Sword Emperor

Chapter 4545: Angry out of shame

Under the gaze of everyone, Kui stepped forward and said word by word:

"May I ask Wu, why did you kill my father?"

A simple sentence left Bo speechless. Even though he was extremely intelligent, he couldn't think of any explanation at all.

If Kui's father was regarded as a traitor, then not to mention Kui's rebuttal, many of the witches present would not agree with his words.

After all, Nian Kui's father was loyal to his duties, especially treating his clan members extremely well.

Of the many heavenly witches present, more than 80% of them had their lives saved by him. As for the remaining 20%, they had a breakthrough after the death of Kui's father.

Even so, these people were cared for before they broke through.

It can be said that no matter what the reason is, even if they think they are traitors, they will never believe that Kui's father is a traitor.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then those powerful men at the level of celestial witches appeared to be vaguely encircling him, surrounding him.

Because at this moment, they suddenly recalled that the leader seemed to have gone out with Wu, and then only Wu returned and died.

According to what Bo said, the two of them were surrounded by thousands of people, and Kui's father desperately tried to get him out.

But even so, he suffered a lot of trauma.

If what he said before was true, no one would doubt it. In addition, the injuries on his body could not be faked, so this was basically irrefutable proof.

But now after hearing Kui's words, everyone's eyes became more alert.

Bo was very keenly aware of the changes in the gazes of the surrounding tribesmen, but unfortunately, now he could not make an excuse at all.

After hesitating for a long time, he slowly spoke:

"My fellow tribesmen, Lao Chan and the leader did encounter the trap of the Ten Thousand Clans back then, and there were as many as thirteen different traces of the Great Dao on Lao Chan's body.

Is it possible that this doesn't prove that what I said is true? "

The moment these words fell, many people's brows were filled with doubts, and they even couldn't help but think deeply:

Could it be that this is a bitter trick? Otherwise, what are the thirteen completely different avenues?

Seeing this, Bo's heart flashed with joy, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Kui's voice continued to sound:

"There are only thirteen different avenues. If you want to, leave thirty three kinds, or even one hundred and thirty kinds, that's not a bad idea!"

As soon as these words appeared, the scene immediately went into an uproar. The brows of countless monks were filled with surprise, especially one of the Heavenly Witches, who couldn't help but said solemnly:

"Young Master, be careful what you say!"

These four simple words contain the most sincere concern.

As for the uncle, when he heard these words, his back suddenly felt cold, but then he couldn't help but burst out laughing:

"Kui, if you use other methods to slander me, then there is really nothing I can do, but I never expected that you would say such words.

You must know that in that battle back then, the old man suffered almost fatal injuries in order to escape for his life.

Is it possible that you still feel that Wanzu is deliberately showing mercy? "

In his words, Bo felt even more fortunate.

If Kui had directly pointed out that cave before, then he would have been really hard to argue with.

But at this time, he said these words so irrationally, even if he finally exposed the cave.

I can also slander the other party and deliberately frame myself. I don't need everyone in the Qingshan tribe to believe it, but this can at least ensure my own safety.

Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, Kui's face not only showed no fear, but was even full of sarcasm:

"It's not so much the mercy of the Ten Thousand Clan, but the mercy of you yourself. Do you really think I didn't notice it? The Ghost Face Clan."

When the last four words fell, a voice directly sounded:


The tone of ordinary monks is one of surprise and confusion, because this is a completely unfamiliar name to them.

After hearing this name, Uncle Ke's face was filled with shock and even horror.

You must know that in order to destroy Buzhou Mountain, all races have joined forces to hide the Ghost Face Clan. Even ordinary emperors among all races are not qualified to know their news.

There is even a power of the level of the Lord of the Era, which activates extremely precious treasures and forcibly conceals the secrets of heaven.

Even if you deduce the world, you can't detect any clues.

All in all, the Ghost Face Clan is almost a forbidden word in Buzhou Mountain.

I won’t say much about what I know, and I can’t even mention what I don’t know.

But now that he actually heard the name of his own race, what Kui knew must be far beyond imagination.

After a brief moment of astonishment, endless cold sweat appeared on Bo's back, and then without any hesitation at all, he turned around and galloped away into the distance.

This is the ancestral motto of the Ghost Face clan.

When encountering any danger, you must not waste any time and escape as soon as possible.

After all, the Ghost Face clan has a very small number of people due to their unique natal magical powers.

Every clan member who is qualified to go out is precious, not to mention that there are only two or three people in the entire clan who have cultivated to his level.

It is precisely because of this that he cannot fall again.

This is not only because Bo cherishes his life, but most importantly, he must pass on the news that his tribe has been known to others.

Otherwise, his tribe and even the Ten Thousand Races will suffer unimaginable huge losses because of this accident.

As he moved forward, Bo's figure changed and turned directly into a scorching sun and appeared in the sky.

This is the three-legged golden crow.

Among the Ten Thousand Races, there are magical powers that are faster than the three tribes' golden crows' rainbow transformation technique, but most of them require a certain price.

Only the three tribes' golden crows are the most convenient and extremely fast.

It can be said that in just a moment, Bo can cross trillions of space and successfully escape.

Just when he thought he had escaped, a calm voice slowly sounded:

"You have been in the tribe for billions of years, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Stay and say goodbye."

The moment he heard this, Bo's back was immediately filled with cold sweat.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that Kui was just a puppet pushed to the front, harmless.

The real mastermind was the hidden Qiong, who even had the strength to compete with him.

Otherwise, even if his identity was discovered, he would not have to leave at all, and could completely rely on his own strength to slaughter people everywhere.

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