Sword Emperor

Chapter 4659 Method

In fact, the evil body's strength is considered to be quite top-notch if you look at the Eternal Era and even Mount Buzhou.

If there is no preparation in advance, the three or two epoch masters will not be able to break through the underworld.

In addition, because it was contaminated by the power of chaos, its body was also very powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of strength can completely dominate the world.

Not only is the strength quite powerful, but the potential of the evil body is also extraordinary. Every time he commits more evil deeds, his own strength will also increase a little.

If the time is long enough, it is simply unimaginable to what extent the evil body can reach.

However, what is quite helpless is that the evil body's luck is really very bad.

Once separated, he was under the soul-breaking river, and coupled with the restraints of his good body, there was no way to leave.

For tens of billions of years, it made no progress at all.

The Duanhun River was finally destroyed by Sun Bing and others, but they happened to encounter Sun Bing, the absolute nemesis.

Whether it is the formations he masters, his own will, or the treasure in his hands, all means to perfectly restrain the evil body.

I have to say that the evil body is indeed extremely miserable.

At this moment, looking at the evil body under the chaotic green lotus, Sun Bing frowned.

Because the endless clear light sheds from the chaotic green lotus, it is even constantly purifying the chaotic and twisted body of evil.

the power of.

Over a long period of time, with this treasure, it can even be completely purified.

But if it is completely purified, then the good body will also disappear, which is really a headache.

After thinking for a long time, Sun Bing could only shake his head helplessly:

"That's all, that's all. Let's suppress you in my inner universe for the time being. I'll deal with you later when I find a suitable method."

After the words fell, you can see him wave his big hand and directly put the evil body into the inner universe.

On the other side, the vast universe suddenly began to change in Sun Bing's thoughts.

Stars moved here one after another from outside the endless space. At first it was just a series of nine stars, then twelve Yuan Chen, thirty-six Tiangang, seventy-two Earthly Evils and so on.

Each star is arranged according to its own unique position, and many obscure rules link all the stars.

In just a moment, you can see thousands of stars condensed into a star field, and the complete Zhoutian Star Sword Fighting Formation is completely formed.

As for the space at the center of the formation, it continued to twist, and then the evil body appeared directly.

Realizing that he had arrived in a completely unfamiliar environment, the evil body's face was full of vigilance.

However, when he saw no one, especially when he was still in the formation, his face was filled with endless anger.

Immediately, the vast power in his body completely exploded

The chaotic and twisted power continued to sweep towards the surroundings.


The earth-shattering sound resounded in all directions, and the barrier composed of starlight was shattered in an instant.

But before the evil body could escape, endless starlight surged, and the previously broken barrier healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the Zhoutian Star Sword Fighting Formation. As long as the stars are immortal, the formation will form its own system, endless and never ending.

Even if there is no spiritual energy, it will not be affected in any way, because the entire formation is completely maintained by starlight.

After doing all this, Sun Bing's eyes fell on Shan Shen and Xue Huang in front of him:

"Please rest assured, fellow Taoists, that evil body has been suppressed by me. Unless I die, there is no way for him to escape."

After hearing these words, both Shan Shen and Xue Huang's eyebrows showed a hint of joy.

Without the suppression of the evil body, the underworld finally returned to the control of the good body.

I saw the good body rising into the air at this moment, and the body built with power dissipated instantly, leaving only a head still suspended in the air.

But this is just the beginning, because the entire underworld is constantly shaking.

Then the seal of the second level of hell was directly opened, and his body immediately flew from a distance.

In the following time, left front leg, right front leg, left rear leg, right back, heart, liver, spleen, lung and so on.

Each time a layer of seal is lifted, a corresponding body part or organ will come.

After a short moment, all the seals on the Listening Shan body were lifted, and the complete body appeared in everyone's sight.

Completely different from the previous evil body, the good body looks white and exudes a holy aura.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Sun Bing's face was filled with a satisfied smile, and the Snow Phoenix couldn't help but cheer:

"Fellow Taoist, you are finally back."

A simple sentence, but it contains extremely sincere feelings.

After regaining his freedom, Listening's Shanshen was also very excited. His eyes immediately fell on Xue Huang, and then he said with the same emotion:

"It's nice to see you again."

There is no word "thank you" in the whole sentence, but everything is self-evident, or in other words, based on the friendship between them, there is no need to say the word "thank you" at all.

After the two signaled each other, Di Ting looked at Sun Bing again, her face immediately filled with gratitude, and she even gave a big salute:

"Thank you so much for saving your life today, fellow Taoist. If you have any help in the future, I will definitely help you."

Having said this, Di Ting suddenly noticed the cold environment around her, and an embarrassed smile immediately appeared on her face:

"I hope you will forgive me. This is not a place for entertaining guests. Why don't you go ahead and have a cup of fragrant tea?"

The moment the words fell, Di Ting suddenly waved his hand in front of him, and the whole underworld began to shake.

But at this moment, a gloomy and terrifying force suddenly erupted.

Caught off guard, even Di Ting suffered a lot of damage.

This change made everyone present look shocked, especially Xue Huang, who couldn't help but exclaimed:

"What on earth is going on?"

After a long silence, Di Ting said with an ugly face:

"Although I can still control the underworld now, the Tao in it conflicts with me.

It was a backlash of the underworld before, and it was not an accident."

After hearing these words, everyone present frowned immediately.

After all, the underworld is the netherworld, and death is the mainstream. The original two bodies of good and evil are one, which can perfectly control the underworld.

But now that the evil body has been suppressed, the remaining good body is indeed in conflict with the underworld.

This is really helpless.

Are we going to leave this treasure here and not care about it?

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally Xue Huang and Di Ting sighed at the same time.

All these problems were due to his split body.

Just when Di Ting was extremely entangled, Chi You, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke:

"In fact, there is a way to merge the two bodies of good and evil into one again."

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