Sword Emperor

Chapter 4551: Death Struggle

Seeing such a scene, Bo opened his mouth, not knowing what to say at all.

Because he could clearly feel that whether it was the sky-burial coffin, the world-destroying millstone, or even the last sword, it had a suffocating and terrifying power.

The most important thing is that even though he is an emperor, he still smells the breath of death in front of those powers.

Obviously, if he is killed because of this, he will truly fall into ruin.

After thinking about this, Bo, who had been steadfast just now, couldn't help but change a little in his expression.

After all, the reason why he was so arrogant before was that the emperor would not really fall.

How could he remain indifferent now that his own safety was actually involved?

At the same time, Ruifeng quickly flew forward, staring at the opponent with his eyes, and said with a ferocious face:

"Tell me quickly, who sent you to hide in our clan, and where did my former uncle go?"

Even when faced with the threat of death, a strong man at the level of an emperor fought his way out of a mountain of corpses, and his willpower was incomparably firm.

Although there was a trace of fear in Bo's heart, as the emperor, it was impossible for him to beg for mercy.

After hearing Ruifeng's voice, he even couldn't help but sneer:

"Do you think this emperor will tell you this answer? As for that uncle's

You must have made some guesses about his whereabouts. "

These simple words made the anger in Ruifeng's heart grow stronger.

Immediately, Bo's eyes fell directly on Sun Bing, and those eyes were filled with a cold light:

“Your strength is indeed extremely powerful, but in front of all races, even the Great God Jiuli was suppressed, let alone you.

In the final analysis, it is just a death, and I will not leak any information to you. "

After the words fell, Bo's eyes closed directly, looking isolated from the world.

But the other party's attitude completely angered Ruifeng, so much so that he subconsciously wanted to attack Bo.

But at this moment, Sun Bing waved his hand directly, stopping Ruifeng's movement, and shook his head with a smile on his face:

"It's just to find out some information. So what if he keeps silent? Do you really think that this method can stop me?"

The moment he heard this, Bo's closed eyes suddenly opened, his pupils filled with surprise and doubt.

Not only him, Ruifeng, Kua and others on the side were also very curious about this.

After all, everyone knew that Bo Ding knew many secrets of all races, but if the other party didn't speak, there would be nothing he could do.

Methods such as searching for souls are still useful when you are in the imperial realm, but they have basically no effect when you reach the imperial realm.


As for the rest of the charm, seduction and other methods, they are quite good.

But it is more difficult to charm and seduce a powerful person of the emperor level than to let the other person speak in person.

Just when everyone was extremely confused, they could see Sun Bing moving instantly, extending his big hand directly in front of him.

Many obscure forces are constantly operating, and time around Bo is constantly flowing backwards.

Seeing this, the other party's frown instantly relaxed, and at the same time he said coldly:

"I thought you had some tricks up your sleeve, but didn't you expect this?"

The words were full of contempt.

After all, the emperor has already integrated his past, present, and future three lives into one body, transcending the long river of time.

No matter how much time is reversed, it is impossible to trace back what happened in the past. This is a recognized law.

At this moment, even the brows of Ruifeng and others were full of regret and helplessness.

In response, the corners of Sun Bing's mouth raised slightly, revealing a faint sneer:

"Of course others cannot go back in time to trace the truth, but I am different from ordinary people."

"A lotus in the eternal blue sky"

The moment the words fell, you could feel an extremely oppressive force coming directly.

Thousands of holy ways continue to gather, and the vast, majestic, majestic and other green lotus that condenses all the adjectives in the world slowly appear.


Infinite power bursts out, and one can feel the obscurity within it just by looking at it.

The moment they saw Chaos Qinglian, everyone present immediately got his message in their minds.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Today's Sun Bing is no longer what he used to be. The power of Chaos Qinglian has been greatly enhanced, and each of the thousands of holy paths has become extremely heavy.

In addition, Bo's whole body was still bound by the formation, so that no matter how hard he struggled, he could not move an inch.

Taking this opportunity, Chaos Qinglian's whole body bloomed with an extremely obscure fluorescence, and the river of time fell directly.

The most important thing is that a vague figure slowly appeared in the long river of time.

Suddenly, the entire void became extremely silent, especially Bo's face, which turned extremely pale, and he kept murmuring:

"This, this, this is impossible, it's simply impossible."

Because that figure is not the figure of some uncle, but the real body of the Ghost Face Clan.

You must know that the ghost-faced clan has strange whereabouts due to their innate magical powers, and it is very difficult to discover them.

As for the true body, even the top experts among all races have never seen it.

Now it was revealed directly by Sun Bing. Thinking back to the other party's words just now, Bo's face became even more pale:

Is it possible that he really has a hand?

Duan traced back to the past?

Thinking of this, Bo immediately tried his best to operate all the power in his body, wanting to self-destruct.

Because as a high-level member of the Ten Thousand Races, coupled with his strong strength and not easy to be discovered, he has too much secret information.

Once it is leaked, especially by the Wu Clan, the consequences will be disastrous.

Sun Bing naturally also noticed the other party's intention, but his eyebrows were full of disdain.

Because as the only Chaos Treasure of the Eternal Era, the power of Chaos Green Lotus is completely beyond imagination.

Whether it is attack, defense, enlightenment, suppression, reversal of time and space, etc., He can do whatever functions that can be thought of.

Wanting to escape from the hands of Chaos Green Lotus is completely a fool's dream.

This is exactly the case. No matter how Bo struggled, he was still firmly suppressed.

As time passed, the long river of time above the Chaos Green Lotus gradually showed new changes.

All of Bo's actions not long ago appeared in everyone's sight.

Although there were still many followers of Bo in the Qingshan tribe before, after seeing this scene, the closeness in their eyes had long disappeared without a trace, leaving only endless hatred.

Needless to say, when seeing the cave, it meant that Bo's identity was completely exposed, and there was no way to save it.

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