Sword Emperor

Chapter 4374 Intimidation

Under such oppression, Shanhun, Treehun and others were filled with cold sweat on their backs, and they had a vague premonition that they would fall if they moved.

You must know that for strong men of their level, their inner premonitions are derived from their fighting intuition over countless years and are quite accurate.

Suddenly, Shan Hun, Tree Hun and others, who had just wanted to avenge the Soul Emperor, were completely silent.

At the same time, the whole person seemed to be waking up from a dream. You must know that since these people in front of you can kill the Soul Emperor, how can they be opponents?

But he is also the pinnacle of the universe, so it would be unreasonable for him to throw himself at the enemy so easily.

Many thoughts flashed through their minds, and Shan Hun and the others were extremely confused at this moment.

However, the Soul Emperor has been running this universe for endless years, so he naturally has his own supporters.

Immediately, a roar resounded from all directions:

"It is completely false to think twice before acting. You actually killed His Majesty. Even if I am shattered to pieces, I will die the same as you."

The moment the words fell, a demon soul could be seen. The sea soul gathered all its strength and rushed towards Sun Bing.

Obviously, through the previous words, they were very keenly aware that Sun Bing was the person with the highest status present.

As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king. As long as Sun Bing can be trapped, everything will fall into place.

Unexpectedly, after seeing the actions of the demon soul and the sea soul, Overlord and the others exploded without making any response at all, and even a hint of sarcasm appeared on their brows.

Just when the demon soul and the sea soul were extremely confused about this, Sun Bing's voice suddenly sounded:

"It seems that you two have made your own choice. What a pity. In this case, I can only send you two to stay with the Soul Emperor."

The moment these words were spoken, Sun Bing moved and stabbed directly in front of him with his fingers together.

And this seemingly simple fingertip is like the sharpest magic weapon in the world, and the edge in the void is getting sharper.

Looking at the fingertips that were getting closer and closer, both the demon soul and the sea soul felt a crisis of death.

Faced with the threat of life and death, they did not dare to hold back at all. All the power in their bodies exploded wildly, trying to break free from the invisible restraints coming from all around.

But what makes people despair is that the simple falling of the fingertips carries a power that is simply irresistible.

The endless power in the vast world gathered crazily, and the power of the entire world seemed to be exerted on the demon soul and sea soul.

Even if they are powerful men in the realm of the Great Emperor, they are unable to react in any way under such oppression.

In an instant, the fingertips finally fell, and the dazzling sword light shone throughout the universe, causing time to stand still.

When everyone came to their senses again, they could hear a small sound.

Immediately, the demon soul and sea soul dissipated directly in front of everyone, leaving no trace at all.

Regarding this situation, Sun Bing's expression was very calm.

After all, after a successful breakthrough, a strong person in the ordinary realm of the Great Emperor is nothing to him.

Different from Sun Bing's calmness, after seeing such a scene with their own eyes, Shanhun, Treehun and others were stunned on the spot, and even couldn't help but exclaimed:

"How can this be?"

You must know that strong men in the realm of the Great Emperor have already closed their own timelines, and are theoretically completely immortal.

But they have carefully checked countless times, but still did not detect any aura of demon souls and sea souls.

Could it be that they died?

When this idea came to mind, Shanhun and others all took a breath of cold air.

Seeing the people making such a fuss in front of him, the Demon Emperor's brows were full of sarcasm:

"Even the Soul Emperor doesn't dare to show his Majesty

If Shanhun and others wanted to argue before, they fell silent at this time.

At the same time, Sun Bing's eyes slowly fell on the mountain soul, tree soul and other remaining survivors, and said lightly with a smile on his face:

"The two of them have made their own choices, and I have satisfied them.

Now it's your turn to make a choice! "

There was no threat in this calm voice, but Shanhun, Treehun and others all felt a strong sense of crisis.

Under that terrifying pressure, even though they were souls, their backs were full of cold sweat.

There was so much pressure that they didn't know what to say at this moment.

Time passed like this gradually, and Sun Bing's patience was quickly exhausted. He looked at everyone with his calm eyes, and his face even looked serious:

"What is your choice?"

The pressure contained in these words was several times greater than before, and even the strongest mountain soul among the people could not resist it.

After all, his huge figure saluted directly in front of him, and even said sincerely:

"We have been tortured by the Soul Emperor for many years. Today, thanks to His Majesty, you came to rescue us and met Your Majesty."

After hearing these words with their own ears, the remaining tree souls, water souls, etc. were filled with disbelief.

It's hard to imagine that Shanhun would say such words, but unfortunately, the situation is stronger than the person, so he has to bow his head.

I and others have practiced for endless years and finally reached this level. It is impossible to be buried with a dead Soul Emperor.

Moreover, when the Soul Emperor suddenly emerged and forced them to surrender, there was already a gap between the two sides.

Now that the other party has fallen, it is normal to turn around and look at others.

Thinking of this, Shuhun, Shuihun and others immediately felt at ease and bowed like Shanhun:

"Your Majesty."

"Good, good, good."

At this moment, Sun Bing's face was full of smiles, and his eyes swept over Shanhun, Shuihun and others one by one:

"The Soul Emperor's original body is a false beast. I believe that when he was fighting for the throne before, he must have used many despicable means.

I killed him, which can be regarded as revenge for you."

After hearing this news, Shanhun and Shuhun and others looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's pupils.

But soon, the whole person immediately became relieved, and the look he looked at Sun Bing was somewhat kind.

Obviously, they had another cause and effect with the false beast.

After a brief introduction, the two sides also had a preliminary understanding.

Shanhun, Shuhun and others were the peak strongmen who appeared when the Soul Realm was born, but the Soul Emperor came later and surpassed.

But all of this is in the past, and now they all belong to Sun Bing.

Immediately, Sun Bing looked at Shan Hun and others with burning eyes, and said expectantly:

"We have come here to deal with important matters this time, I wonder where the forbidden area of ​​the soul world is?"

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