Sword Emperor

Chapter 4567: Sacrifice to the Spirit

For a time, the entire void was extremely silent.

Originally, Shen Mie and others thought that the encirclement and suppression of Hou Yi and the remnants of the witch clan would be completely effortless.

Even if the two sides clash, some damage may occur.

But that doesn't hurt either.

After all, an existence that has reached the level of an emperor has already merged with the past, present, and future.

In the endless years, as long as one person knows his name, he can still return.

As for the resources spent, there is no need to worry.

As beings who once annexed the Witch Clan, they knew exactly how strong the other party's background was.

Even if they are just a group of remnants, their wealth is completely beyond imagination.

As long as the Witch Clan can be wiped out, these resources will not only allow the fallen to return, but there will even be a lot of surplus.

However, what they never expected was that the facts before them instantly shattered all their imaginations.

At this moment, the expressions of God Destruction, Dao Yun and even Xian Tu were extremely ugly.

Because this move is not only a slap in their face, but more importantly, this method makes them feel a crisis.

Since the emperor may fall under this method, will the Lord of the Era do the same?

For a moment, the atmosphere in the Zhuxian Sword Formation changed significantly.


Endless anger burst out directly, and then you could hear Shen Mie gritting his teeth and saying:

“The Jiuli clan simply does not have such means, otherwise the Wan clan would have lost long ago.

Even more than a year ago, it had never been heard that the Great Emperor would completely fall.

Presumably this should be the outsider's method, right? Okay, okay, okay, you have completely angered me.

Hou Yi, when I get this method from the outsider, I will definitely destroy your Jiuli clan. "

Regarding this danger, Hou Yi showed no fear on his face, and he even couldn't help but sneered:

"Then we have to wait until you can come out, but don't die here."

By the end of his speech, his face was filled with a smile, and all the haze that had been weighing on his heart had disappeared without a trace.

After hearing these words, one can imagine the anger in the hearts of Shen Mie and others, and then they tried their best to use the power in their bodies to forcefully break out of the formation.

However, at the same moment, the Zhuxian Sword Formation was also sublimated to the extreme. Four kinds of artistic conceptions of Zhuxian, Trapping the Immortal, Absolute Immortal, and Killing the Immortal were raging to destroy the heaven and the earth.

If one's willpower is slightly weaker, one can even see corpses strewn across the vast sea of ​​blood, which is particularly terrifying.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation in such a state can be said to be extremely terrifying, far beyond the ordinary.

human imagination.

But this is also the glory before loneliness.

After all, Sun Bing had only studied the Earth Vein Array for more than a month. Even though he was talented and intelligent, he only had a very superficial understanding.

Although this time it is linked to the Zhuxian Sword Formation, this can only be regarded as an attempt.

There are still many problems that have not been dealt with at all. It is entirely because Sun Bing used his strong strength to suppress them.

Therefore, this also leads to the fact that the duration of the Zhuxian Sword Formation is not very long.

But when it is fully sublimated, the power within it is quite terrifying. Every sword energy is comparable to Sun Bing's full blow.

Although many great emperors in the formation had already made preparations, the bloody sword energy came and the space interlayer was instantly destroyed, and the solid armor also collapsed.

Even Shen Mie's immortal body had a bright red scar after the bloody sword energy streaked across it.

It can be said that at the moment of the confrontation between the two sides, at least a dozen emperors died completely, and hundreds of people suffered injuries that were difficult to heal.

Seeing such a scene with their own eyes, Hou Yi and others felt extremely excited, and even their own morale increased several times.

Seeing that the originally good situation suddenly turned into what it is now, the people who were destroyed by the gods

The look on his face can be imagined.

In desperation, Shen Mie could only be heard sighing, and the hundred-foot-long body instantly rose up, standing on the spot like a mountain.

The bone armor all over his body and even the many bone spurs also changed accordingly.

The most eye-catching thing is that at this moment, there are 129,600 acupuncture points on the surface of Shen Mie's body.

Endless energy and blood flowed through many acupuncture points, and actually formed a layer of blood armor on the surface of the body.

Then, he relied on his huge body to block thousands of sword energies.

As for Xian Tu and Dao Yun on the side, after taking stock of their surroundings, they looked towards Hou Yi coldly:

"The background of the Jiuli clan is truly terrifying. Even if tens of billions of years have passed, we will not look down upon them.

You don’t really think that this is all our power, do you? "

This simple sentence made Hou Yi's face look a little pale, and then he could see the thousands of avenues around Dao Yun competing to shine.

Countless obscure inscriptions gathered from all directions, forming an altar that looked ancient and ancient.

At this moment, Xian Tu was slowly walking towards the altar, and finally stood at the top of the altar.

Immediately, three heaven-reaching spiritual incense appeared in his hand.

The moment he saw the spiritual fragrance, Hou Yi's eyes were filled with cold blood.


Because it was this method pioneered by Wanzu that led to the destruction of the Jiuli clan.

However, no matter how angry Hou Yi was, he could not affect Xian Tu in the slightest. He held the incense in his hand and bowed respectfully in front of him:

"Please also ask the Emperor and Empress Tu to lend a helping hand to me."

Tens of billions of years ago, all races joined forces to sacrifice Tiangong and Tubo, two top sacrificial spirits.

Coupled with Hongmeng's help, it can even contain Emperor Jiuli and most of the high-level forces of the Jiuli clan.

And during these tens of billions of years, they did not stop there.

Instead, the two gods Huang Tian Hou Tu were sacrificed.

Although their strength is currently not comparable to Tiangong Tubo, looking at the entire Buzhou Mountain, they are considered top-notch.

In order to prevent any accidents this time, Shen Mie and others specially brought the Heavenly Spiritual Incense, but they never thought that it would actually be used.

As his words fell, the clouds above the nine heavens surged, and a majestic aura continued to gather.

And on the vast land, extremely heavy power burst out.

In just a moment, you can see facial features appearing in the sky, and a towering figure is also coming from the earth and rocks gathering on the ground.

The deep and thick voice sounded at the same time:

"You are calling me, what's the important thing?"

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