him, Sun Bing couldn't help but explain quickly:

"No matter what the reason is, since the Demon Ancestor has found this place, it means that it has been exposed.

Even if the Demon Ancestor falls, there is still a one-in-a-billion chance of being exposed here, and we can't bet on it.

So you must leave as quickly as possible at this time. "

After the words were spoken, the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms was completely contained, and the three of them turned around and left the Nirvana Fall Divine Power without any hesitation.

While walking, many thoughts surged through my mind.

Since the Demon Ancestor found this place, he must have

The world of demons should be around, and there is also the accumulation of endless years of their entire clan.

This accumulation is a huge wealth even for Sun Bing at this moment, and it is absolutely impossible to give it up easily.

Thinking of this, he suddenly stopped. As soon as his mind moved, he saw Hetu Luoshu appearing in front of him.

Seeing this situation, Overlord and Zulong both had doubts on their eyebrows:

"Leader (fellow Taoist), what are you doing?"

In this regard, Sun Bing did not speak, but the power in his body had already surged towards Hetu Luoshu, and the obscure power exploded instantly.

In an instant, the surroundings were filled with the ethereal power of heaven.

Although Sun Bing is not familiar with this field, he has dabbled in it a little, and it is not difficult to deduce some ordinary secrets.

Especially after losing the Demon Ancestor, the entire demon clan was leaderless. There was no one or any means to stop his exploration.

In just a few moments, Sun Bing's closed eyes opened, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face:

"I never thought that the world of the Demon Ancestor would be so close to us. This is really an unexpected surprise."

There is no need to say more at this moment. Through such few words, Overlord and Zulong have already realized something.

Then the three of them stepped forward in front of them.

In a short time, they had arrived 800 billion miles to the west of the Nirvana God's power.

After arriving here, the three people's eyes almost unanimously fell on the space in front of them.

After all, compared with the Dragon Lords of the Imperial Dynasty like them, the Demon Ancestor's method of hiding his own world is really too clumsy.

There was no need to search carefully. After arriving here, the three of them were very keenly aware of the twisted space.

Shaking his head, he saw Sun Bing stepping forward:

"You have bullied me many times in the past, and today I have repaid you tenfold. Please rest assured, Demon Ancestor, your clan members will come to accompany you soon."

The moment he finished speaking, you could see him pointing his finger in front of him.

Throughout the whole process, Cui Dongrong didn't have any sharp sword at all, but this finger was the sharpest sword.

Just the sharp sword edge emanating from it caused the surrounding space to continue to distort.

The prototype of the vast world hidden in the space mezzanine was revealed in an instant, and at the same time, bursts of miserable shouts continued to be heard:

"If there is an enemy attack, quickly set up your formation."

As he spoke, many formations crisscrossed each other, and an obscure and huge formation took shape in an instant, with countless demon monks flying out.

Although this formation was quite good, in Sun Bing's eyes, it was full of loopholes.

But at this moment, he has no intention at all

The thought of cleverly breaking through the formation.

Because the gap between the two sides was so huge, that simple finger pointed forward, and a sword energy of billions of miles descended directly.

I saw this sword energy sweeping forward in a mighty manner, even the great formation of the demon clan was like tofu in front of it.

I could only hear a crisp sound faintly, and the huge formation collapsed in an instant.

The sharp sword edge was immediately exposed to the endless demon clan, which was the sharpest edge in the eternal era.

Even the emperor could not resist it, not to mention that the demon ancestor had fallen, and the remaining demon clan was leaderless.

Just in this edge, all the cultivators below the emperor realm fell, and the emperor realm cultivators were also severely injured.

The next moment, the sword light completely descended, and those cultivators above the emperor realm also fell.

After doing all this, Sun Bing's face was very calm, and his big hand waved in front of him, and the whole world was taken into his pocket.

Then he turned around and galloped towards the distance without saying anything.

The whole process lasted only half a quarter of an hour. It was hard to imagine that the demons that once dominated the outer world were completely destroyed.

Seeing this scene with their own eyes, the Overlord and Zulong both showed a hint of amazement in their eyes, and could only sigh secretly:

"The leader (Sun Bing) is getting stronger and stronger."

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