Sword Emperor

Chapter 4564 Catching a Turtle in a Jar

Moments after the battle began, all the spies of the Ghost Face Clan who were hiding among the Wu Clan were suppressed.

Looking at the figures in the formation, the eyes of the surrounding Wu monks were filled with endless anger.

Especially those tribes where spies belong, their pupils not only have anger, but also endless resentment.

Since the other party had transformed into the appearance of their witch and sneaked in, it meant that the witches of their tribe had been killed countless years ago.

And my entire tribe has been deceived by an enemy for billions of years. This is really a great shame.

You must know that when they learned this fact yesterday, even if their cultivation had reached the level of Heavenly Witch, their Taoist hearts almost collapsed.

Now seeing that this enemy has become a prisoner, endless resentment breaks out, and he even subconsciously wants to kill him completely.

Fortunately, the other monks on the side immediately stopped the other party.

In fact, the lives of those spies alone are nothing at all. The most important thing is not to mess up the entire action plan because of them.

You must know that suppressing these spies is only the beginning of the counterattack.

The major tribes that had previously acted cautiously for the sake of the overall situation now no longer had any scruples and moved as fast as possible.

Dozens or hundreds of tribes joined forces and quickly surrounded a mountain forest.

There are also many tribes flying in mid-air,

Even more cautiously, they gathered towards some clouds.

The one with the greatest momentum is none other than Yunchuan Valley.

Thousands of tribes all had the same purpose, and they were all on the hillside in the center of the Yunchuan Valley.

In fact, such obvious movement has aroused doubts from some interested people.

After all, what is different from the Holy Spirit Clan lurking in the mountains and the Spiritual Roots that transform into woods is that the Tianyu Clan is lurking in the clouds.

And the clouds are everywhere in the Yunchuan Valley, and they can isolate the spiritual consciousness, making it difficult for people to detect.

Therefore, it is precisely for this reason that the Tianyu clan needs to bear the responsibility of investigating intelligence.

But at this time, one of the Tianyu Clan monks was very keenly aware of the strangeness in Yunchuan Valley. Looking at the Wu Clan monks moving around, his brows instantly knitted together:

"What are these Wu Clan monks doing? The momentum is so huge, it seems that a battle is going on. Could it be that they have discovered some clues?"

Thinking of this, his back was filled with cold sweat, and then his face became solemn:

"Whether this was an accident or not, this matter needs to be reported and dealt with, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Immediately afterwards, without any hesitation at all, he was ready to turn around and send the information.

But at this moment, the various tribes of the Wu clan have also completed their preparations, and then a soft drink can be heard:

"Array up!"


That is, a stream of obscure power burst out directly, and the Tianyu Clan monks above the clouds could clearly see the extremely dazzling light burst out immediately.

The formation disk buried deep in the ground is now bursting with all its power.

One after another, obscure and mysterious formations slowly appeared under the shocked eyes of the Yu Clan monks that day, and were linked to each other.

At this moment, there is no need for anyone to remind and report information.

Because the Holy Spirit clan hiding deep in the mountains, the spiritual root clan transforming the woods, the Tianyu clan hiding in the clouds, etc., have all noticed this movement.

It has to be said that their reaction speed was extremely fast, and they had already started to take action the moment they sensed something bad.

The emperor-level beings among these ethnic groups immediately activated all the power in their bodies, completely ignoring the rest of the things and just wanted to lead the ethnic group out of their hiding place.

After all, if his hiding place is not discovered, then it will be an excellent place to be in hiding.

But once exposed, it is like a turtle in a urn, unable to escape.

Through such a huge momentum, it can be clearly detected that the Witch Clan must have noticed their hiding place.

However, what is frustrating is that the speed of the formation is faster than they imagined.

When many formations were connected to each other, all kinds of rules immediately appeared, criss-crossing, and covering the surrounding void.

Wait until ten thousand

When the strong men of the tribe flew out from the mountains, woods and even clouds, the chain formation had completely enveloped the entire Yunchuan Valley.

Many strong men who were taking off could only feel a terrifying force coming from them, and a transparent barrier was installed on them.

Before they could investigate their surroundings, they could see Hou Yi's face full of sneer, and then he said directly:


A simple word fell, but every Wu Clan monk present reacted very quickly, and their own strength quickly resonated with the formation.

Immediately, the infinite power of this chain formation burst out.

In the formation where the Holy Spirit clan is located, countless ancient trees are seen rising from the ground, and billions of vines are flying everywhere.

That ferocious and terrifying root shrouded all directions, and countless soldiers of the Holy Spirit Tribe perished.

In the formation where the spiritual roots were located, all kinds of power continued to gather, evolving into ten scorching suns hanging high in the sky.

Fiery power continued to spread out, and this formation actually evolved into the fire of chaos, burning in all directions.

No matter how powerful the spiritual roots are, they are nothing in front of this world-destroying fire.

As for mid-air, many formations were shining brightly.

Although this was above the sky, unimaginable gravity burst out directly.

Each Tianyu clan cultivator carries tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of times the gravity.


Time The Tianyu clan, known for its lightness, is not as slow as a snail, but it has been greatly affected.

There are also other clans ambushed in other places, which are also targeted by the formation.

In short, thanks to the fact that Sun Bing had already known the other party's intelligence, he deliberately made corresponding changes when arranging the formation.

If it were an ordinary formation, then these clans would still have a certain hope of escaping.

But at this moment, they are facing a formation that restrains themselves, which has caused the power they can burst out to be reduced by at least 30%.

It may not seem like a big deal, but in such a battle, it is a desperate gap.

Taking this opportunity, the surrounding Wu clan cultivators did not hesitate at all and immediately burst out all their strength.

In an instant, various totems continued to emerge in the vast Yunchuan Valley, and waves of terrifying power swept straight into it.

After the earth-shattering roar, there were bursts of miserable wails.

Looking into the chain formation again, I saw that it was full of corpses.

I don’t know how many Holy Spirit Clan monks’ vitality dissipated and turned into divine gold and iron; I don’t know how many spiritual roots were completely destroyed, leaving only broken spiritual roots; and...

In short, the losses of the several ambushed tribes were quite heavy.

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