Sword Emperor

Chapter 4600 Good intentions

After seeing this treasure, Xuanwu on the side couldn't help but nodded, and at the same time said with admiration:

"This history book is an innate treasure nurtured by heaven and earth. It records all the history that has happened since the founding of Mount Buzhou.

Moreover, no external force can change the history above. Through this treasure, one can completely know everything about the Duanhun River. "

But after hearing these words, something strange appeared on Sun Bing's face:

"Fellow Taoist, once upon a time the Jiuli clan's three greatest treasures, the Kaitian God Ax was unparalleled in attack, and no one in the world could match it.

The book of the earth not only carries the tunnels and governs the earth's veins, but can also cultivate strong people, which is also extremely rare.

Is it possible that the history books of these years are just recording history? "

The simple words were full of doubts.

After all, such simple and ordinary functions are not qualified to become an innate treasure, nor are they worthy of becoming one of the three great treasures of the Jiuli clan.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Chi You quickly came to his senses, and then immediately explained with a wry smile on his face:

"The history books of these years do indeed have a single function. If that were all, then no one would pick them up even if they were thrown on the roadside.

But what fellow Taoists don't know is that in addition, there is another treasure called Chunqiu Brush, which is also an innate treasure.

The two treasures are matched together. External forces cannot change the history books of the years, but the Spring and Autumn Pen can leave traces on the history books of the years.


With the help of this treasure, history can even be reversed to a certain extent. "

Even the well-informed Sun Bing couldn't help but take a breath after learning the news.

Because these methods are completely comparable to Mingtian, and the enemy can be eradicated from the root by changing history.

But after being amazed, deep doubts emerged in Sun Bing's heart again.

Since they have such a terrifying and powerful treasure, why did the Jiuli clan fall into this situation?

Before the annihilation of the clan, the strong men of the Jiuli clan were able to use this treasure to reverse history and eliminate powerful enemies.

In this way, wouldn't the battle be won?

Chi You seemed to have already anticipated Sun Bing's doubts, so he immediately explained before he could speak:

"Actually, my clan had used this treasure back then, but it was affected by the use of another treasure by the Wan clan.

Even today, all races have thousands of great emperors located in the long river of time, monitoring everything.

If the history books of the years are forcibly activated, then these great emperors will notice it in an instant and call on countless powerful people.

Once tens of thousands of great emperors come to the long river of time, even if the history books of the years can reverse history, they can still correct history with their joint efforts. "

Although Chi You spoke very calmly, Sun Bing could definitely feel aggrieved and helpless from it.

Because no matter how powerful the history book is, it is just an innate treasure, and the power it can explode has its limit.

If this treasure changes history by using clever power, then all races can defeat it by force.

A strong man in the realm of the Great Emperor has merged the past, present, and future bodies.

No matter how much past history is changed, it will have little impact on the emperor.

Thousands of great emperors were dispatched just to observe history in the long river of time. This alone can show the power of the history books.

Chi You didn't want to mention such sad past events again. After sighing helplessly, he could see the power in his body constantly pouring into the history books.

With a burst of thunder, this huge history book was slowly opened.

Vaguely, Sun Bing seemed to witness the opening up of Buzhou Mountain, and he couldn't help but be immersed in it.

Even taking this opportunity, his understanding of the book that created the world has improved a lot.

In the following time, as the history books turned over the years, the history of Buzhou Mountain gradually emerged in front of Sun Bing's eyes.

When it was first opened, countless innate beasts were born. Among them, Sun Bing saw the figures of Xuanwu and Snow Phoenix.

Every innate beast is very powerful, and it is an emperor-level existence when it is just born.

After a long time, the innate beasts have been cultivated to the extreme

, almost all of them were emperors, and the battle broke out.

This battle was earth-shattering. In the end, most of the innate beasts perished, leaving only Xuanwu and others.

But although these mythical beasts are still alive, they rarely show up because of the great battle.

As for the following time, all races gradually emerged, and for a long time, all races attacked each other.

At this moment, the Jiuli clan can be regarded as one of the ten thousand clans.

Continuously flipping through the history books over the years, Sun Bing had no idea how much time had passed. Sun Bing could only see that the Jiuli clan had gone through countless hardships and obstacles and defeated powerful enemies one after another.

Finally, we finally reached the top of Buzhou Mountain and dominated most of Buzhou Mountain.

Even as an outsider, Sun Bing had to admit that the history of the Jiuli clan was an epic legend that was unimaginable to ordinary people.

Of course, because the human race gave birth to Sun Bing, they are completely comparable to him.

In just a few moments, under the flipping of history books, I don’t know how many years have passed.

The history books of the years also directly reveal the scene where the Duanhun River is now 80 billion years ago.

I saw that this place was a very clear river, full of life, and many spiritual beasts passed by from time to time, and it had nothing to do with the word "dead soul" at all.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Chi You is,

But he also knew that something was quite wrong.

But he still forcibly suppressed his emotions, the power in his body continued to circulate, and the history book of the years turned a page again.

A simple page spanned tens of billions of years. Looking towards the same place again, I saw that the originally clear river had become extremely dark, surrounded by a layer of fog, and there were resentful souls from time to time. Flying.

Seeing this situation, Snow Phoenix said excitedly:

"This is it. This is the Soul-Dead River. I have even been here personally, but I just didn't go deep into it."

After hearing this, Sun Bing, Chi You and even Xuanwu looked at each other, and their expressions immediately became gloomy.

Obviously, the Duanhun River has changed in these tens of billions of years.

Now that there are clues, it will be much easier to get to the bottom of it.

Immediately afterwards, Chi You carefully controlled the history books and checked them every million years.

After a period of hard work, the exact time was finally determined.

If calculated according to the Buzhou Mountain Calendar, this day should be the 77777th year of the 7th Huiyuan of the Buzhou Calendar, the 15th day of the seventh lunar month.

This day is cloudy, the hours are cloudy, the sun is cloudy, the moon is cloudy, the year is cloudy, etc. It is extremely cold.

It can be said that the mastermind behind the scenes had good intentions for this day.

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