Sword Emperor

Chapter 470 Dispute Begins

At this moment, the remaining people were getting closer and closer to Sun Yanran and her daughter. Suddenly, they could see that Sun Bing's originally tightly frowned brows slowly relaxed, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Three flying swords suddenly shot out from the sword box behind him, and the sound of swords could be heard in the air, accompanied by the three kinds of light of the sun, moon and stars, even if they were not displayed yet, but like this The vision has frightened countless people.

It can be said that everyone who can come here has a certain understanding of Sun Bing's strength, especially when he was repeatedly told before coming here to be careful with the sword formation, so after seeing such a movement, it can be said that there is nothing He hesitated and retreated towards the back, his eyes filled with deep vigilance.

After all, those who had previously despised Sun Bing could be said to have completely fallen. Naturally, they also needed to be quite cautious. But the next moment, something seemed to have happened. Sun Bing's target this time was not them at all. .

"Three Cai Wave Sword Formation"

The sword array displayed in the void has been used for so many times, and it can be said that there has been a significant improvement in power. The terrifying power emanating from it can't help but feel strong in the hearts of many monks. Deep horror.

However, at this moment, the sword formation was not used to kill the enemy. Everyone could only see three streams of light flashing past and landing on the ground in the shape of a star. Sun Yanran and Sun Zhentian were completely wrapped in the sword formation.

After arriving on the ground, we could clearly see many terrifying inscriptions displayed in the void.

Faintly, it directly intersects with the world. Energy symbols are everywhere, and spiritual energy gathers. It can be said to be quite difficult to break through.

At this moment, Sun Bing couldn't help but slowly raised his head, looking at the figures in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a sneer appeared: "Now that the matter has been resolved, the next goal is to deal with you."

Although it is said that violence can completely break through the Sancai Dialang Sword Formation, there is no doubt that it will take a long time. Unless there is a formation master who is on par with Sun Bing among the crowd, otherwise, relying on brute force alone, Can hold on for at least a quarter of an hour.

Immediately, you can see that the expressions of these people suddenly changed drastically, and their brows simply wrinkled. They really never expected that Sun Bing actually had such a trump card.

After all, this is completely inconsistent with the previous intelligence. Such a sword array can not only be used for attack, but also for defense. It can be said that the integration of offense and defense is definitely a nightmare for countless people.

However, we have already reached this moment. Even if we feel helpless in our hearts, we cannot easily back down. Even if we can see a stern expression on the leader's face, he then directly says: "The five people started to break the formation. As for the rest of the people, come over and hold the person in front of you."

It's just that at this moment, Sun Bing is not as fearless as before. After all, there is no need to worry about the safety of Sun Yanran and Sun Zhentian, and he can start fighting without any restraint.

The pure Jun sword in his hand is a heavenly weapon, and his whole strength has even undergone a transformation.

Even the Shadow Sword can kill those in the late stages of Mortal Transformation, not to mention that their combat effectiveness at this moment is even better.

Even if he could see the sharp sword in Sun Bing's hand, with just a slight shake, a terrifying sword energy formed in an instant. This state was enough to fill anyone's heart with deep fear.

After all, the power of this sword energy is not only huge, but it also contains terrifying edge, especially with the 70% sword intent that is enough to cut off everything. It can even be said that others can clearly feel every move. The slightest amount of pressure.

The person who feels it most clearly at this moment is Sun Bing's opponent at this moment. The pressure he faces is even several times more than before. Every sword energy must be faced by several people together before he can reluctantly accept it.

He even couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "How come this person has comprehended 70% of the sword's intention? If he had known that it was so terrifying, he would never have had the slightest desire to come."

It's just that even those people before were quite helpless. Even if they could find out that Sun Bing had understood the sword's intention, it was quite difficult to judge how much he had understood. After all, they were not swordsmen.

At this moment, everyone, even with so many monks together, can still feel the strong pressure, and even their hands and feet can't help but feel numb. Fortunately, they have accepted other people's opinions before and cannot be alone. He must fight against Sun Bing, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The few remaining people on the other side were all surrounding the Sancai Dialang Sword Formation, without even a trace of fear.

Hesitantly, he used his biggest move, bombarding the sword array all the time.

But you must know that the sword array that is usually suspended in mid-air can only stir up the countless spiritual energy of the world around it. Although the power is good, it is far from terrifying. The only advantage is that it is quite flexible.

And Jian Jue's sword formations are all arranged on the ground, and at the same time they can be connected to the earth veins. It can even be said that the power of them has increased several times directly because of this.

At this moment, along with their attack, layers of light could be seen emerging in the air, eventually covering themselves completely, but they could not break even a single bit.

Suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed in Sun Bing's eyes, and the sharp sword in his hand turned slightly, and then in the next moment he took a step forward, shrunk to an inch, it could be said that it had penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and he had subconsciously used it Out.

Suddenly, you can find that Sun Bing has arrived in front of a person, and then without any hesitation, the pure Jun sword in his hand slashes down heavily, which is filled with the majestic true energy and thick sword energy in Sun Bing's body. It condensed directly on the blade, and it can be said that it is getting bigger and bigger as time goes by.

With the sword intent reaching 70%, it can be said that it can completely clear all the difficulties encountered in front of him. At this moment, Sun Bing's opponent's eyes could not help but flash with a trace of fear, even if he wanted to resist.

At the same time, the rest of the people couldn't help but hurry up and start rescue. After all, unity leads to benefit, division leads to death. If one of them dies, then the final outcome will be

The final result was a complete failure of such a battle, which was a scene that was absolutely unacceptable to everyone.

But no matter how complicated the hearts of the others were, Sun Bing's movements were too fast. After the sword energy flashed through, he completely cut the enemy in front of him into two pieces, and left a deep mark on the ground. The sword marks are full of sharp sword edges.

Unexpectedly, in this short moment, a person has already died. This scene can be said to have filled the hearts of countless people with a sense of urgency, and they couldn't help but roar: "You guys break the formation quickly, if you still can't succeed. , we will all die here.”

But the other people who heard such words felt quite helpless in their hearts. After such a long period of hard work, they could finally find that the light shield of the Sancai Dialang Sword Formation had finally changed, so they slowly spoke: " Right now, right now, you’re holding on for a while.”

It's just that Sun Bing will not give them enough time at this moment. There is a trace of sneer on the corner of his mouth, and a strong edge flashes in his eyes. The sword edge changes, and his whole style is different from before. He is still horizontal. Split over.

"Ninefold Strangulation"

It can be said that bursts of strong wind suddenly appeared in the originally quiet and peaceful mountain forest, and even the trees couldn't help but be overwhelmed by it. You must know that this is just the aftermath of this move.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was able to notice the sharpness displayed in it. It could even be said that there were thirty-six dense strangles interlocking with each other. Even if they had reached the realm of transformation, they were still unable to do anything.

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