Sword Emperor

Chapter 448: Serious Situation

Along the way, Sun Bing's heart was still filled with the majestic murderous intention, which he could not suppress at all. If the person from Qinghui Cave Sky was in front of him at this moment, he would definitely kill him without any hesitation.

In the past, even if Sun Bing had been chased by Qinghui Cave Sky, and even suffered several life and death crises for such a long time, he could still endure it. After all, it was just for Sun Bing alone, and he only thought about the future. If you have the strength to take revenge, your relatives and friends will not be in any danger.

Then after seeing the ruins of the huge Zhou family in Tianwu City, and even now no one dares to touch the ground, Sun Bing's heart was filled with a hint of anger. At that time, he could still suppress it, but he just thought Just settling accounts after the fall.

But you must not underestimate Sun Bing at this moment. After all, although the other party said that his cultivation level is not very good, he is just a monk in the realm of reincarnation, but his strength has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people. Even ordinary monks in the realm of metamorphosis are not strong enough. Might be his opponent.

What's more, Qinghui Cave Heaven is located in a relatively secluded corner of Shenzhou. Even though it has a huge territory of tens of thousands of miles, in terms of real strength, it is far inferior to many holy places encountered before.

Sun Bing can be sure that even the many elders in Qinghui Cave Sky cannot be Sun Bing's opponent at this moment. It is conceivable that his strength is already quite strong at this moment, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can ignore.

As for the location of Qinghui Cave, it has been deeply imprinted in my heart a long time ago, because at that time I thought I would definitely go back to seek justice, but now I am even more anxious.

If there is something urgent to do, it is good to have prepared it beforehand.

You can immediately see Sun Bing's eyes looking into the distance, shrinking to an inch and performing directly. Even because of the strong anger in his heart, Sun Bing's speed at this moment is faster than before. Quickly, it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

I don't know how many thousands of miles away, as if in a completely different space, I can see all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures scattered throughout it, with many monks carefully looking after it.

There are several high mountains in this space, and there are pavilions and pavilions in it. It seems that you can vaguely see a faint cloud passing through it. The whole space can be said to be beautiful, just like the human world. It's like a fairyland. Falling into this space, you can only feel the strong sense of beauty.

This is the Qinghui Cave Heaven that has not been seen for a long time, and something very important seems to have happened in this space today. The pavilions and pavilions are covered with red silk, and every disciple is shuttled back and forth, cautiously Arrangements are being made.

If you get closer at this moment, you can hear conversations coming from the crowd:

"I didn't expect that the young master would prepare to get married so early. In this way, we disciples will never have any chance."

"It is rumored that the other party's double monk this time is a wild girl from a remote village. He never thought that many fairies in the cave that he despises would have such tastes. However, that person can become the young head's wife. It’s really good luck.”

"Keep your voice down, if others hear you

If so, then you will be in trouble. Although she is said to be a girl from a remote village, it is said that her talent is terrifying. In just one year after coming to the cave, she has already cultivated to the realm of rebirth, and there are also It is said that the beauty of the sky and the country are beyond compare to you people. "

Among the countless pavilions and pavilions, there is a luxurious room filled with many precious materials. Even the entire house is made of lightning strike wood, with inscriptions carved in it, slowly gathering the surrounding world. The intensity of spiritual energy is several times that of the outside world.

In front of the dressing table, a beautiful lady is sitting upright on a chair. The thunderbolt wood in the room exudes a faint and refreshing fragrance. The hollow-carved bronze mirror inlaid with mutton-fat jade reflects her peerless appearance, which is charming and charming. She raises her eyes and talks and laughs. This time can make all the beauty in this world dim.

Just that one glance can make you fall deeply into love, and you can take everything you want. The ice-carved jade hook has a mysterious gallbladder nose, and the rhombus lips are gorgeous on the river in the afterlife. The color is like a spring dawn flower, and the hibiscus has a cold face. It makes people feel that using words like "Qingguoqingcheng" is betraying such beauty.

Wearing a wedding dress with brocade and gold outlines of bloody flowers on the other side like clouds on the horizon, it was covered with an extremely soft and thin crimson gauze, and a hippa decorated with rice-like southern pearls covered her peerless beauty.

A phoenix belt embroidered with Liuyun gauze and Suzhou embroidery was tied around her waist, which perfectly outlined her exquisite figure. However, the face she faced in the mirror was filled with boundless chill, especially those beautiful eyes that looked haggard. and unwillingness to emerge.

If Sun Bing were here, he would be able to find that this is not someone else, but Sun Yanran whom he has not seen for a long time. Although he has such a peerless appearance, he is full of love in his heart.

With sadness.

What he recalled in his mind was the young figure who had been by his side, full of stubbornness, especially the promise he made before he left. After a long time, he sighed quietly: "I wonder how you are now?"

After all, Sun Bing could be said to have faced endless crises before. Only after coming to Qinghui Cave Sky did she feel the horror of such a sect. There are countless masters in it, even the ones who are legendary in Luoyun Town. Realm monk is just a little deacon here.

What's more, there are monks with more advanced cultivation. Faced with such a fierce pursuit, even the monks in the Reborn Realm can't resist, let alone Sun Bing, who once only practiced Qi. When thinking of this, Sun Yanran's eyes even There was a flash of sadness.

But the reality is so helpless. Even Sun Yanran could not imagine that her situation would be so sad. She originally only wanted to live quietly in Luoyun Town, but because of this alluring appearance, she was taken directly to Qinghui Cave. , and then he was spotted by the young leader.

To be honest, Sun Yanran was quite resistant to this marriage, and she even made various efforts for it.

But the reality was still too cruel after all. No matter how hard-hearted Sun Yanran was, when her father pleaded in front of him, he still slowly relaxed.

Because if she disagrees, not only her father Sun Zhentian, but even the Sun family in Luoyun Town, thousands of miles away, may have huge changes because of her opinion, and may be directly removed from the world.

After all, the Sun family is too insignificant in front of Qinghui Cave Sky.

He didn't even have the slightest strength to resist, and could only bear such tremendous pressure silently.

Thinking of the many scenes that had appeared in the past, a teardrop even appeared in the corner of Sun Yanran's eyes at this moment, and then slowly fell to the ground, and finally disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Sun Bing, who was thousands of miles away, could only feel an inexplicable throbbing in his heart. He seemed to have noticed something, but in an instant, the coldness in his eyes became more and more intense, and even his whole body was filled with the energy that could almost bring him down. The terrifying sword edge that can kill people, I silently said in my heart: "Faster, faster."

After realizing its terrifying momentum, it can be said that no monsters dared to block it along the way, and they disappeared without a trace from a distance. After all, monsters are too sensitive to breath, and such momentum is It can cause such huge oppression to them, let alone a real person coming.

Not only the many monsters, but also the monks along the way retreated after noticing the terrifying aura, and only dared to stay there quietly, for fear that any unnecessary action on their part would completely kill them.

Outside the house in the Qinghui Cave, there was a sudden and direct message: "Miss Sun, now the auspicious time has come, and it is time for you to go out and get married. If you miss such an opportunity, then if the boss blames us, we will also There is no way.”

Hearing such a voice, Sun Yanran slowly opened her eyes, but in that moment, all the nostalgia in her eyes disappeared without a trace, and only the deathly silence filled her eyes.

Then he replied coolly: "I know."

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