Sword Emperor

Chapter 4729 Revelation

Such a huge momentum could not only be seen by the people living around the Buzhou Mountain Peak.

Even if you are in the East China Sea, which is a billions of trillions of space away, you can still see such a scene.

Looking at Buzhou Peak, which was almost completely enveloped in all kinds of Taoist rhymes and even thunder, Chi You and others frowned, and their pupils were filled with worry:

"What exactly are Wanzu preparing for?"

Although I have never witnessed it with my own eyes, this huge momentum was obviously caused by Wanzu.

Thinking of this, Chi You and others felt a strong sense of urgency in their hearts.

Immediately, a group of strong men from the Jiuli clan looked at each other and almost unanimously said:

"Now that all races have taken the lead, we can no longer sit back and wait for death.

If they make a move, we will take the move. "

The moment the words fell, a group of strong men quickly rose into the air and galloped straight towards the main peak of Buzhou Mountain.

In such a critical situation, no one dares to hold back at all. One step can cross layers of space.

And just when almost the entire Jiuli clan was dispatched, a new change finally appeared at the Buzhou Mountain Peak.

Such a huge gathering of luck seemed to have finally awakened the deepest will of Buzhou Mountain.

For a moment, the God Lord and others in Buzhou Peak could only feel

A terrifying pressure came instantly.

It's just that although this pressure is very strong and makes people unable to breathe, it is full of warmth and can make people relax unconsciously, as if they have returned to their mother's arms.

As beings born from birth, most of them have no father or mother. The meaning of this feeling is naturally self-evident.

After thinking about this situation, the faces of many clan leaders present, including Taoist masters, divine masters and others, were full of excitement.

Then they bowed more solemnly and prayed to God.

You can only feel the vast power gradually sweeping over everyone, and finally completely swallowing up the nine sacrifices on the altar.

The next moment, this terrifying pressure disappeared without a trace.

Such an incident made many clan leaders present look at each other in confusion. Could it be that after offering nine such precious sacrifices, and the clan leaders of all clans joining forces to offer sacrifices to heaven, the final result was like this?

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then the expressions of the Divine Master, Taoist Master and even the Immortal Master had some changes.

But at this moment, a dazzling stream of light descended from the sky and landed directly on the altar.

All kinds of rays of light were seen gathering together, gradually condensing into the shape of a spear.

Although this is just a shadow now, everyone present can

It's enough to feel that a strong murderous intention is coming towards you.

Seeing this situation, many clan leaders who were originally confused and surprised, after a short period of astonishment, their faces were full of joy.

As for the most grumpy God Lord, his expression changed almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then he nodded repeatedly:

"Okay, okay, okay, is this the ultimate treasure given to us by God? Then I wonder where this treasure is now?"

It seemed that after hearing the words of the God Lord, he could see the original bright and dazzling light pillar disappearing directly.

Finally, a large cursor formed and appeared above the altar, and the direction it pointed was clearly due west.

As long as one becomes the leader of a clan and is so powerful, there is no such thing as a stupid person.

So after seeing such a scene, everyone's face was filled with joy.

Immediately, you can hear the Immortal Lord speak directly:

"Now Buzhou Mountain has given us enlightenment, let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, the Taoist master, the divine master and even the immortal master took the lead and immediately took action in the direction indicated by the cursor.

And behind them, many clan leaders from all races subconsciously wanted to follow them.

However, at the last moment, many clan leaders regained consciousness in time, and then their expressions became uncertain.

At this moment, on the one hand, they want to follow the cursor and see

What kind of treasure was given by the will of Buzhou Mountain?

On the other hand, they are worried about the defense of their own tribe and even the station.

After all, as the heads of a clan, it is already quite difficult for them to take time out of their busy schedules to come and worship the gods.

And if you continue to search for that treasure, the direct result will be that the group's defense will be empty.

In particular, many people also shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding the remnants of the Jiuli clan.

If we continue to delay at this moment, the consequences will be disastrous.

What's more, in addition to these problems, they also have countless other things, big and small, which are really confusing.

However, as strong men who stand at the top of the world, they are eager to know what kind of treasure it is and are more aware of their responsibilities.

So after hesitating for a moment, 80% of the monks turned around and left, while the remaining 20% ​​of the monks continued to follow the Lord God and others.

At the same time, Sun Bing and others happened to arrive at the east coast from the deepest part of the East China Sea.

Chi You, who was galloping, suddenly stopped his movements. After seeing this situation, everyone looked at him in unison.

At this moment, Chi You's face was gloomy, and he sat cross-legged on the spot, with the aura on his body constantly surging.

Seeing the other party's appearance, the other Jiuli clan monks at the scene couldn't help but look at him.

His expression changed, and then he immediately instilled the power in his body into Chi You.

Seeing this, Sun Bing's brows slightly wrinkled, and his pupils were full of doubts.

At this moment, Fei Lian did not infuse his own power into Chi You's body like other cultivators, but was alert to the surrounding environment.

Seeing the doubt on Sun Bing's face, Fei Lian immediately explained:

"Daoyou, you don't know that Jiuli God has a secret method that can cross endless time and space to contact the strong above the ancestor witch.

And the farther the distance between each other, the more power is needed.

Since the end of the war 10 billion years ago, Jiuli God still contacted his tribesmen at first.

But with the passage of time, the number of contacts has become less and less. After 1 billion years, there has been no contact for a full 9 billion years.

Now Jiuli God has suddenly used this secret method. Obviously something important has happened."

After hearing these words, Sun Bing's face also changed.

You must know that in order to save them before, Jiuli God had cut off one of his arms, and now the situation can be said to be difficult.

Even so, the other side still spent a lot of money to pass the message out.

Obviously, this message is very important and may even directly affect the situation on the entire battlefield.

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