Sword Emperor

Chapter 4656 Return the favor

Moreover, the evil body at this moment is very cautious, and it is no longer like before, just activating a formation to kill Sun Bing.

In an instant, you can see the following eighteen levels of hell, including the Iron Tree Hell, the Evil Mirror Hell, and the Steamer Hell, all unfolding before your eyes.

Infinite power is constantly circulating, and the entire underworld seems to be in turmoil, with all kinds of Taoist rhythms gathering together.

Afterwards, an iron tree reaching into the sky and the earth rose up from the ground. Just like the golden dragon scissors before, this was also an innate treasure.

And this was just the beginning. After the iron tree emerged, the light flickered, and a bright mirror gradually emerged.

In the following time, various phantoms such as steamers, copper pillars, mountains of swords, seas of fire, etc. descended one after another.

Each of these phantoms has corresponding innate treasures, and their true power is unimaginable.

Nowadays, even the phantom manifested by Netherland with the help of formations also contains quite terrifying power.

It would be fine if you just face a single phantom of the treasure, but every epoch lord has his own methods.

Even if there is no corresponding innate treasure, with his own strength, he can still fight against such phantoms.

But the key to the problem is that it can be discovered when the evil body completely breaks out of this formation.

Those seemingly unrelated treasure shadows are actually faintly visible to each other.

There is an inexplicable connection between them.

There may still be some flaws in the previous treasure phantom, but they can be improved and made up for in the latter treasure phantom.

The entire formation is interconnected and almost perfect to the extreme.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, even Sun Bing's pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly, and at the same time he was secretly grateful in his heart:

"This is also thanks to the fact that the evil body has eyes and cannot recognize gold and jade. If all the formations are fully displayed at the same time, it will be really troublesome.

But the first two formations were displayed in front of me first, so that there are loopholes in the current formation. It is really a joke. "

After sneering, the movements in his hands couldn't help but speed up, and his majestic mental power continued to circulate.

One after another obscure inscriptions appear in the void. If there are monks who are proficient in formations here, they will be very surprised to find them.

These inscriptions turned out to be the hub between the formations.

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the arts, but the most helpless thing is that the evil body knows nothing about all this.

Even seeing Sun Bing's actions, the smile on his face became more and more obvious, and then he couldn't help but said wildly:

"Then I will send you on your last journey!"

The moment the words fell, the entire formation became turbulent, endless power burst out, and even the air was filled with

Suffocating depression.

At this moment, the expressions of Xue Huang and Shan Shen changed in shock.

Especially the good body, even though only one-eighteenth of it has been saved now, it still has not flinched at all.

I saw him taking one step in front of him, and he was already blocking Sun Bing, and at the same time he kept urging:

"Fellow Taoist, if I can still hold on for a while despite my best efforts, please run away quickly."

Suddenly hearing these words, Sun Bing's eyebrows were filled with surprise, but then he shook his head directly:

"Need not!"

Unexpectedly, these two simple words made Shan Shen's face full of anxiety, and he couldn't help but urge again:

"Fellow Taoist, I know that you are quite powerful, but this formation was created by the topography of the underworld plus the heaven and earth.

Each level of hell has a corresponding innate treasure, and its true power far exceeds imagination.

You alone cannot be his opponent, so think twice before you act! "

But the evil body not far away also heard these words, and then immediately spoke directly with a ferocious face:

"You still want to run away at this moment? You're talking nonsense!"

After the words fell, the entire formation changed accordingly, and endless power was about to come in the next moment.

However, at this moment, the entire time and space became extremely silent.

For a time, Snow Phoenix even became a good person.

The whole body's face was full of doubts, and he glanced around in disbelief.

I saw that the formation was still flowing, and the terrifying pressure could still be felt even though they were far apart.

But why didn't the attack that was supposed to come happen?

In fact, it is not just Snow Phoenix and the good body who are very doubtful, even the evil body himself is quite doubtful about life:

"What's going on? Why doesn't the formation obey my orders?"

As he spoke, he once again used the power in his body to activate the formation according to the corresponding method.

The void was extremely silent at this moment, but no matter how much the evil body used its power, the formation seemed to have not heard any orders and still stayed in place quietly.

Time gradually passed, and Snow Phoenix and the good body also set their sights on the evil body.

Although they didn't say any words, just this very ordinary look made the evil body feel an inexplicable pressure.

Immediately, he used all his power very eagerly, almost going crazy, and kept roaring:

"What on earth is going on? Why on earth?"

Just when he was extremely anxious, a burst of laughter seemed particularly harsh in this silent time and space.

The evil body immediately turned his head. When he saw that it was Sun Bing, his heart suddenly suddenly jumped, and then his face turned ugly.

To the extreme:

"Is it you?"


Sun Bing nodded slowly, and then spoke calmly:

"If you activated the complete formation at the beginning, or just relied on the underworld to attack me, it would be a bit troublesome.

But you gave up your biggest advantage. As for this formation, hahaha..."

The moment the words fell, Sun Bing raised his eyebrows, and the formation that had not moved just now immediately changed.

Then you can see that the iron tree shadow went straight to suppress the evil body, and the monstrous power burst out, not as calm as before.

This situation made the evil body's face change, and then unimaginable anger immediately burst out in his heart, and he kept roaring:

"What method did you use, why is it like this?"

You must know that this formation was arranged by him with great effort, and he never thought that it would be used by Sun Bing to deal with him now.

Hearing this, Sun Bing's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sarcastic sneer:

"Isn't my performance obvious enough? You actually want to use formations to deal with me, showing off your skills in front of an expert!"

The moment the words fell, not only the iron tree, the evil mirror, the steamer and many other phantoms descended at the same time.

Although they were all completely different treasures, they now cooperated very well, directly blocking all the retreat routes of the evil body.

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