Sword Emperor

Chapter 4690 Chisel Teeth

After Chi You's explanation, Fei Lian had a general understanding of the current situation of Buzhou Mountain.

After learning this news, Fei Lian's face was filled with endless anger, and he couldn't help but say angrily:

"They are really a group of beasts who have forgotten their ancestors. If they were just fighting with my clan, it could still be considered a civil war.

No matter who wins or loses in the end, Buzhou Mountain is in the hands of our own people.

But I never thought that they would let the wolf into the house. They are really ungrateful and deserve to die."

At the end, Fei Lian's eyes were filled with cold light.

After all, whether it is the Wu clan or the Jiuli clan, they regard Buzhou Mountain as their mother and respect it very much.

So the action of letting the wolf into the house by the Ten Thousand Clans not only makes them despise it, but also makes them angry.

But Fei Lian is at least a strong man at the level of the Lord of the Era, so after a brief anger, his face immediately returned to calm.

Then he came directly to Sun Bing and Di Ting, bowed deeply:

"Thank you for your help, I will remember your life-saving grace in my heart, and I will repay you in the future."

"We are allies, there is no need to do this."

In response, Sun Bing waved his hand very calmly, and then slowly said:

"Daoyou just returned, and now he is in a weak state. You should recuperate as soon as possible. After all, our current situation is quite dangerous."

Hearing this, Fei Lian's face changed instantly, and then nodded:

"In this case, then I will trouble you two Taoists to take care of it next."

After speaking, he did not hesitate at all. After receiving some resources from Chi You, he immediately went to a remote place to recuperate.

As for Sun Bing at this moment, he looked at Chi You and continued:

"Let's call the second person next."

Chi You also knew that time was urgent. After taking a deep breath, he took out a broken spear:

"General Zaochi, please come back!"

Then, he waved his hand and threw the spear towards the phantom of reincarnation in front of him.

Then, endless power burst out from the spear, and many obscure innate spiritual lights emerged from it.

The spear that seemed ordinary just now actually demonstrated the power of the innate treasure.

And along with the call of the spear, plus the power burst out of the reincarnation mirror.

Just like before, the phantom of the long river of time appeared instantly, thousands of light points continued to gather, and at the same time, there was a terrifying pressure coming directly.

Because of Fei Lian's previous demonstration, Chi You even felt familiar with it at this moment.

The moment he saw this scene, he immediately sent many precious natural treasures to resist the backlash of the long river of time.

Many Dao rhymes competed to shine, and then the figure in the shadow of the long river of time walked out slowly.

Although the whole process was full of twists and turns, with the help of Di Ting and Sun Bing, especially Chi You also presented many precious natural treasures.

So it can be said that there was no danger at all.

Not long after, a huge figure appeared in front of the three people.

When it descended, a violent momentum continued to spread around, and at the same time, there was a roar that resounded in all directions:

"If you want to destroy my clan, you have to step over my body."

The moment the words fell, the broken spear burst out with amazing power. Although it was not as powerful as the spear of the underworld god, it was equally terrifying.

Wherever the spear passed, the space was distorted and the years were broken, a scene of destruction.

Fortunately, Chi You's reaction speed was quite fast. At such a critical moment, one arm held the long plastic and blocked the attack of the spear.

The other hand held the shield tightly to suppress the aftermath around.

As for the remaining hands, they showed various powers to obstruct the opponent's actions, and kept persuading:

"Zao Chi, wake up quickly, the battle is over now, wake up quickly."

But at this moment, Zao Chi seemed to be in a frenzy. Even though Chi You had reminded him again and again, his eyes were still red.

Chi You was helpless in this situation.

After all, this was his clansman and comrade-in-arms, so it was impossible for him to really fight with his sword.

So he could only resist Zao Chi's attack on one side and restrict the opponent's actions on the other side.

Seeing this, Sun Bing frowned slightly, and then all the holy ways in his body rose into the air.

"A lotus in the eternal blue sky"

Many holy ways competed to shine, and the vast and obscure blue lotus fell directly from the sky, bursting with unimaginable divine power.

Even the true Lord of the Era could hardly escape the suppression of the Chaos Green Lotus, not to mention that Zaochi had just resurrected and had limited strength.

After barely holding on for a moment, Zaochi finally stopped his actions.

Taking this opportunity, Sun Bing shouted softly:

"If you don't wake up now, when will you wake up?"

This simple sentence was like a loud bell, echoing directly in Zaochi's mind.

Zaochi, whose eyes were originally full of blood, gradually regained his composure under the impact of these words.

He looked around blankly, and after seeing the surrounding scenes, he instantly realized his actions.

Immediately, Zaochi could be seen bowing to everyone with a guilty face:

"I hope you fellow Taoists will not blame me. I was trapped in the devil before."

After hearing this, Sun Bing and Di Ting just sighed, but didn't blame anything.

Because through this detail, we can see how tragic the battle was.

Even such an epoch master could only fall under the siege of countless powerful enemies, which was really tragic.

Then Chi You immediately stepped forward, just like before, and told the other party about the current situation of Buzhou Mountain, and then let him stay beside Fei Lian to recover.

Then he summoned the rest of the strong men back with Sun Bing and others.

Time passed gradually, and half a month had passed in the blink of an eye.

The island, which originally only had Sun Bing, Chi You and Di Ting, now had more than a dozen completely unfamiliar auras.

Each of these auras was very powerful, and they were strong men who had truly reached the level of epoch masters.

After summoning another strong man, Sun Bing and Di Ting began to prepare for the next summoning very skillfully.

After all, they had experienced more than a dozen times in these days, and they were very familiar with all of this.

However, Chi You, the key person, suddenly stopped his actions.

Seeing this, the two of them were full of confusion and immediately asked:

"What is going on? It is impossible that only these people died in the Jiuli tribe?"

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